White Supremacie VS Black Men

White Supremacie VS Black Men

How to fight your complex you white guys?

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If only you could write English properly, we would know what the Hell you're trying to say.

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lmao white boi dropped like a tin can get it

are you having a stroke? pun intended

Photoshop work good these days

weird dick


Dunno. I dont have micropenis.

Wuz kangz

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I mean there's bigger dicks out there than mine but pretty happy with what I got OP.

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Are we actually doing "muh dik" again?

Soft nigger’s dick


We'll let a few of you be athletes and use your beastial strength to injure each other for our entertainment.

The rest of you can be drug addicted, handout seeking, wastes of life.

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Average white cock 5.8 inch average black cock 5.85 inches average asian cack 5.2 inch average cock of black guys who post about bbc 2.8 inches any questions?

lmao bad photo shop

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Soudan 24cm

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Doubtful the way you talk its mm and you suffer from ed

that can't be real

The one who makes threads about dicks size / shape is usually the most insecure one. So based on that I see by far much more black dicks than white. Should tell you something.

Really ? Where you fucker

I here fucker

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t. Tenda the chinkboi

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we will always lose against black men, we aren't man enough for our own women

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you aren't white

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I'm doing OK thanks

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jk l

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Your mind has been destroyed by porn.

nah I am white and have a tiny dick

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Can someone tell me whether this shit is pure post-ironic satire made to troll cucks, or is it now cucks themselves talking to each other through NPC and buzzword talk through pictures and whatnot

I mean this shit to me looks like the author is clearly not for real

cringe thread

This shit it out of hand, not only do a lot of black dudes have average cocks, but a shit load of white women just do not find black men attractive.....stop watching porn so much and realize, that shit isn't real life....people still suck, but at least you can shake the thought of race inferiority.

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Large penises are a natural evolutionary response to rape as the primary reproductive mechanism.

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