Who wins?
>Infinite flat plane with no geographic elements
>Marines and ants don't age, have to use the bathroom, breathe, etc.
>Marines equipped with flamethrowers with infinite fuel and they don't melt
>Ants only goal is to kill Marines by any means possible, they also don't breed
Who wins?
Googolplex of marines would create a tsunami of piss and its like a gigantic deluge drowning most of the ants and washing em far away impossible to reach the marines. Marines win ez
Marines would win but would lose half their forces to friendly fire incidents with no CO to command them.
Googolplex of marines would create a tsunami of dip spit and cigarette butts
Well the soldiers would legitimately drown in ants
The number of ants would be so large that their weight would crush the marines instantly
Do the ants have papers to be in the US legally?
Marines would die from exhaustion from sucking each other’s cocks so much.
Neither would really win, both groups would collapse into themselves under their own mass. The ants would probably form a singularity, and the marines would orbit slowly before being sucked in. So.... the ants maybe I guess? They wouldn't really be ants anymore at that point though.
If they aimed the jizz properly they could take out the ants as well. Could end up a draw with the ants drowning in the marines gay faggot jizz as the weaker marines die from gay exhaustion from so much gay sex.
They don't use the bathroom, READ RULES
I’m not one of the faggot marines sucking each other off then spitting gay marine jizz at the ants. Not all the ants are going to die though cos there will be a whole lot of gay marines who will automatically swallow the gay jizz cos it’s what the gays love to do.
fuck you cocksucker
Most plausible answer so far.
What's with the gayness in this thread?
No thanks. I’m not a gay. You should ask a marine to fuck you cos they are all gays and like sucking dick and swallowing Gay jizz more than winning wars.
a googolplex is a lot more than an equivalent to graham's number so the marines win
But the marines are all sucking each other’s dicks and swallowing their gay loads.
Have a nice day.
Yeah shits gone a bit homo bro
Wanna hold hands?
you too sweetie
>Soldiers don't melt
The soldiers win obviously. They can't melt, so they are invincible to ant acid.
Thats dumb anyway so who cares just imagine every marine pees 1 liter piss and by googolplex number its more piss than water on earth means would be a huge deluge cause of flat earth. But since op ruled it out conveniently haha then just pour infinite fuel on the ground and have same effect but stronger. Marines win and op didnt think it out well.
The FLAMETHROWERS cannot melt. U.S. Marines can melt
What about jizz?
No that is not what OP wrote. He wrote that the marines don't melt.So nothing can melt the marines. Ants can attack humans only with their acid. Soldiers are immune to the acid. Ez win for marines.
What about their gay jizz attack?
Ants. If you imagine a tower of powers of three, in a print size visible to the naked eye, a googleplex would still be visible to the naked eye, and the end of Graham's number would need an incredibly powerful telescope to see. Flamethrowers do not cause complete combustion. The mass of the soot of dead ants alone would suffocate a googolplex of soldiers easily.
That turns the straight soldiers into traps. Traps aint gay!
Paradox! Space time rips and everything in the u I rise is destroyed. I call it a dra.
The dead ants alone would suffocate the marines with their mass. Nothing can stop a Graham's number of ANYTHING from inundating a googolplex of the finest examples of humanity possible, let alone some marines.
The ant would by far win, not even 1,000,000th of their army would be killed
Holy fuck I literally believe you guys can't read
Graham's # is so many orders of magnitude larger than a googolplex it wouldn't even fit into the universe in scientific notation if every digit were on the order of a single particle. The difference is so unfathomably huge the ants wouldn't even notice the marines at all before they'd be overtaken.
Idiot. Its an infinite flat world and infinite fuel. So the outside marines just spill infinite fuel on the ground to wash the ants away and kill them
formic acid attack.
sacrifice a % of the ants to create a toxic cloud surrounding the Marines.
their fire will also burn the oxygen they need.
the ants always win
jokes on you. an infinite flat plain doesn't have air.
>They don't breathe, no suffocation
Irrelevant. If the soot from incomplete combustion of a Graham's number of ants does not suffocate the marines, then they can just as easily be crushed. They don't need to breathe but they need not to be turned into diamonds.
The exceptionally finite number is marines will not be able to spill enough of the infinite fuel fast enough to counteract the still finite but unimaginably larger number of ants from overwhelming and crushing them, literally crushing them into diamonds.
grahams number is dumb.
A number that is finite and definable and whose individual digits can be calculated given time but can never be expressed in its entirety because it would take longer than it will take for entropy to overtake the universe and which was discovered and defined by one very clever man, is dumb?
Na-uh, Graham's number > googolplex. Promise
Yes. What would Graham's number even be practically used for?
A basis for ants to organize a militia