What do you think Yea Forumsros, did he actually commit suicide? Is there any evidence he didn't? Why would, or wouldnt, he do it?
What do you think Yea Forumsros, did he actually commit suicide? Is there any evidence he didn't? Why would, or wouldnt...
Trump had him murdered so that the original Ivanka would never be found.
There was no way he was getting away again and he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison.
My bet is that he killed himself, but either he (via a proxy) or some associates who he might have incriminated paid the guards off to make sure his suicide attempt was successful.
He could've been pressured to kill himself, also, but I don't think he was "murdered" in the sense that someone else killed him. It's not like he had much left to live for.
OP here,
Those are some good points. But there being no guards and his cellmate being transfered with the notion of the camera's not working makes this just a bit curious.
My guess is that someone made sure there was noone around and they made it setup to look like a suicide. He knew way too much, so getting rid of him was essential. Otherwise he could be talking, and if he where to name some names, shit would hit the fan.
Both options are plausible, but considering he had nothing to lose, why would he kill himself, instead of taking the rest down with him in exchange for some milder outcome (if that was even remotely possible, which i dont know it is).
He was murdered in cold blood by the Clinton's
Well...murder isn't called murder in this situation.
We jokingly call it assisted suicide. The number of breaks suggest...a bit of apprehension on Epstein's part.
Trump probably asked the Clinton's to have him killed. We all know that all the higher ups are friends with each other and serve the same master.
they got to him and turned him into a trap and i don't give a sheit, it's a niggerplanet after all
they're probably having him do neat party tricks right now
Actually think they used a dead double for this guy? Why? And how would they have done that?
Cite evidence for this claim. Trump and Epstein were indicted as co-rapists of underage children. It makes far more sense for Trump to have killed him.
He's not dead. A man like that would have an insurance policy that if he ever went down, everyone else would go down with him. His "death", whoever was responsible, saved donnie, bill and I'm guessing a whole lot of CEOs, politicians, celebrities and royals from jail.
He was swapped the day before and the decoy was killed. He’s enjoying life on an island with his Multi-billionaire friends.
I think that he did commit suicide and that if there is a scandal about this it’s that he was allowed to do so when it was clear that he was a suicide risk. I wouldn’t necessarily assume that malice was involved when incompetence seems so rife within the US prison service.
You lost the argument, stupid.
What kind of blackmailer doesn't release his files in the event of his untimely death?
He's alive and well on Clare Bronfman's island in Fiji.
And why is that?
Bad skin. christ. What terrible fucking skin. I hate old people
Fuck off retard. Everyone knows bills 26 flights while ditching the body guards would be a disaster in court.
Honestly though, id have fucked Ivanka then too. She was a little hottie.
occam's razor
dude was a billionare with an island, jets, many houses, diddlin' kids whenever he wanted.
now he'll never see freedom again.
i think he killed himself. with assistance? maybe.
Jail cell guard here. I smelled his fingers. They were amazing. Also, he said it was worth it.
post ID or gtfo
No doubt in my mind that he committed suicide. The question is, why was such a high value asset in what could be the most explosive child sex trafficking case in history mysteriously taken off suicide watch after he’d already attempted suicide once. Logically he should have been under constant surveillance even if he did attempt suicide a few days prior AND HE DID. He knew he was fucked regardless and already wanted out. His suicide was a win win for both him and the people who wanted him dead. No hit man required.
as you wish
He’d been in custody for weeks before he died. That was almost certainly his own butthole you were smelling
It should be remembered that Epstein had spent significant time in jail already. For several months, he only had six days of work release, 12 hours per day.
This means he probably Saturday at 7pm through Monday at 7am in jail. Or something like that. The idea that he cracked after a month seems far-fetched to me.
Documents had just been unsealed in his case, meaning that the situation was evolving. Even if the DA said they wouldn’t let him sing for his freedom, I’d think he would wait out the situation for a few days to see if anything changed.
Follow the money. And I'm talking about watching the bank accounts of the Warden, the jailers, everyone that had access. Follow the money and you'll find out the truth.
Which is no, he did not "commit suicide".
>Which is no, he did not "commit suicide".
i love how people are 100% convinced of something without proof and then tell others to "follow the proof"
it's like this shit is your religion or something.
Trump's wranglers assured Epstein had the opportunity to kill himself.
Trump's major source of power comes from years of gathering dirt on politicians through his close ties with The Enquirer and with scum like Epstein and the Clintons (yes - they were friends).
Epstein's loli ranches were great sources for highly effective blackmail.
If Epstein fell apart and told-all, Trump's power base would be spent. Epstein had to be killed to protect it.
In other news, the warden of the jail has been transferred. This is so she is out of reach to answer questions about how he could have been left alone for hours, why the cell mate was released, and why he was taken off suicide watch. I suspect the former warden's life is also in danger.
Anybody remember Barr saying he was all furious? Crickets since.
