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>Because different penises cause more damage than the same penis
roastie spotted
She found herself after 250+ dicks found their way into her first KEK
GF did porn for a while. Got out of it before we met. Have seen her on here a few times.
Yeah that's why I don't want to bang a bunch of chicks before I find the one. If you put your dick into too many vaginas, the pressure from the pussy squeezes your dick smaller and smaller until it's a shriveled little thing
The trick is to go after chubby 18/19 year olds fresh out of high school. Low self esteem, very eager to please, desperate for approval and usually clingy AF virgins.
After dating for a while you can encourage her to lose weight to a point where you find her attractive enough, but still chubby enough that she doesn’t get significant interest from other men.
if you love her and accept her it means you accept her past
Is a dumb faggot who has know idea how vaginas work.
They don’t get stretched and loose unless a woman has a child, and even then I’ve fucked enough moms to know it’s not a big difference.
Not a bad strat. That was my college years. I was a TA for 100 level chemistry classes and would regularly hook up with nerdy teens.
35 year old incel found
>gf did porn
>doesnt post pics
I’m married faggot
Only roughly true. A girl will loosen up the more turned on she is, so naturally girls who are more turned on will be more promiscuous. Even girls with a couple partners (neither of whom are that big) can have looser pussies.
I’ve had exceptions to the rules both ways. There have been tight whores and loose innocent girls. I wouldn’t think too much about it unless you want to become a miserable incel.
The guy has a sound formula for getting vag, yet you call him and incel
This. I had an impossibly tight teen slut. Like ashd was doing black dick and everything. She would cum so hard she would push my cock out and I couldn't get it back in. Likewise, had a sloppy church girl who I could fit my cock and a dildo in no problem.
So is that old advice or do you still do that?
I'm not denying it works, just cheap and undeserved/undesirable
I'm not posting them. But pics and webm's of her have been posted here quite a few times.
This stuff only works if shes like 1-3/10 at best.
It’s advice that worked for me many times and eventually led to me getting married.
All pussy is different. However, thinking all girls who've ridden the cock carousel won't have any effect is just retarded.
Are there some girls who stay tight? Sure, but good luck finding one like that. You'll have better luck winning a scratch off.
Ok, thanks for narrowing it down
Not necessarily, but you have to be patient and make sure you’re not wasting your time. The ten scale is a bit arbitrary but I’d say my wife is a solid 6 or 6.5 depending on the day.
There’s more to the strategy then what I’ve wrote, you have to try to find fatties who don’t have an extensive support system, not many close friends, ideally her family lives in a different city/state as well. With enough patience and conditioning, the thought of leaving of cheating on you will be unthinkable for her. It’s also very easy at that point to get her to fulfill and conform to whatever fucked up fetishes and preferences you have.
Also nice trips faggot
funny how you have to come up with fallacy after fallacy to defend your long lost honor
Went out with a 5 foot 1 vietnamese whore at college. Her pussy was tight as fuck to the point that it was painful to fuck her despite her flowing like a tap. Sexy as hell but shit in bed as a result.
Her and her other asian whore friends would compete about everything inc the number and size of all the white cocks they got.
Met and fucked her again 15 years later after she had 2 kids about 100 cocks and was still married. That pussy was utterly ruined, all loose and floppy.
here's a story: vaginas dont actually work like that.
pussies are toxic man
especially whore ones
so how's the sex now as a married couple.?
does she still put out and with what level of enthusiasm and frequency?
Fake and gay
mfw turbovirgins actually believe these images
also not an issue if you only fuck lolis
She has an incredibly high six drive and has adopted most of my fetishes since i’m the only sexual partner she’s ever had. Marriage didn’t change anything other than her name, it’s still great.
Not all the time. Anxiety is a bitch and college is the first time alot of girls branch out.
15 years is a long time. Unless she was like 8 at the time, anyone would lose a little bit of elasticity
It's good to have a doctor's opinion.
>i'm *a* married faggot
As if anyone here is aiming for anything over a 3.
>alternative facts
>muh morality
That also doesn't make him an incel you blubber retard. In fact it makes him the exact opposite. He voluntarily found a way to get laid. You should off yourself for being this much of a retard. Doubly so if you are in fact an incel like we all believe.
Roasties don't deserve love, only women with good pasts do.
It's legal to date 14 and up in my country, many of my friends date 16 y/o's and try to bring them up from a blank canvas to a grade A gf. They mostly fail and end up pussywhipped, but it's nice to know I can go their way if things don't work out for me.
>one child will stretch out a vagina
>hundreds of penises won't
the literal state of your brain
ITT: Incels
>Babies are the size of a watermelon and can rip and damage vaginal walls during birth
>Dicks are the size of hotdogs and don't
Fucking permavirgin, retard
Wait what? You think outie vaginas are the result of too much cock? Hahahahaha what?
You fucking virgin lmao. Thats hilarious. I bet you never have seen a pussy besides online.
This is incel advice 100%. It's like what they assume will work
>Chubby girls totally don't get attention from guys, why would they?
>Chubby high schoolers will totally be all over my autistic ass because why wouldn't they?
>Better go tell people this advice I've never used; it's obviously brilliant.
>vaginas don't already stretch to extraordinary proportions due to hormonal activity during childbirth
>a vagina during birth has the same elasticity of one during sex
>comparing one birth to anywhere between 0 and a bajillion sexual partners a week
You've surely never did anal with any butt besides your own user, anyone who did knows you can easily hurt a chick's anus, despite her being used to it, if she's not ready.
>hurr durr a pens can't damage a vagina hurr durr
found the dicklet
>vaginas don't already stretch to extraordinary proportions due to hormonal activity during childbirth
You are really fucking dumb, you realize that right?
You're a virgin who obviously has no idea what vaginas actually do during sex. Here's a hint: incels like you shouldn't listen to other incels; they're just as ignorant on this shit.
chubs still get tons of matches on the likes of tinder cus thirsty af men,
trust me, they aren't all the desperate
>Links to a 404
>URL suggests violent sex can cause injury as if that isn't obvious
Kek would probably work.
>doesn't even get my argument
I'm not saying hormones keep the vagina dilated after birth retard, I'm saying that despite the abnormal dilation they go through during delivery (
It does change shape after the first time and after large dicks but you have a point.
Dickhead keeping all the goodies to himself
Hahaha what the hell
>closeted gays
>Thinking a penis will damage vagina like a human baby will during a vagina birth
You fucking mental? Like seriously, you are a stupid fuck.
except it's 100% correct.
The classic double stuff. Church bitches love that shit ironically
Homosexual and gay
>finds the one
>has no sexual prowess
>she leaves him for chad
>user comes back to Yea Forums to complain
>user kills himself with no livestream
>fuck you user
I've fucked 2 moms, 1 single mom (noticeable but not bad at all) other mom was mother of 3, literally a flabby fuck hole
wow thanks
i dont date whores
if you accept her previous 570 cocks it means you are gay af
>post joke
>"hurr durr yOu MuSt Be An InCel"
>doesn't get that this is a timeless Yea Forums meme
Hello newfriend, how has summer been for you?
i lol'd
this actually made me laugh harder than OP's post. good shit Yea Forums.
Hi incel