Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the downside?
I'd just suck my own to be done with it
so I take it you're an anime girl already, OP
Why would I want to BE an anime girl to begin with.
why would i ever want to be a female
they're the worst gender
Wait, that's a condition?
Most of Yea Forums has already sucked a dick if not several, so they will see no problem in this.
What if I've already sucked a dick before, do I have to suck another one?
You will never be a girl, you mentally ill tranny
As long as it's my own dick
Technology is within our lifespan boys
Become an anime girl
>the absolute state of neo-Yea Forums
Fuck off /pol/. Yea Forums has being making gay and trap jokes for years. Get lost newfag
I mean, if I turn into an anime girl I assume I'll also be into dicks.
What color is the dick?
Why are so many on Yea Forums afraid of trans people?
Before or after transformation?
looks like a win win to me
"I want to be the little girl" and "I believe I am the little girl" are quite different.
the one you don't wanna suck.
Do we get to choose the dick?
I don't want to be a anime girl.
There is nothing wrong with mentally exploring the possibility of being a cute anime girl. Imagining impossible scenarios is a sign of a healthy creative mind. It's only when people try to actually do such a thing (and fail horribly) that there is a problem.
>t-they're just jokes
Only if I can look like this
Then don't press the button you muppet
Why must you remind me of the existence of trans sexuals? I already have plenty of trouble keeping my tfw not a girl feelings bottled up, every time I'm reminded of them I want to kill myself
Based. Trannyism is a mental illness
if you don't want to see a transsexual don't look in the mirror
>looks like it's healing well
looks like it's a fucking nurglite
There is a huge difference between wanting to be a cute anime girl and possibly ERPing as one in VR chat and actually being stupid enough to think you could shape your disgusting 3D male body into anything even remotely resembling 2D perfection
What in the fuck did it do to it's arm.
>Hurr duurrr you must be AFRAID not that it's a degenerate mental illness
Would say end yourself, but tranny fucks do a good job of that themselves.
If she's going to fap later on, isn't she basically just shacking hands with herself like a dumbfuck?
removed the skin to have a fake dick made out of it judging by the tags
Fuck yes I would, gladly.
I'd go around sucking smelly neet cock. Enjoying the sensation of gulping down their semen as they squirm and moan from being pleasured.
holy cope
Use arm skin to make a "dick"
From the thumbnail I thought it was gonna be some naked bone or something.
What the fuck is going on there?
You know posting a twitter screencap just exposes you as the massive newfaggot that you are, right?
Got to get soon for their fake dick somewhere. They even have pumps to give them erections. Yep, totally natural and not an illness.
I'd fuck it after a few strong drinks
shut up
take your pills
Plastic surgery has gone WAY to far and needs to be stopped. This shit was never a problem before because no one before this century thought hey lets make a fake dick from my arm.
soya is a hell of a drug
Well let's make this more interesting. If you press the button you can immediately become any anime girl you want. However, immediately after this guy in pic related will show up and ask you to suck his dick. If you refuse he teaches you the pleasure of being cummed inside.
What do you do?
What button do I have to press to have an anime girl suck MY dick?
I would join this user to give the smelly neets 2 on 1 blowjobs.
will the pills turn me into a real girl
It's called a radial phalloplasty, they take a cylindrical section of tissue from the forearm and graft it onto the crotch to create a "neo-phallus"
Well, this thread went downhill fast.
Internalized transphobia
Idk if cutting your skin to graft onto your fake genitals is Nurglite or Slaaneshi
suck dick
the absolute state
Press button. Refuse.
I'll have to pass then.
Letting people phonepost was a mistake. /pol/ fags and news newshits ruin everything
Still waiting for the downside.
Old Yea Forums would have ignored this thread from the beginning.
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
look, its the best you're gonna get, its better than nothing
A high level of gatekeeping that still isn't enough.
periods, menopause and a hell of a harder time gaining and maintaining muscle.
seethe tranny
Truly chaos undivided, the real everchosen right there
Day of the rope for wh*te """"men"""" when?
why are you making the deal even better?
>Yea Forums Yea Forums and /r9k/ have permanent 24 hour shitposting threads
>Yea Forums has one
Thanks user Yea Forumsery cool distinction you made there
How old? 2007 Yea Forums I remember would make this thread epic lulz and its OP would win tons of internets
why would you want to gain muscle
Yeah, you are right, that's closer to Slaaneshi.
>tfw we will save the eldar from getting soulfucked for eternity by awakening him 28k years too early
I wonder what is the actual purpose of this thread.
Is it some youtuber baiting for content? Some user baiting for screencaps? Or just a bored shitposter?
I feel bad for this person. They just wanted to feel beautiful and happy. Is that so wrong?
