Ask me anything, I’m on the left

Ask me anything, I’m on the left

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what sex positions does she like that lets u get deep? my girl likes doggy

That's absolutely fucking disgusting.

feels better than your hand does, i bet.

Don't judge them bro

>I'm on the left
How can you tell?

Why the fuck is SCP-610 posting its own thread?

>asking people not to judge others on Yea Forums

As long as a woman does not have any STS any woman is better than your own hand.

Somehow I doubt that.
My hand doesn't need to lose the equivalent weight of a whole person.


ok. enjoy being alone.

Do you share her?

If I stuck a wick in your navel, would your fat provide enough fuel to light the temple for eight days?

Why are you so fat?

Why not kill yourselves?

because cuddling feels great, fat or otherwise

sorry to make this about myself but i’m not fat, not skinny. kind of like kevin smith after the weight loss. anyway, I can only pull fat girls. hotter girls take more work but i’m usually broke by the time I get to fuck them. Fat girls are way easier for me but lately i’ve realized that I cant stay hard or even cum anymore. Ive choked a bitch unconscious, slapped some titties around. ive even had a girl want me to piss on her face but my rocket somehow fails to launch. I know I dont have e.d. because the other day I saved some cash and got myself a little escort who was cute as fuck. I fucked the life out of that girl. She even gave me a discount on a second nut. What should I do? Here is a photo of the last nut gobbler I choked out. Ask for details.

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shit its in latvian seksuāli transmisīva slimība (sexual transmissive disease)

Lmao, just stfu and go back to your anime. You're unwanted here.

Does she let you bust a nut inside her?

post nudes of you both

Are you an ogre

Who's the girl?

Why don’t you lose some fucking weight? That shit is gross and you could get a better looking girl.