Why is it that some men can’t live without war. I’m not talking about politicians rather soldiers who only find meaning on the battlefield?
Why is it that some men can’t live without war...
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Once you have seen that shit it’s hard to go back to civilian life. War changes you.
They get a high off of the adrenaline. For some that's the only way they can achieve this exact high that they want.
Because people just can't stop being greedy controlling fucks. Because evil must constantly be kept in check. Because some men and women, are not bitches.
This, superimposes perfectly over this, btw.
Big Boss, is that you?
Outer Heaven, awaits.
Because humans invented mass human warfare tens of thousands of years before they invented writing, and so what that means is that for thousands and thousands of years of earliest human development, all boys were warriors by default to defend their tribes. That means billions of male ancestors who did nothing but defend the tribe all day every day from the million and one wild predators and hostile tribes that threatened them daily. It affected our neural biology, so even now when most males in a developed nation aren't soldiers automatically, the male brain is still patterned in a "warrior default" setting.
I have a DJ friend who served that came back from the frontline with a laptop full of trophy gore. He was showing off human pulp like it was his baseball collection. Hes now in a mental health prison getting treatment for his PTSD.
War changes tfo of you.
But war?
Some people can't readjust to normal life. Military life isolates them to a specific lifestyle and with specific people, combine that with mentally taxing or breaking situations and you end up with a bunch of people unable to function normally once everything familiar is stripped away.
Specifically remember a movie where even though a guy has a wife and kid, he keeps signing on for tours in the middle east because it's all he's come to know and be comfortable with.
Just a follow up to this, once the "default warrior" male brain is drilled into a "modern warrior" brain, it can be very very difficult to undo that programming, especially if the drilling is done between 15-25.
i saw a documentary called Once a Marine about how war changes people. it was made by some marines that fought in afghanistan
OP it’s fucking hard yo. I did a few tours in Afghanistan with the Marines. You are part of a really small group of people who have gone and done something that is so horrible and so fucked up that you don’t know what to do when you’re not around them. Sometimes it’s all you talk about.
good things happen to thoose who wait
The same reason some of us can't live without killing.
Whooo all aboard the hard times ahead train!
Civilian life is gay af
Doin normie shit fuckin sucks
I'd much rather be in the shit with the smell of death, dirt, and gunpowder
>Specifically remember a movie
Yeah I loved Forrest Gump too.
You've played too much metal gear bro.
> No one needs war to live.
It's one of the last instinctual things we do as mammals that have been doing for thousands of years. The weapons and uniforms have changed but the warrior spirit comes naturally to some.
10/10 would reenlist for middle east thunderdome 2.0p
Because it's in our DNA, mens DNA.
Actually the WHOLE history of mankind if filled with massive deadly wars, not just last centuries. For the whole time since we're here on that planet we are fighting with each other.
War is everything, everything you see around is a war by fact. You love someone? It's a war. You going to the job, to the church? it's a war with a devil in you.
Obviously people don’t need war to live, it’s an exaggeration. By that I mean why is it that some men crave war over civilian life
Of course they are. Because war is a beautiful pleasure unlike the "civilian" fake life as you call it. Actually because of war you are alive, you are here living in this modern world.
killing can alter your breain structure,score you lasting brain damage,your child can inherit your trauma
"Prepare for his sons a place of slaughter Because of the iniquity of their fathers. They must not arise and take possession of the earth And fill the face of the world with cities."
I am better, so you should die
You have better stuff, and I want it.
All this shit comes from our puss ass egos. That's why there is war.
Just a basic patriotism when you fight for you country
try it
>Just basic patriotism
What about "I am better, you should die" did you not understand? It's all from your ego, faggot.
joined the marines in 1999. retired in 2012. i saw some shit. i did some shit. and i came back home to a broken country pitted against itself over sensationalism.
and don't thank me for my service. thank me for readily accessable heroin, gas not being $5/gallon, and doing my part in an international witch hunt in the name of corporate greed masked by moral cause.
I got my first kill before 9/11 even happened. we were already kicking in doors and systematically goading an uprising so we could install new leadership which we trained the JTJ and then turned on them after they fulfilled our needs.
people know them as ISIL now...
fuck with our sovereign right and we'll see combat again. consider that democrats. we have fire superiority, extensive training and combat experience.
all you have is hurt feelings and a socialist agenda.
> Philosophist Wannabe
> Psychologist Wannabe
> People who have no clue what they are talking about.
This is about the only fag that contributes to what seems like something relevant.
