Man why the fuck everything cost money why cant i live off the government
Man why the fuck everything cost money why cant i live off the government
You probably could, but at least in the US, support is VERY targeted. And anything in your circumstance could disqualify you. Have you actually looked, though?
Otherwise, you could just get into passive income like me. It's probably the best way to go, even better than any government programs.
Why the fuck do I gotta work hard for my shit
Why can't the gobberment just gimme dat
You’re a lazy piece of shit who wants to live off my tax money. Please jump off a bridge or get a job.
>passive income
yurofart here, explain pls?
im just getting disability. Do you think I should do amazon FBA?
You better not be British
in the future, we're gonna have full automation. The question is, then, will we accept our own success and evolve into fully automated luxury communism, or will the rich just let the poor die/exterminate them?
protip: you're not amongst said rich.
the bongs opted out of Europe, remember? I'm Danish. I just looked it up btw, thanks for nothing Yea Forumsro srsl you suck donkey ass.
Pretty simple - I'm talking about things like index funds, dividends, rental properties, etc. Strategies change depending on which country you're in, but the result is the same.
Had a friend who was on the government programs here, it was tough for him. The entire thing is not meant to help you, it's meant to keep you *controlled*. Show up to meetings, jump through the hoops, etc. and in the end you may get cut anyway. They also monitor your financial status closely. Not a good scene. Anyway, he definitely left it after awhile.
How do you get into passive income. Been trying for a while to find stuff to generate passive income. What do you do and how do I do it?
>They also monitor your financial status closely. Not a good scene
As they fucking should faggot. Tax money is literally other people’s money, why should we give it to people who don’t need it?
Kek. Beat me to it.
thnx brah
>why should we give it to people who don’t need it?
it's the cheapest form of insurance against them stealing your shit, and then having to spend dough keeping them locked up.
>lol but why not just kill them then kek!
because we're not savages.
>why cant i live off the government
Then you'd be a lazy nigger
>Show up to meetings, jump through the hoops, etc. and in the end you may get cut anyway. They also monitor your financial status closely
and this entire circus costs more than if we just gave them the money and let them be.
Yes let’s pay people to not commit crimes. And people that steal are savages so if you catch one in your house you’re perfectly justified smoking their dumbass morally speaking.
I'm mostly in real estate since I know it quite well and am hooked into the local community. But that's not the only way and some say it's far from the easiest way too. Look at income and low-cost index funds for EZ mode
NP, glad I could help
I'm not saying I don't understand it or sympathize. But these programs are often not there to help, they're there to control. So, I don't consider them a good alternative to working.
I tend to agree. But it's morphed into it's own industry and is less about helping than about giving the people that work there some type of employment.
How do they control people if they’re all voluntary? Nobody makes you sign up for food stamps.
>because were not savages
We should be. From time to time we should be savage. Fucking thieves should have a finger shopped off for each offence.
have you ever heard of the saying "If you ain't got nuthin', you got nuthin' to lose?"
Well, by getting you on the program, now you DO have something to lose. And if you have no other options, you have no choice but to fall in line. Now, the requirements aren't all that strict, granted, but by seeing what those are, it's obvious at least to me that they're not that interested in giving you enough to escape, just giving you enough to get by until you need them again.
Hope that makes sense
hurr durr allahu akbar derp
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