Be me, 8th grade

>be me, 8th grade
>semi beta, 7/10
>like this qt pi 9/10 girl A LOT
>had a lot of classes with her, talked a lot
>things were going well
>promo, mini prom for middle fags is approaching
>muster up all my courage, ask her out
>delivered for about two hours cuz she has soccer practice
>”I’m really sorry user, I’m not gonna be there :(“
>say it’s ok, upset but go on with my daily life
>next day at school, friends are laughing when I walk in
>she showed them the text message I sent asking her out
>get made fun of
>extremely upset
>play the tough guy act, deep down really hurt
>haven’t really liked or asked out anyone since

Fast forward

>be me, now, rising senior in high school
>went to local private school for first two years, transferred to another junior year, transferring again to local public high school this year
>start my first class of drivers ed
>show up late, take a seat in the front next to girl in purple shirt
>”hey user”
>look to my right
>it’s her
>she starts talking to me
>find out she’s going to public school I’m transferring to
>we may have some classes
>what do, Yea Forumsros?

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simple, just fuck her and be an asshole towards her. Dont let your weakbitch boy emotions get in the way cause you wont marry her anyways. Have some confidence.

Rape her

drugs and drinks, my friend. sex, drugs and drinks.

Well, it was eighth grade, so she's probably changed a lot since then. You'll probably have to get to know her all over again.
But if it turns out she's still the kind of person who would just humiliate you like that, don't bother trying to date her. You should never date somebody who won't treat you with dignity.

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Sounds like you are going to make the same mistake

She’s has a mans.
8 month anniversary was today in fact according to snap story.

Does sound like it tbh

do ya thang op, lifes to short to not shoot your shot, and all that shit.

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>8th month anniversary
>8th month

She's a nutcase.

Tell her she's an evil, hurtful bitch and then never talk to her again. She never cared about you back then, she sure as fuck doesn't now.

Can always spot a reddit fag since they only post with pepe

>I just ran into that girl I knew from 8th grade who wasn't into me, and she's dating now. Do you think I have a chance, guys?

You need to move on, user.

Just don't hurt yourself with somebody who doesn't really love you user

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pepe is extremely relatable and diverse, you chode.

Stop chasing women you simp. GYOW

Work on wallering our her asshole so that she can easily fuck 2 liter bottles. Try heroin and ruin your life with a destructive habit. Obtain AIDS. Give her AIDS. Dump her. KYS. Fin.

Be above her user. Treat her like another passerby and focus on yourself.

Seriously, the second you stop giving a shit is when you'll start getting attention. Girls are really good at understanding when you have 0 confidence and will string you along as a source of attention. As soon as you start showing that a females presence alone has no value to you you'll do better. Also op dont fucking talk to her jesus have some self respect

Listen to the man OP he speaks words of wisdom.


Is that like prom for homos?

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No hugs here its only kill or be killed.

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Now listen, if you wanna bang her do the good ol rapey gsme, get her really drunk at a party and fuck her.

You need to be very convincing in order for her to accept doing anything you want.

Get some friends first so you won't be alone on the move, make sure they are as sick as you are, but good looking enough to not give off a bad vibe.

> Basically social manipulation for getting into pussy.

Ez thing if you just want to fuck her and not do anything else (only ghost her afterwards).

grow some balls and kill her in the school bathroom

>what do
Leave this place and come back when you're 18