Hey guys, I need to get rid of a dog and I wanna make it look like an accident. I don't need to kill it...

Hey guys, I need to get rid of a dog and I wanna make it look like an accident. I don't need to kill it, but definitely at least run away. How do I do something like that?

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Just take it to the spca.

Yea wtf OP?
Trust me. They deal with honest assholes all the time. "She shat on my floor and i just cant" .exe

It's not my dog, it's my brother's but it lives with parents. I don't like it because I have a smaller dog it's injured and it sheds and I'm allergic. My parents don't wanna get rid of it.

So you wanna keep your dog get rid of your brothers ? Boy it shows that you’re the least favorite child in the family.

It deserves to be there more than you faggot

With your karma no wonder everything around you dies even your sick dog.

My brother wanted to take the dog when he moved out but my parents wouldn't let him.

I don't live there, my dog does.


kys then there will be one less bitch in the world

So, you live on your own and your parents have two dogs ("your" dog and "your brother's" dog), and you want to get rid of one of their dogs because "I don't like it"? Is this correct?

I hope you get raped by a thousand pit bulls in hell you absolute loser and a waste of oxygen. Fucking neck it and I hope your brother's dog bites your cock off in your sleep.

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Shoot it then plant the gun so it looks like a suicide.

Rape it

how about you just off yourself then you dont have to worry about it , and your parents will have less problems to deal with

I've got a proven solution. It's in 2 parts.
Part 1. Kill yourself.

I'll give you part 2 after you've done part 1.

This is literally NPD

One of them is mine and I can't take it because my landlord won't let me. I'm moving soon. The other dog is my brother's and my parents won't let him take it cause he used to be on drugs.

My brothers dog has injured my dog several times because it's much smaller. That's why I'm getting rid of my brother's dog.

>The other dog is my brother's and my parents won't let him take it
In practice it's your parent's then.
>My brothers dog has injured my dog several times
Why don't they keep an eye out for these things? They just don't care?

Yup, they both work full time and they leave the dogs home alone. She's actually been injured by the other dog twice now, once two years ago and again today. So I've decided what I need to do.

If you care about dog at all, for both of them I mean, then move out and find a landlord who accepts dogs and you solve your problem. Also talk with your brother if he can take his dog. What have drugs to do anything with keeping a dog. Maybe he can help him move on as well.

Buy a kennel for your dog?
Wow that was hard.
If you're "moving soon" so you can take it, it won't be a big deal.

I have 6 months left on my lease, I can't afford that. My dog could be permanently injured in that time. I might just go drop the dog off with my brother and see if my parents just give up.

Can't afford it right now.

So this situation is dragging on for 2+ years? Anyway, if you're moving soon I don't see why you should kill a dog for a thing that has happened twice in so much time. I agree with the other user, this is clearly NPD, you obviously don't care about "your" dog (you couldn't find another house in 2+ years?) but you're ready to kill your parent's dog because of their negligence.

You cannot afford a $40 kennel to keep your dog safe?
But you can afford to spend $40 in gasoline to drive the dog up to the woods and shoot it?
Seems legit.

stop honesty is the best policy
so I don't advise you betray your parents or your brothers trust.
also you don't want to live with that guilt.

drive far away with the dog leave it next to a road or in some forest and just drive home if he manages to come back drive even further


You are the kind of person whose legs I'd like to break one day

yeye fuck off that's what we do when we have too many pets and you can't keep all of them so that's the only humane thing to do.

And we have way too many humans too. Leaving scum like you to fend for yourself deep in some forest would be humane. Maybe I'll only break one leg of yours if I really liked you

>step 1. Get a gun
>step 2. Raise gun to the temple of your head
>step 3. Pull the trigger

And just like that you don’t ever have to worry about the dog again you sperg faggot

holy shit ur mad as fuck mission accomplished

Herr durr the dog has human rights

Shut the fuck up it's a fucking dog

Swiper no swiping

stop being such a nigger

Idk bro I’ve gotten rid of several
unwanted animals for the reason that they’re cunts but if it’s for those petty
reasons that’s just pathetic

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Are you a nigger, OP? Because that's something a nigger would do. Kill yourself and the dog will be much better off than before, and the same for your family.

>Are you a nigger, OP?
Isn't it obvious that OP is a shitskin? I mean he's trying to kill a dog and has a crackhead brother and his parents do not give a single fuck about him