I proposed to my girlfriend today, She said yes but she wants to keep her last name when we get married. She also wants our future kids to take her last name too. I told her that I'm not happy about this, She just smiles and says, "Deal with it." She's way out of my league and she knows it. What should I do Yea Forumsros?
I proposed to my girlfriend today, She said yes but she wants to keep her last name when we get married...
Other urls found in this thread:
rape her future children
rape her
rape yourself
You proposed. It's a proposal. It's not too late to back away.
There is nothing wrong with her keeping her last name... but your children is a different story. Boys should carry your name, girls hers. Or have them hyphenated.
Are you dumb? Be a fucking man.. Where the fuck is your pride? You don't have pride and you think she is way out of your league thats why she treats you like a sissy shit cunt.
kick her in the pussy
Fuck her bro leave her....if a girl doesn't want your name she doesn't want your dick either bro she's gonna get dick else where. Just watch. Marry the one that is like " I wanna be mrs. Sanders" or whatever your fuckin name is. She isn't crazy about you bro
If the women is capable of rationality then try to reason with her; stop being a pussy, faggot
Deal with it.
Deal with your mom.
stop being a beta male
But I don't wanna break up with her
Probably will never get another girl like her again
Bruh, if this is how she is after getting proposed to its only going to get worse for you. Donyou really want her dictating the rest of your life and refusing to compromise?
Either come to a compromise, or tell her that it's not going to work out. Shit happens.
True they're not gonna be his anyways. But let's be clear I don't condone child rape. Only if it's consensual
Ok, beta faggot
Further if she's not stoked to take your name or let her kids take ypur name then shes not crazy about you, so why the fuck are you even with her? From what I can tell she doesn't value you at all.
Teach your daughters well op
Ok bro check this out. Agree to all her demands. Then when the child pops out give her an ultimatum - they carry my name, or divorce. If you were to break up now, I'm guessing she is a hottie, so she'd have no problems with that. If you were to divorce her a year from now - nobody wants a single mom for anything other than casual pump and dump. She'd have a hell of a time finding a valuable guy when she has a kid. Go forth and pump her full of cum, bro.
Guys have way more to lose from a divorce than a girl. Don't listen to this guy
Is her last name better than yours? I mean it's ok if you gain a cool name from it
You need barganinig chips. If she thinks shes too good for you she's not gonna last long, so stop trying to force it.
Either the kids take your name or there are no kids, end of discussion.
I second this!
^ this.
>She's way out of my league.
If thats' true and you both know it you will eventually get cheated on or something like that in the near future... implying she never cheated on you until now to begin with; you are going to get dicked by that slut many times, have some dignity, man up and start being the one who decides how things have to go.
You are the father, she's just another hoe. How are you going to tell your children "Oh, yeah, about your last name, son, sorry but I'm a beta retarded piece of garbo who didn't even have the decency to pass on my last name to you, my son, my legacy, because your mom is out of my league and you are probably not even my son, so..."
Imagine being this fucking handicapped.
Only if you are a money making machine. Otherwise its % of your income or w/e state laws you have. But now she has a kid and is not at all a thought after good as far as long term dating goes.
Does she say " fuck me in ass, then I'll clean my ass cum off your dick with my mouth and swallow your soul after you cum down my throat twice." Does she let shove it in her anywhere you want,whenever you want as many times as you want. Does she only want your meat and none elses?
It's a sign of disrespect.
Ditch her.
these, multiple times
If you just want her good looking genes, you can either pump and dump (fatherless maladjusted kids) or a better option is to pay for a surrogate from Ukraine.
go away
Committing suicide in 20 minutes.
Going to shoot myself in the head with a shotgun.
Basically I joined a Discord server and they made me go on hrt and that fucked up my whole life so now I have no choice but to do it
Apparently I pass perfectly but I don't want this.
I'll be posting the link to the stream here. Here is the server that made me do it: qIlBPym
The dude has low self-esteem and needs to find some courage to stand up to her before marriage or he will be totally emasculated. Picture is of the most masculine lizard on the planet.
out of your league? that's only true if you're an ugly sperg with no personality and no money...if that's the case, then deal with it or find someone in your league; if you aren't an ugly sperg with no personality and no money, stop being a whiny cunt and stand up for yourself.
You are a pathetic cuck. You should change your last name to her name as well user.
So, what's the point of being married then? Just be in a relationship. She will keep her name, the kids can be in her name and all you have done is donated your sperm and got laid. If you're happy with that,t hen there is your answer. If you are not, grow some balls and tell her that marriage is carrying your name, including the kids. Option: get a vasectomy and fuck her constantly with the promise of delivering children until she finds someone that with fertiliser her of course!
Oh gee it’s this same thread that’s been posted the same way for the last two years.
I think it's nice that she wants to keep her father's family name in honor of the other man in her life.
marriage is the ultimate cuck. You gain nothing but a possible bankruptcy
Be spanish
t. incel
Buy this book op. Game changer.
She's cheating on you. Definitely doesn't respect you.
