This boy offers to suck your dick. What do?

This boy offers to suck your dick. What do?

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let him ofc

Let him

I fucked worse.

Too drunk to tell it's a dude, politely inform the woman I'm gay.

I will gladly accept.

Whip it out

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I pull my dick out

Nice dick sucking lips

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suck his dick first

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Yea Forums i have been contemplating this for over 100 years as i traveled through multiple astral planes; is fucking a trap not the apex of masculinity?
masculinity has always been about being a leader across multiple hierarchies, be it strength, intelligence etc.. These positions have nearly always been held by men, therefore we can assume that men are on average above women. so is a man who lowers himself to the image of a women and then is fucked by you, not the ultimate show of superiority?

Is that Pretty Ricky Ortiz? Good Chun li but ugly "woman"

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Only if I could suck his dick after and then we can take turns bare-backing one another until we are both silly.


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Based Ricki

Yes it is. Now you get it. Congratulations!

I agree about fucking a trap being the apex of masculinity lol. I have a wonderful gf but she’s away at college for a long and I want to find a trap to impregnate but I probably won’t do it for moral reasons. I’ve always wanted to do this it’s always been a dream of mine.

Fuck it let it suck away. Some bitches here are uglier than this thing

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Quite right.

I wouldn't let a guy suck my dick but even if it was a girl, I have a fear of intimacy. I feel like I don't deserve any pleasure


Looks like a transgirl in other pics, is it a transgirl?
Ohh ok nvm, looked up Ricki Ortiz, I am answered.

I would ravage that thing

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