Daily reminder;
Uk government will arrest its citizens for making fun of criminals hair styles.
When tf are you yanks gonna step up and help us?
Daily reminder;
Uk government will arrest its citizens for making fun of criminals hair styles.
When tf are you yanks gonna step up and help us?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's coming. Do the stiff upper lip thing. Don't fold to the blatant subversion.
Will dont make fun of these poor disadvantrd ppls hair then u dumb racist fuck. Would love to see the bobbies nab u and put you in the pokey for a couple of nights. That might make you reassess things you fucken nazi cunt.
This is not true at all.
>thinking drumf gives a fuck about the uk
It is true. There’s a news story of the police warning people to stop making fun of this guy. You can get fined or imprisoned in the U.K. for things said online.
Only once we help ourselves. The wait may be long brother, but it will happen eventually.
Why would you post with such certainty about something you don't know?
We can still make fun of Boris though?
stay mad
just dont comment on some poor disadvantaged persons haircut and u won’t get pinched u dumb fuck. Why is that so hard for you to do? Are we a chronic racist faggot?
Kek u mad.
I'll stiffen up and prepare for the inevitable
I hope so man, unfortunately I think Britain is suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
Awwww diddems. It’s so hard not being an insufferable cunt for you isn’t it! Guess you’re off to the ol’ Bailey and then that faggot with the whack hair is going to make u his bitch kekekkek
weak b8 is weak
Nope try again little incel nazi
why reply over and over saying the same thing
You're obvious
Not me fagit
nope kekkek
I mean you're the only one saying
Nazi and kekekekek
It's definitely you.
you made it obvious.
Plus the poster number hasn't but changed.
You're shit at bait
Trumps busy faggot
Lmfao you do know that there can be more than one poster in a thread fagit
Why is this guy samefagging so hard.
Poster number is still 7
>hurr durr anyone that disagrees with me must be Sam person
Yeah lol.
But it's more than obvious you the same guy.
Screenshot and prove it isn't
We have our own problems over here in in US maybe if you British fucks would stop being so weak you can stand up for yourselves
Lmfao you fagits aren’t worth a screenshot
The poster number hasn't gone up since you came in.
You're replying to the op multiple times
You're talking to yourself saying Nazi alt right racist and kekekekekeke
You couldn't be more obvious
So you admitted to samefagging
obviously he has to priorities israel above all else.
Kek u mad cos I can’t be fucked screenshooting for u.
It’s gone up to 9 retart
This is what happens when you let them take your guns.
>’muh jooooooooooooz
Fucking kek
UK sucks arab dick and has no power
israel cuts off arab dick and has lots of power
>literal autism
The butthurt is real kek
say hi to your jidf cocksuckers schlomo
holy shit you're an insufferable shill.
fuck me that’s a lot of tinfoil hat shit.
But whatever keeps you from shooting up a school I guess.
oy oy oy
Nice try with the false flag asshole.
fys already
stay mad shill
I'm obviously anti trump you daft nigger, the irony of an actual npc using the npc meme kek
Yeah trump ain’t the one in charge buddy
Your people keep demanding we disarm and ban guns. Clearly you do not want us or our guns in your nation.
We are staying home unless someone attacks us.
Sorry you made your bed now sleep in it.
obviously he isn't in power, he's just a puppet of the international banking cabal
You had your chance to join us back in 1776.
We won't be stopping by until we need to invade continental europe again, so it might be a while.
No matter how often you tell a lie it does not become the truth. The truth is:
Egyptians are not now and never were black.
pick one you porch monkey
>making fun of their hair is illegal
>thats racist
>because i whites dont get arrested or have fucked up haircuts
Sadly America got the best of the non cucked Brits.
Stay mad
And the best of their women after WWII
Lol, and you limey turds think we should turn in our guns.
when you stop talking shit about our guns, freedom seems nice now dont it.
its dindu
dindu nuffin
bike thief extraordinare
seller of drugs
father of none
leach of the dole
kaliheese jamal tyrone koonta first of his name
>take this primitive knowledge
>k thx
>the white man proceeds to climb the ladder to universal knowledge at an exponential rate
>leave niggers in the dust
>come back and give them REAL civilisation
Even if it were true, this just shows that those niggers were retarded and couldn't get past the medieval age even after thousands of years.
>no industrial revolution
>no mass manufacturing
>no standardisation
>nothing but tribal wars and voodoo
More proof that whitey can’t rhyme scheme for shit
i'm not american so i could care less, pathetic cope
>i could care less
You're as retarded as an American
Have you not been paying attention this whole time or what
Hahahahahahaha u are literal retard.
seething right now kek
A lot more than u timmy. Now go and do your homework, the grownups are talking.
Mmmmmm yesss your tears are the tastiest of them all little incel cuck
>no u
Mmmmm yesssss such salty tears mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Kek at UK and kek at haircut.
So I take that as a "no". Fucking christ dude, Epsteins madam is the daughter of a mossad agent. You're only fucking yourself if you're not drawing the lines out of some misguided attempt to maintain nobleness by means of willful ignorance.
Your shitty country is beyond fixing after having SJW ad police.
How do they even find you? You faggots entering in your real names online? The fuck! Not even my facebook has my real name. Retards.
you win
>Drug dealers
are they the only ones with this hair in the system over ther?
I mean realistically its just hair, a simple 0 or 1 or shave and there would no hair to laugh at