Drinking chardonnay in Tel Aviv. You don't think he had safeguards?
The shadiest suicide ever, I’m sure he was killed. But when it’s that high up you don’t even want to know the truth or you’ll soon be the next ‘suicide’.
Nope. Clintons are basically powerless and have little to no influence. Certainly nothing requiring the coordination this coverup does.
Trump never visited Kid Rock, Clinton has
Suit yourself. I was in the meetings. Follow the money.
tell that to bernie "the clinton have no influence"
You just made another claim. That's not evidence.
You are INCORRECT, sir.
Put your phone down and listen to your teacher.
56 of your friends and body guards don't just kill themselves
There are flight manifests. Manifests showing Clinton's 25+ trips over there. 4 without secret service following.
>I was in the meetings. Follow the money
faggot Qtard
Follow. The. Money.
you sound like a fucking faggot
Bill, is that you!?
somebody got mads :(
Yet another claim with no citation. Even your Fearful Leader says no-one knows. But somehow you do?
Fucking liar.
'Trump said Monday that if Clinton visited Epstein’s private island in the U.S. Virgin Island, that would not be “very good.”
“That was not a good place, as I understand it, and I was never there,” Trump said. “You have to ask, did Bill Clinton go to the island?”'
She got no chin
Damn son, I am impressed.
I stand totally corrected.
It was autoerotic asphyxiation.
Well if you simply refuse evidences we can't do anything more for you and your nevrosis. Just take a walk, drink a glass of water and have a sleep.
Why you saying Trump done it as if he's the one who's most likely to have called the hit? The Clinton's are definitely the ones who called the hit out of those two.. definite leftie confirmed
EXCEPT... the destinations for the flights Clinton was on were;
HPN - Westcheter County White Plains Airport
EGGW - London Luton Airport in Bedforshire, England, and
LPAZ - Santa Maria Airport, Portuguese Azores.
So not exactly Lolita Island, which is in the Bahamas. So still not proof that he went there.
You had me going. "Wow - user has a resource the United States President doesn't?"
Cause he has the ability as well as motive.
Please. With your terrible grasp of proper grammar - don't defend Trump. We've got this.
If you think those initials mean those destinations, then you've never been involved in any type of undercover sting operation.
HPN = Hairless Pussy Now.
EGGW = Every Guy Gets 2 Virgins W=VV and LPAZ = Little Pussy from Arizona. (Clinton's favorite)
>HPN = Hairless Pussy Now.
>EGGW = Every Guy Gets 2 Virgins W=VV
>LPAZ = Little Pussy from Arizona. (Clinton's favorite
My fucking sides
And what does that have to do with Trump? Epstein had more dirt on the Clinton's.. do you think they couldn't have arranged a van as well?
he had a broken vertebrae
a prison cell isnt tall enough to create a drop long enough to result in a broken vertebrae
my guess is that bedsheets were used as a garrote to make it look like a suicide
someone wrapped the bedsheets around epsteins neck and pulled hard enough to break a vertebrae
more evidence to suggest a murder is the screaming that came from epsteins cell
Loads of people have the motive. No need to focus on Trump because it suits your agenda
>quantum suicide is a thang
>belieee me I done tryed it
Are you daft? I wrote it in the first post -
Trump's power is derived from the shit he has on everyone. E was about to break. He would've plea dealed and turned everyone in. If all that knowledge got out into the wild, there'd be no blackmail control over the puppets doing Trump's bidding now. Trump is a peddler in nastiness, but he's a coward. He didn't order the hit - his handlers did. They don't want the ride to end either.
It could have been anyone, retard.
'Scuse me - not hit - they provided the circumstances for E to kill himself.
Just because you composed a theory doesn't mean he's the one that called the hit. What about everyone else Epstein could have dragged down too?
This doesn't male him a culprit. Damn you have a specific sense of justice lol, with you in charge the federal state would need one million more jails.
If you cannot comprehend how to properly use an apostrophe then your argument is moot.
Trust me on this. Jeffrey Epstein is NOT dead.
Lefty detected.
hanging kills in 1 of 2 ways
a short drop results in suffocation
while suffocating you cannot scream if you can scream you are not suffocating as screaming requires breathing
the second way that hanging kills is through a broken neck which results in near instant death which would not produce any screaming
and when i say broken neck i mean a separation of vertebrae not a broken vertebrae bone
to get a broken vertebrae bone which epstein had you need a very long drop which is just not possible in a 10 foot tall jail cell
all smoke and mirrors. nsa guy here. keep debating on how he did it.
I’d be shocked if it were a murder and we haven’t heard about it yet. They’re going to have to release video eventually.
They give NSA creeps old-fashioned badges? Really?
Very true. LOTS of people wanted to see E go.
