Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Other urls found in this thread:
you are a man lol
Did you finally get married V?
Need more/different femanons. We already know too much about you.
Are females more nervous then guys when it comes to meeting up/first date? Have you gotten married yet or you and your fiance still waiting?
She frequents here. Go away newfags.
>in4 new fag question
She has said dick size dosen't matter as much as you think.
And no tits or gtfo. Its a simple Q&A ya fucks
cock or balls?
I agree! I would love more femanons but it seems most of the people here scare em away
Thanks user. Saves me time explaining lol
Post the bridesmaids.
They better not be prettier than you
Ffs not this ginger attention whore again -_- can we have a different fem user for once... this chick is just trying to be one of the dudes and its cringy af!
Also, she doesn’t eat ass, or like hers eaten.
She doesn’t smell asses and feet.
She’s a little bit old fashioned
>She frequents here. Go away newfags.
white knight
post dem tiddies
Nah I'm good
give me some jerk off material then
How big are dem titties, though?
Maybe I’m the groom....
Anna,honey. School starts in a few weeks. Please stop attention whoring.
No she's an attention whore.
Shes not anna you retard
You are boring is all.
Same difference nigger. Both are attention whores.
Thanks I like boring!
>I'm a C cup
post 'em
No thanks
I want my wife to fuck me with a strap on.
How should I break the news to her?
Yea sorry. Im boring a respect my self and my fiance
Well might as well tell her you're gay
Damn you got me there. Except i actualy hate newfags who don't lurk enough.
>Please execute anhero.exe
>Has fiance
but still craves the attention of Yea Forumstards
Your Delusional user
I go on /soc enough to know what attention whores look like
Yet that is what you are exactly doing, you sound fat too
Confirmed by dubs
>Yea sorry. Im boring a respect my self and my fiance
come on
Come on what?
what are your fetishes
where's the vulva ?
Do women prefer shaved pubes on man?
I dont mind.
You sound fat how much do you weigh fatass?
>what is squirting?
Its pee
do you have a hairy snatch
do you smoke a lot ?
>are you sure??
i was dating a cam girl and she squirted all over my face and mouth
>smells nothing like pee
>taste like nothing
>cloudy water
best thing ever
Its pee.
Why is vagina so disgusting?
Women lack the muscle needed for projectile ejaculate. So, hate to break it to you dude, but you got pissed on.
Hello anons, Anna here.
We do need new femanons, it’s usually just V and I.
That largely depends on the person, I was very nervous on the few dates I went on in my 20s.
I’m actually sick, so I won’t be back until January.
Just tell her you’re into that, just a fair warning though, you’re going to sound really gay.
Dd/lg, s&m, incest, loli
It’s the whole of the inner lips.
Not me personally.
In porno it’s pee, in real squirting it’s fluid from the glands on either side of the pee hole.
I don’t smoke.
It has to be to be able to reproduce properly, it serves a function, and it’s not to be aesthetically pleasing.
still hot still want more
ok another question
>when she reach her top Climax orgasem her tits start leaking milk !!!
>she doesn't have kids
>she is not pregnant
sexy as fuck but how?
Because you're gay
Hey anna! Hows everything!?
Made some soup and now I'm back
tits or gtfo
It’s possible if she’s taking certain medications, has a hormonal issue, or has had children before. I literally got pregnant and have lactated since (30 years).
Alright considering. I started feeling nasty and went to the doctor to find out I have TB. It’s latent, so I’m not contagious yet, but I still feel like crap. For the next three months I’m out of work on antibiotics. Hope you’ve been doing better than I.
Tb?!?!?! isnt that pretty damn serious? I didnt even know people still get TB!
post dem tiddies
would you (((pic related))) for your own pleasure?
how does it make you feel?
Uncomfortable tbh
I'm new to Yea Forums... Advice?
>other Causes of lactation without being pregnant
excessive breast and nipple stimulation
medications, including antipsychotics, antidepressants, and drugs for high blood pressure
an underactive thyroid
chronic kidney disease
nerve damage to the chest from an injury or surgery
>this **some types of hormonal birth control**
spinal cord surgery or injury
use of marijuana, opioids, or cocaine
some herbal supplements, including fenugreek, anise, or fennel
testosterone deficiency in men
high levels of estrogen in newborns
Yeah, apparently people get it on airplanes and in hospitals a lot, but you can get it most anywhere. They think I probably picked it up traveling to see my mom, it is what it is. It’s somewhat rare in the US, so just my luck, ha. I caught it early enough for it not to do any damage so that’s great.
Check out dem tits on my x Ray then.
Not into stuff like that...
Do you like the taste of cum? Is it true that some guys taste better than others?
Don’t take everything too seriously, we’re all a bunch of assholes and weirdos.
Domt take shit seriously. People are gonna be mean to you and if you let it get to you you're a bitch.
Also, dont ve a follower. Its pathetic. So that means just because you see a whole group of anons being trills it doesnt mean you have to jump in to be cool.
If you dont fee like being a dick to someone then just dont. Dont try to win the approval of strangers online.
Holy shit anna that's fucking terrifying!!!
I hope you get better ASAP!
you are now in the list of the fbi
Appreciate it, Something that attracted me here was the lack of a filter. I'm very anti-censorship of most things so it's nice to have a place where everyone can speak freely.
I've been on it for awhile
pic related is Yea Forums
>good luck
How about a underboob pic?
>both of you What would you choose?
Honestly the only one I'd pick on this list would be Howard stern
Can you talk about soup?
why him?
have you ever posted your pic on a wwyd thread
His hair and he has a pretty alpha personality. I like that shit. Now if you had jason mamoa, johnny Depp or even chris Hemsworth on that list then that would have been different.
Why do you think so many women have rape fantasies?
Ew no.
It's pretty cringey when reading what a guy "would do" to a girl lol
It’s not something I’d enjoy drinking for the taste, it’s the idea of it that’s sexy.
Thanks, I hope so as well.
This, the reason I come here is because I can talk about my experiences with anonymity. It’s a very liberating feeling.
Only pic related, wherever he would fall.
No, but I have an idea of what a lot of anons would like to do. Some are humorous, others bizarre/unsettling.
Women have a natural desire to be dominated.
Okay, serious question; how would women prefer for a man to give them their first kiss, if it's their first one as well?
Also, both of us are shy and inexperienced as F when it comes to dating.
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Just got for it.
For me personally nothing hotter than a dude who just does it.
If you guys are dating then you should be in the safe zone
Its meat between 2 pieces of bread so yea I guess it is
if you were forced to eat someones shit other than your own, or you'd appear in a south american prison hour long torture bestgore video, who would you choose?
Softly, on the lips, no tongue.
user asking the tough questions.
Uh, I guess my sons? Papa’s? That’s a dreadful thought all together.
>Dd/lg, s&m, incest, loli
would you let your lover to poop in your chest ?
I’m not into poop.
i know every girl is different but is there a general "best" way to eat out a girl?
kinda like a go-to method?
usually when i go down on a girl, i just lick and suck on her clit while fingering her while rubbing the roof of her vagina.
girls seem to like it but i sometimes get to the point where i question if shes actually enjoying it. it just seems to basic.
If you know that you don't have a chance at ever finding someone, is it better to remove yourself from the genepool? (question from someone planning on becoming a hiko otaku)
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