I mean, who wouldnt wanna fingerblast this little troublemaker?

I mean, who wouldnt wanna fingerblast this little troublemaker?

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No way is she straight.

>wanting to perform sexual acts on a retarded child
I'm calling the FBI.

Stop posting this ugly cunt.

I don’t want to - I’ve never found billie eilish attractive at all



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Who the fuck is this fugly bitch?

>girl wearing a suit
Dyke confirmado


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yeah, I mean it was obvious to begin with, but still.


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No, but I wouldn't mind if someone kicked her in the cunt

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She's got those eyes that you see in people with downs syndrome

Once again, who the fuck is she?
Some random ass fugly kid?
Some climate change protester?
Climate change is a hoax.
Tell this fugly ass kid to shut the fuck up.

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Úr mum is a hoax

Sweed-tards... sounds like a candy.

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try it

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shes 16
shes already slightly past her prime
good looking or not this is the best she'll ever gonna look from this point on

Bullshit, once she loses that puppy fat on her cheeks she'll be gorgeous

I actually think she is doing a pretty good job considering that she has downs syndrome. I don't agree with her though, but her work ethic seems to be on point.

>Climate change is a hoax.
>Tell this fugly ass kid to shut the fuck up

Reality right here.
But the Empire blasts us with propaganda 24/7 trying to convince us otherwise

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