What does cum taste like?
What does cum taste like?
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Your moms upper and bottom lip
Just do this op
Mine tastes like almost nothing... kinda like you put 2 grains of salt in some water.
Try it. Don't be a pussy, op
You would know op
Like bags of sand.
What?! Ewwwww... That's like MEGA gay my dudes!
only ever tasted my own, it's tart yet savory. undeniably salty, though very hearty. the temperature is my favorite part. it's very comforting to swish around and gargle.
Mostly bland, but it tastes a bit like how clay smells, with a pitch of salt added. The texture is reminiscent to that of under-cooked eggs. It's pretty nasty.
It tastes kinda sweet. Its always been hard to try my own cum because I always lose arousal before I'm able to eat it.
Can't say I ever felt the urge to try, then again I am straight.
Salty and otherwise bland. It's not the taste that's the bad part, it's the smell, and taste/smell are kind of linked.
salty milk
Taste of bodily fluids depends on health and diet.
Supposed to taste like cream gravy,my wife says not
Supposedly bitter since semen is alkaline. You can change the taste so it's sweeter by ingesting naturally sweet fruits like pineapple, among other fruits, which will either change the pH or the glucose/fructose properties of the semen - or both things at the same time - and make your cum sweeter overall. There's a whole list of foods you should avoid if you want your cum to taste better.
Mine has a slightly weaker smell of bleach. I never tasted it because the smell alone is repugnant, and I can't say I'd ever ask a girl to swallow or to even cum on her mouth unless I suddenly started to ingest large quantities of sugary fruit over long periods of time.
If guys don’t wash beforehand you get a really strong musky scent the moment your lips get within inches of their dick. When you’ve got the cock in your mouth and twirl the tip of your tongue along their orifice it’s like lapping up at a candy push pop that’s squeezed dry, with small jitters of salty fluids squirting out ever so slightly. Some guys take a while to cum, others cum and you wouldn’t be able to tell, it’s not like in anime or porn where the guy just finishes and there’s a clear cum shot. Guys will tell you they finished and you’re left with “did he really cum already? i didn’t even feel anything come out”. It’s really bizarre.
Don't be a pussy and try out for yourself.
>Guys will tell you they finished and you’re left with “did he really cum already? i didn’t even feel anything come out”
Dry orgasm perhaps? Or retrograde ejaculation?
>Yea Forums's book of science: first edition
I feel like it’s one of those slow erupting volcanos where the magma sweeps along the ground, like a passive orgasm. Not as flashy as a powerful cum shot but could explain as to why it feels nothing comes out.
It tastes like beef juice, there's no other way to explain it.
Straight nigger gtfo
I had a girl tell me it tasted like slightly salty egg yolk.
true, as it’s mostly proteins
So it just drips out slowly? Sounds like their ejaculatory strength is terrible, kinda worrying tbqh.
Either that or they're cumming way too much without allowing themselves time to "recharge" long enough to increase their loads.
Either that, or their refractory period is really long. Generally guys only orgasm once and need to recover. If they were to try to cum again back to back I feel their stamina wouldn’t allow for it.
I've gathered all of my knowledge from reading articles and studies over the years but I'm not a scientist by any means. I wish I'd become a doctor specialized in the male reproductive system because it's quite fascinating to me but it's too late for that now.
Milky coins of sand and bags
You could become a specialist any anytime.
Also true and worth considering, though for that to happen they would have had to have masturbated before getting a blowjob. Which I guess would make sense if they wanted to cum inside the other person's mouth without unloading a huge load.
glue, what the fuck you expect it to taste like?
As far as I know, it depends on what you eat. If you eat fast food it gives your cum a salty taste while eating fruit like pineapple gives it a sweet flavour for instance.
That’s not usually the case, since guys want their dicks to be touched by someone else. It’s usually to do with a long fuck session, where they want to keep having sex but can’t muster the strength to keep their dick up. Maybe the first time they could produce a semblance of cum but 30 minutes in they likely lose their vigor.
I don't know about that, as far as I know most people enroll into college before their twenties and go on from there. I'm 25 now and according to what I've read, it takes 13 years to become a urologist, and somewhere around that amount of time to become an andrologist. Pretty sure the train has shipped a long time ago, all I can really do is become as knowledgeable as a pleb can possibly become but never as knowledgeable or experienced as a real doctor.
I believe in you! If you’re purely passionate about it you can undoubtably achieve it!
vanilla extract
Salty and delicious
Anyone else notice that right after a guy orgasms he gets in this super happy mood, like a 5 year old getting a sugar rush from eating candy for the first time?
Orgasms release dopamine and oxytocin. Both of these hormones flood the guy's body post orgasm making him feel pretty fucking good.
like salty bleach
bleachy, salty
You can feel good, but they all act the same way, like people can feel endorphins and not get overzealous and kick up their feet because they got their dick wet, but every one of them is giddy.
I’ve tried to taste my own, but I just can’t for some reason. I always lap up my pre cum though. Honestly, when I taste other dudes cum I enjoy it immensely.
That's probably the dopamine. Or the feeling of having smashed some puss.
then why are you asking?
salty coins
Male anons! What does it feel like to have your dick sucked?