Ugly Anti-American

Ugly Anti-American

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Awww, did wittle baby’s feelings get huwt?

Attached: donald-trump-was-lambasted-online-after-photos-of-him-playing-golf-revealed-a-less-than-healthy-phys (1300x651, 49K)

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but the real pics are scarier

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This tweet is fake

Her brother broke up with her
Now she sad

You're afraid of a woman wearing a scarf on her head??? LOL

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Wow why are you wasting your time on this website you should be the director of the FBI

Its called taqqiyah
Nothing new here

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Because I said a tweet was fake? I only said so because dumb fucks will believe it


White boi!

no u.

try it

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I'd be pissed if someone was discriminating me

>vaginal "arguments"

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and sharia
completely incompatible with western civilization, and declared enemy of the US constitution
those shitslimes should be kicked out and their citizenships revoked
and the traitors who bring them in need the rope... or the gas for the long nosed ones

you win

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everyone can see you're a non human

You need to become a more rational person

But you supermacys pee in your pants! Neo natzi clown.

Wermacht were the real heroes.

would slap those ubongo cheeks

what i said is perfectly rational
maybe you're confusing being rational with bowing down to whatever the powers that be tell you to bow down to

How so? There's no evidence, every human is the same race

Hey man, get a life, read factual science, meet new people, don't be biased

science says we came from monkeys, that the earth is round and what not.

yes there is plenty of evidence

Attached: the missing link walks among us niggers homoerectus 1565980759564.jpg (403x403, 41K)

you win

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niggers are the missing link

Attached: niggers races human species 1501600429581.png (546x548, 49K)

Only thing this fatass is rebelling against is eating healthy and exercising


How tiny is your dick?

We came from a common ancestor, the earth is oval shaped

quiet nigger

Pic was proven to be fake.

Don't post pictures, post fucking links and proper studies.

niggers aren't even linked to the common ancestor.
so we evolved into humans but other monkeys evolved into more monkeys? that doesn't sound logical when we take evolution into consideration, wouldn't it have been more beneficial for these monkeys to evolve into smarter, more human-like creatures? Or for humans to retain the monkey tard power and tails and hand-feet?

I dont think you want to make socialist girl angry...

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Agreed. The people who say we're all the same lack intelligence and ignore basic facts like DNA evidence. It's looking increasingly likely that the birth place of the modern human isn't even Africa as is commonly claimed. I have no time for racism, just to be clear but to ignore evidence is just stupid.

You're obviously mentally challenged


Attached: Bl0iQDQhYw9NwEmG7U2SWuHxfXJA37dlvNCn1ej60DNlgU-nf-Y1Rr.jpg (384x536, 32K)

Look up James Watson. Apparently he was good enough to win a Nobel prize but was later stripped of all honors when his DNA research turned him into a racist.

My god that look.....if she ever gets any real power.

fuck you nigger, i know what's up. your jewish lies have been exposed.

But it's not evidence, it's not actual proof, you're just believing in what this picture is telling you. Are you that impressionable?

Other monkeys evolved into other monkeys because that was the most advantageous thing they could be for their situation. Some say that some of the ape species are now experiencing the beginning of their own stone age. Evolution is a journey still ongoing.

ill shove my hand up your ass and turn you into a puppet

You're quite strange, aren't you

There's plenty of evidence, just look at some of the links the others have posted.

Where is there evidence that Africa isn't the origin of man? You've peaked my interest

Why did humans lose their monkey tails, superior strength and acrobatics when these would be beneficial to us? If you're talking about using primitive tools as "the beginning of their own stone age" then I've got bad news for you pal, monkeys/chimps always used primitive tools.

I listened to an interview. Gonna need a few minutes to find my sources.

delet this

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Why are you so angry

The people posting this don't realize they're proving the out of Africa theory. How does every person on the planet have neanderthal dna except Africans if people didn't come from Africa?

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All that shit is resource intensive. Our path opted for larger brains, which is also resource intensive. They say cooked meats is what allowed us to develop our noggins, as well as taking shrooms. We don't get poisoned like other animals do off shrooms so this mind expanding hobby was beneficial over generations. The creative ones eventually outbred the neanderthals

>resource intensive

That article doesn't say what you think it says. The title is extremely misleading. Modern humans migrated out of Africa.

The Garden of Eden was situated most likely in the Middle East and Noah's Ark landed somewhere around the Turkey-Armenia border area. But whatever....

What a profoundly stupid thing to say. It's scary to think that someone would honestly post worthless shit like that and think they made some point.

TrumpleForeskin's not that great.

........ you're not being serious, right?

Humble thyselth o' filthy swine. Repent you dog, thy judgement cometh. The One born of a virgin, who hath defeated death itself and saved mankind shall make his return and judge the wicked for their misdeeds.

afraid of giving political power to women who outwardly show they are actually answering to the men in their religion... and not representing the mostly white people they represent in their state. It's like coaching the Lakers while you're wearing a Celtics jersey or something.

>This is the ideal male body. You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

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Lel. Keep sending her that shit

Jesuz is filthy commie hobo

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with that hair a better career choice would have been a clown

Ugly Anti-American

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Humans made up languages. To think God spoke to Humans in a language they made up is absurd. God has never spoken to anyone. I still can't prove he doesn't exist, but I can prove he never learned how to speak any of our languages.

>Imagine God up there barking like a dog barks to speak to them in their own language... holy shit...

based af

>he never learned how to speak any of our languages.
God is all knowing.

republicans be like

>were not racist

then proceed to bash minority democrats all day

Imagine yourself learning how to speak Sims just to play The Sims... what a pathetic God that would make you. God did not learn how to speak a human language. That would be pathetic. Think about it.

Man she is so fucking ugly

Your quite the sherlock arent you little ray of sunshine?

>I, an outsider, with no stakes to claim, can see that your opposition is stupid dum dum and you are very smart

Interesting, it's almost as if people with insane ideologies might be judged harshly regardless of their race.

God didn't have to learn it. God already knew it. Trying to apply the workings of the human mind to a omnipotent being seems a bit retarded.

You are the one trying to apply the workings of the human mind to God... thinking that he would have to actually speak human words for a human to receive information from him. Just as God wouldn't need to use your 5 senses to interact with you. You are too dense for this conversation.

He didn't have to learn. He already knows it.