From experience, be honest with her. If it's a point you can't get over, weigh things. Do you love her enough to move past it? Not just deal with it, move past it. Dealing with it means you bury your feelings and just go on. Moving past it means you look at it and decide that this isn't that bad. You can deal with it.
If you can't move past it, end things. You're only going to end up carrying that baggage with you and it will poison anything good you have. Get out now, rather than lying to yourself and dragging it out.
Fuck here in the asd show here who is a boss
Rofl. Going to the olympics with how far you can jump?
and what's so wrong about women holding their name? and post her pics to see if she's really out of your league user
That girl's got great blowjob lips.
This is some beta shit. Are you really gonna let some bitch tell you what to do cuz she’s hotter than you? It only gets worse
This. Avoid divorce absolutely it will be a problem for years
cut your balls off already, it's better than what you're preparing for yourself right now
>But I don't wanna break up with her
>Probably will never get another girl like her again
ok do marry her, and take her name too
you take her name, ditch yours, you never deserved it in the first place
be mr whorebag
this would change as soon as op commits
>She's way out of my league and she knows it.
Your marriage is over before it even began. Either she's not and you're an insecure faggot or she is and is more likely to abuse this than she isn't.
If she had some more legit reasoning, such as maybe its a more unusual/cooler last name than yours or would be open to compromise (double barrelling) than it could be acceptable. Talk it through with your partner and work it out, and remember leaving is always an option. You'll always find awesome people and pussy if you've done it before.
Oh look is this copy paste post again.
>speaking the truth is hateful and pathetic
it's just factual bro
keep ignoring it though
fuck off cuntbag
Is your last name Hitler or Chokesondik?
just give the kids both of ypur names retard
The only way you can win this is by taking her last name too. Like this you and your kids will have the same last name.
Thats Pasta Yea Forumsoys
Rare one but still pasta
Oh she is the one with the pants in the relationship. Got it.
>She's way out of my league
dont sell yourself short in most cases its the other way around. women are boring, dumb, weak and ugly without makeup. you are the man take charge tell her its off if she wont take your name.
Stop posting stale pasta
Nice copy paste.
All these newfags thinking this is an original thread.
>i don't condone child rape. Only if it's concensual
That's why ..you are right...so...if he doesn't commit and just keeps her as a gf, then he can continue to bust all he wants...if she says those things keep her as a gf..if not trash her
go to church, the wife must submit tot the husband. the husband is responsible for the wife and will be held accountable for her actions before God.
Walk away - she will just decor everything you ina few years so walk
Agree on the condition she signs a prenup
Have the last name hyphenated?
Stand up for yourself though, you’re most likely gonna be tormented by her through marriage if you don’t.
RUN FOREST !!!! .....R U N !!!!!
Just cheat on her any opportunity you get for the rest of her life
tell her best of 3 at rock papers scissors
Make sure you give her a std also.
write up a prenup so when you pop out a kid say they take my name or we divorce and she gets nothing
write a prenup up so she doesn't get anything when you divorce. then when she has a kid tell her they take you name or divorce
salut krai sa gaz? JustlixoV4#6262
ITT: fucking newfags falling for the same copypasta that's been posted here time and time again
Stop being a cuck
>Probably will never get another girl like her again
That's kinda the fucking point. Be with someone who treats you right. You're setting yourself up for a lifetime of misery.
Forget her. She will fuck other guys and tell you to "deal with it"
dont marry her
Whatever you did the last time you posted this pasta, fag
Ditch the cunt and stop being a pussy
have a cheeky vasectomy
Idk she said yes to marriage and kids but the last name thing is fishy... maybe get hitch have kids then child support money but that’s a long haul game... a lot of shit can change...
The amount of pathetic cucks saying "omg man up" while also being so threatened by litteral words is astounding. I usually use this as a meme but y'all really are fucking faggots.
Wtf is your problem? Man the fuck up for god sake! Its just a fucking name faggot.
Deal with it.
>All these summerfags and newfags not realizing how old this fucking pasta is
Dear OP, im a professional marriage consultant. For professional advice i strongly need to see the boobs or vagina of you GF.
Please post pics asap.
imagine being this much of a beta. she was challenging your dominance and you just accepted it. you absolute buffoon. I'd be surprised if she hasn't already cheated on you
which country you are in?
thers a good chance that if you are married and you say they should have your name they get it
also what about a double name if she wants it so hard
is she traiding her ass for nameright?
if yes, you took the deal
if no, take the deal
the worst adviceive ever seen, ultimatums are sign of powerlessness. never give an ultimatum as a man. Its obvious she isnt attracted to him or respect him, in that case, dont bother with the marriage or engagement. fuck her 4 more times and BREAK UP.
OP dont listen to all this CUCK BETAS here talking about reason with her and shit. TBH, she doesnt respect you and is neither attracted to you, she probably only said yes because she sees you as a potential BETA provider, in the long run, you will hate her guts and sehwould run you over in that marriage. This is what you should do, Dont bring up the topic to her again. Fuck her asmuch as you can, then DUMP!!! her and run.
Find fresher copy pasta
let her keep her last name, no big deal.
your future kids should have both your last names