Gosh user your such a loser

gosh user your such a loser

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i wanna fuck her in the vagina while she calls me a loser

suck a nigga dick or sum

why it's so hot when girls calls you a loser >_

only a loser would call someone a loser

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shut up loser

Who hurt you?

ha your a loser now
go back there

Go back where?

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die retard


Whoa there mate
That's rude

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die retard

well I can see why you would say that, but honestly I have a right future ahead of me and when you think about it I'm doing better than alot of other people
I do still appreciate your boldness Illya
thanks for inviting me here

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ugh .. so rude to cal me a loser ?your a bgger losr?

Are you going misaki-chan mode on me? anyway no thanks im not a pedo wait like 10 years and then you'll have lots of neets of your age to help

illya is a qt

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she is so kawaii

did this kawaii anime spill gola or is she DUM

she was just thinking of me ^_^

I slept well last night

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Bumping this gem

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

you're a dick