Could also be khorne, cutting your arm off for amusement is metal as fuck
I refuse to become an ugly man in a dress. There are two roads and both lead to suicide.
I need a hero..
I went to Yea Forums trying to talk about a movie I've just watched once. Big mistake.
I'd rather murder eldar in their stupid eldari baby cribs like goblin slayer
Projecting much faggot? Yea Forums has been pretending to be little girls for years. Don't try to connect it with your own obsession with trannies /pol/ shitter
>n-no! stop thinking about sucking dick!
LMAOing @ ur life /pol/
where do i sign up?
No, but funny as shit. Just look at it. hahaha
And yes, it's also very wrong.
why is this still up
Yea Forums is unironically more similar to Yea Forums than any other entertainment medium board like Yea Forums or Yea Forums
you dont have to wear anything you dont want to, you can just take it and be a little cuter
I'd like to murder them too. With my dick.
Not the ones in the cribs though, that's a bit out of my strike-zone
mods too busy doing anything but moderating
I firmly believe that most trannies that are into anime are 100% autogynophiles.
All those memes of >self-insert as the girl in porn bro turned them into this.
But even then, a couple of jokes every here and there isn't bad stop being so paranoid of everything.
Anyway, not anime.
I wouldn't even mind the shitposting that much if it wasn't all about Sneeds
just showing the demographics of nu/a/
> become anime girl
I bet that's will be something like this or even worse.
>afraid of
Why so many leftists lie about their opposition?
They're scared to admit what they really are, and instead of facing societal rejection they reject the idea itself.
Wanting to be an anime girl has been a thing on Yea Forums for well over a decade now.
Until I grow (disgusting, hairy, deformed) boobs and people start asking and I get ostracised
I'm sure the Emperor would approve. I am only carrying out his will by keeping them chained to my bed and thus preventing them from perpetuating the Eldari race.
Post Gamergate users like to prentend Yea Forums was always filled with homosexual tranny RP
I'd press it if it was only the right.
/fit/ here just popping by to say, fuck no. Male aesthetics > female aesthetics all day every day.
I'll be taking my leave now so you guys can return to your tranny shitstorm
It sure is disappointing this thread hasn't been deleted yet, isn't it?
no need to pretend, you can look in the archive for the new year's erping threads pre-gg
the only good eldar is a dead elf- I mean edlar
I have just the image for this. Never got to use it until now.
>/fit/ here
You'll also suck the dick anyway.
Can all of you faggots whining about trannies go back to Yea Forums? Alternatively, kill yourselves.
Like, anime girl in the real world, or do I get isekai'd into anime equivalent of the real world and everyone else is anime too?
If I become the only anime girl, I wouldn't do it.
If I got isekai'd and became a cute anime girl, I'd suck 37 dicks in a row. I don't give a shit.
Consider a negotiation. I ask instead, what happens if I hit the button and have no say in who I become?
Of course. Sucking dick is pretty fun by the way.
One thing is joking about it, and another thing is actually thinking you'll become an anime girl irl
>making gay and trap jokes
As long as the trannies fuck off my Yea Forums then sure
they'll probably starve once I kicked the bucket due to cardiac arrest, all good
>kill yourselves
That's the trannies specialty though
Easy press. Then find myself a futa
>2D girl
>Periods, menopause, or needing muscles to be strong
pick one
oh no, user. you don't know what you're doing
cover them, say its gyno, take care of your body hair regardless if you dont want to be a hairy old man, people will probably just think you're a cuter boy
How much skin did he add Jesus Christ
Then go to fucking /r9k/ if you want people who actually think like that, and stop spamming Yea Forums with your garbage posts.
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company
ITT: mental illness
>SSR on the TV screen
Well, at least they got good taste.
I’m really not seeing the cost here, that’s what I was gonna do anyways
Ok. Then let's just say if you don't pick which anime girl you become there is a 50% chance you Isekai to a chill world like K-on's or a 50% chance you show up in a fucked world like Beserk's or Attack on Titan. And you won't be the protagonist in either.
Can I keep sucking cocks after the mandatory suck?
i'd be a hot girl for a day so i could jerk off the whole day
what the fuck am i looking at
I'm not even spamming though, I just replied to that user. I just wanted to see if people were going to post art in the thread but it went downhill
Yeah and I’m not gonna suck a dick, but we’re talking about a magical hypothetical situation in which both of those things would happen
Afraid? They're disgusting.
fuck off back to Yea Forums
I don't think there's any greater sign of the newfag infestation than attacking Yea Forums's universal wish to be the little girl. Tranny is not a word that should ever come up here. Fucking /pol/.