So.. who had the authority to provide for removing the cell mate, taking him off suicide watch, providing the materials to do the deed, not watch E for hours, and then transfer the warden away without questioning? Any of the blackmailed? Hell no. I can see the conversation where they are clamoring for silence and want assurances from the guy who controls the info, who also happens to be the guy who has the kind of influence that can make the calls above.
And then there Barr. He was all hot and bothered about finding out what happened. He's quiet now too.Who holds his collar?
follow his example and kill yourself as well retard
I've been around a long time partner. Don't fuck with the old dogs. You might get bit. I fucked J. Edgar Hoover in the ass when he looked at me wrong.
Functional illiterate detected.
Found the faggot / hippie / nigger.
in conclusion one or more people went into epsteins cell and overpowered him resulting in epstein screaming
1 of the murderers wrapped epsteins neck with a bedsheet and pulled hard resulting in broken vertebrae
the murderers then posed epstein to make it look like a suicide by hanging
I could accept that reality if there was any more evidence. But I also accept that any such evidence would negate the secreting away.
So yeah - that's a tough one to beat.
But if they're all in cahoots in the first place then it could have been a group decision..?
Older people have more brittle bones and some people’s bones are just more brittle than others. It’s less likely that he would fracture a vertebra from a short fall of four or five feet or so from a bunk bed but it certainly isn’t impossible.
user might be, but he the sure the fuck isn't wrong.
Not bad. Your theory, I mean.
epsteins broken vertebrae is not smoke and mirrors as it actually happened
the screaming could be a false report but the broken vertebrae is still a sign that he was murdered
yes hanging can result in broken vertebrae but put into context (10foot tall jail cell) its nigh impossible
Pro-Israel controlled opposition?
Imagine the coordination.
Occam's razor.
Way to forward the conversation.
he wasnt THAT old
its not impossible but its extremely unlikely paired with the reports of screaming i believe he was murdered
Well you've clearly convinced yourself it was the bad orange man and him alone. This is the end of the conversation for me.
Oh, good grief. Frank... shut up.
No - his handlers.
>epsteins broken vertebrae is not smoke and mirrors
But it is grammatically incorrect. And not a single vertebra has been identified in the reports by news media. Just the hyoid bone.
i dont know who did it or specifically why but he was absolutely murdered in my opinion and the medical examiner was paid off to say it was a suicide
They're going to cling to their conspiracy theories, the truth is no fun, not enough drama.
ok yea the hydroid bone is what i meant lol
He should have just rode it through court and got placed in a club fed. All you need is medical issues or be geriatric like him. Even old broke white niggers get placed in club feds.
FMC Devens is a great place to chill. bop.gov
Lucky bastard lived the best life ever, and ended it an old man when the feds caught up with him. I have a picture of him on my wall. Legend.
Husband is a cuck.
How to cope with cognitive dissonance.
Sad. So sad.
If he actually did kill himself, it was probably because someone threatened his family or something close to him if he didn't shut it and keep his mouth closed. other than that I think it was more than likely a murder.
tie sheets around your neck and attach it very short to whatever (in this case the bed) and throw yourself to the floor as hard as you can.......add some twist and this could do a nasty number to your neck.....not at all out of the realm of possibility. ....I say it's 50/50 murder or suicide.
Most MAGA trash chicks like multiple dicks.
Maaaaybe... but apparently E's estate had their own examiners there to witness the autopsy. Not sure what they would gain from being 'in' on it. Or maybe they just didn't realize what they were looking at.
>tie sheets around your neck and attach it very short to whatever (in this case the bed) and throw yourself to the floor as hard as you can.......add some twist and this could do a nasty number to your neck
Tell us more wise one.
You could've left out the "MAGA" and still been just as correct.
Jeffrey Epstein was a hub in procuring underage girls to preform sexual services for many influential and powerful people. People who if they were indicted would cause a ripple-effect that would jeopardize the trust of the general public. Politicians, financial executives, royalty, law enforcement, media executives. To big to go down. It will never be proven. Epstein knew likely when he was detained when he flew back into the US that it was over. He was smart enough to know when to check out. People were told to turn a blind eye in the jail. Media will be told to bury it. Focus on the 2020 election and other headlines. The victims will get paid and keep quiet. Life goes on.
Isn't that like an Oreo only cheaper?
If he's really dead, guys, why hasn't his kompromat been released to the press?
Or the "trash".
Welcome aboard, Ivan!
"In Russian culture, kompromat, short for "compromising material" (Russian: кoмпpoмeтиpyющий мaтepиaл, romanized: komprometiruyushchy material), is damaging information about a politician, a businessperson, or other public figure, used to create negative publicity, as well as for blackmail and extortion."
nope. he was silenced.
Watch too many movies bro
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You didn't hear this from me, but he is still alive. Paid for a body double and DNA and dental records to be forged. Apparently has info on someone in high office, which is why so many turned the other way. Lead to believe he is in Argentina now. Looks like the fucker got away with it. Source: FBI chatter.