>Yea Forums
you mean 4Channel
Not into it but it’s worth the price of entry, I’d suck him off and move on
But user, trannies are actually on (((your side)))
>becoming an impure anime girl
that's how you die in the first 3 episodes
>Yea Forums's universal wish to be the little girl
That was a fucking joke retard
Holy shit that's disgusting
Can't they remove skin gradually instead of removing a whole arm's worth in one go? Fucking insane
So all I have to do is not order XXL drinks.
Sounds easier than sucking cock at the gym every day.
Are you retarded? OPs post was about becoming a 2D girl. Which is literally not possible in reality. You retards bringing up trannies are as bad as trannies
>at least once
Does that mean I can ask for more?
We’ve all been degenerates all along. Most of us are just smart enough to keep it on the downlow.
>He did that without a doctor
What the fuck what an idiot
Not being a hero suits me just fine. Still a deal worth pondering, since I'm not interested in Berserk world, but it's the best one so far.
Asking the real questions here.
party is over
>He thought it was a joke
It's not gay if you're a girl.
I'd argue worse. Trannies don't shitpost on the boards I visit.
I haven't done it in a while, but I like sucking dick. No homo
>i-its just joke guys
>i-im not new i swear
t. newfag
tumblrs porn ban really ruined Yea Forums. i want the newfag trannies to leave my board right now
>mods move thread to Yea Forums instead of straight up deleting it
the fuck
good work you faggots. We're in fucking Yea Forums
Good, maybe it'll teach you sluts where you belong.
Mods have single digit IQ
>Does that mean I can ask for more?
You can ask as much as you want, being stuck in 2d anime world now means that you'll always be cockblocked by some jelly slut, or other random crap will come between you and the cock of your desires, insert jap humor here.
sucks to be you.
nigga i am all up for tranniethreads getting deleted from my Yea Forums, just bothers me that those bullshit threads arent a bannable offense
Thanks mods, hopefully trannies will stop shitting up Yea Forums now
2D girls only have periods and menopause when it's plot or joke relevant.
Or you are in a lesbian relationship and need to schedule the times you can have sex.
Yea Forums here. I'm sorry you fine folks at Yea Forums are dealing with this shitheap now.
Tumblrniggers ruined twitter if anything
They can't ban trannythreads because thats TRANSPHOBIA and we can't have that on family friendly 4channel
Hell yes I would, and I’d never look back.
But why only one???
Fuck yeah I'm ready
I've took a break from Yea Forums ever since that stupid naked banana ruined YLYL threads and never really came back. Now 99% of catalog is porn. Has it always been like this or has this place completely gone to shit?
it says at least one idiot, you can keep sucking as much dick as you want after
Anyone saying this was a tranny thread is a straight retard.
but you can't, see
Probably yeah, I don't find that condition really appealing, but there are far worse deals.
Porn companies spam porn threads
Seeing how much they hate themselves, I’m not surprised they woul side with their enemy.
Check the stats. Yea Forums's traffic is way down from before. Most of the shitposters spread into a lot of the other boards, mainly /pol/ but also Yea Forums and Yea Forums. The only ones that stayed are the porn fags.
It wasn't a tranny thread until that one fag posted a reddit screencap.
Seems like it. /pol/ used to feel close to Yea Forums for quite some time, because pretty much every random topic is related to politics if you have the imagination, but now it's also getting worse by the minute.
Can I lick vajayjays instead?
this is Yea Forums, everyone is already cock mongling, so there is really no downside.
There's an odd amount of references in this for it to make fun of tranny weebs
Mate there are people who are scared of discord trannies all over Yea Forums, as if they're gonna get tricked into being trannies or something.
Nah Yea Forums sucks now. Still visit out of habit, but it's not the same. I never would have started using Yea Forums in its current state.
Alright, what are some good cock worshiping H manga?
I'm bisexual anyway.
Agree to suck his dick then not actually do it.
Alternatively, ignore him
first off, i know i will never be a girl, but we can dream, right?
Secondly, even if i was mentally ill, i think i would still be better off then the absolute state of mental retardation you are currently displaying.
Need sauce on that pic. For science.
ugh boo omg /b sucks now.
sadly ive nowhere to go to if i dont stay here so my arse is still rooted even though /b sucks now
>create board specifically for the purpose of moving off topic threads there
>never use it and shit up Yea Forums even more instead.
Did these mods just forget /trash/ exists?
holy fuck that is sheer insanity, what the fuck is actually wrong with these people and why are they still allowed to exist
Do it.
Go to bed and sleep.
Wake up and convince yourself it was a nightmare.
Continue your fulfilling life as a girl.
>shit up Yea Forums even more
Really? I don’t think that’s possible.
Although you are retarded, I'm sure this is the best shit post this guy got ngl, so good job ig
Well at least use /trash/ for its intended purpose.
I'd press it in a heartbeat. But only if it turned me into an adorable woman sans the anime part. Having big ass anime eyes in the real world would be weird as fuck.