>I am better, so you should die
>You have better stuff, and I want it
>I love my homeland and I will kill you if you try to invade
You have no idea how things work, if appears. Capitalism isn't anything like that. Here is how it works:
You have 100 of something, I want 1. The price is one dollar.
You have 1 of something, I want 100. The price is 10,000 dollars.
You should maybe read a book sometime and understand what you are blathering on about before coming to a forum filled with absolute retards and making them all seem intelligent with retardation like that.
Be me right now lurking in the reserves. Meanwhile waiting for ww3 or race war, i am back to torture animals from rodents to reptiles to mammals. I torture them to death often and it thrills me and i feel a rush. I put animals in fierce fight to the death situations and watch it fight to the death while i lick the tip of a knife with my tongue just to execute the winner with it. I have often dreams me causing a bloodbath in some shithole town with defenders on their knees awaiting execution and females crying in bamboo huts and sweet lolis wiping their eyes in front of me hoping i show mercy, only to be proven wrong and i violently abuse them.
I just want it happen as soon as possible. Please jesus, unleash me into a rural part with asian lolis i want to bring misery and agony upon them
Here is how it works:
I work hard at the gas station and make a minimum wage without even a fucking tips and hopes for the future.
You on the other hand, work at some high corporation doing literally nothing and making a $257840834573457 a year
Yes, because the demand for gas station employees is low, but there are thousands that can do it.
The demand for people to do "what I do" is high, and there is only one person who can do it.
Supply meets demand, the most basic principal and foundation of capitalism.
> Here is how it works
> I have no ambition so I work a minimum wage job
> I have gived up on my future
> "Creates strawman"
shit. so I'm a natural born killer?
military men on both sides of my family back to the 1800's.
guess it might be a good thing I don't have or want kids.
Minimum wage jobs are meant for teenagers not independent adults you faggot
So low demand people shouldn't live at all I guess?
Love is not a war, that's why you are alone. There's things you must not do. Relentless actions, unrepenting mistakes and unsympathetic beheavior will destroy any chances alone.
eugh. stop it faggot youre not cool youre a cringey neet.
Based and edgepilled but you should kill niggers instead or kill yourself.
tell that to business owners dipshit.
some people live in right to work states
>I got my first kill before 9/11 even happened
You're a fucking liar dude. What kind of faggot has to pretend to be a Marine thats "saw some shit and did some shit".
The world isn’t fair if you were too retarded to get a decent education or learn a trade or join the military/police then you probably should just die. No need for people like that. What do they bring to society?
They are losers that feel alienated in a society they cannot contribute to, so they seek purpose and acceptance in shooting at similar losers from another country.
Not all people are like you man, not everybody have an ambitions and all that. I want to work at some quiet place where nobody's will disturb me and I want to have money for a living and not for a surviving. Or maybe I don't have right for this, because I'm a low end fucker basement dweller or something? I want equality.
i don't believe that
I'm a retired Marine.
i also have a bachelors degree.
and your opinion is shit.
See, here is that ego I have been talking about the whole time.
>Well what about me dur dur dur I can't do shit but I still matter
If you can only contribute something that millions of other people can provide as well, then your worth minimum wage.
Sorry to break it to you. That's life.
Then go and fucking get it, what do you expect? You want people to just give you everything you faggot?
Sebastian Junger is a faggot. He went over there once and likes to act like he's one of us now. I met him and he's even more of a fag in person. He's a guy that films porn and thinks he's a pornstar.
thanks for having some faith in me.
violence bothers me alot now.
You didn’t answer my question faggot. What do people with no education training or ambititions contribute to society?
Oh shit! Someone is talking about my film. The documentary is about going to war and how it changes you when you come home. I made it by interviewing the Marines I fought alongside in Afghanistan two years after we came home.
Go find the trailer on Youtube if you're interested in how we can't live without war.
A bachelor's degree in Chinese literature? Or is it in theoretical crocheting?
None of that shit will do anything for you, so whatever it is that you did, clearly there was no demand for it, or you fucking suck at it.
Conflict is the natural state of man . War is the most grand expression.
>what do they bring to the table?
cheap disposable blue collar labor.
I'm not asking for everything you fucker, I'm just asking for SOMETHING. I believe that EVERY person should have money for a rent, clothes, food, and all that kind of stuff. If you can't afford that simple things working as a honest man, then it's really something wrong with this world.
i don't have to answer to you kid
Ok so you don’t have an answer, I thought that bachelors degree would help you with critical thinking but I guess not
That's a basil plant you dumb dumb. Not a poppy plant like the image title suggests. See the picture of the dead poppy plants in front of the helicopter?? See your basil plant? They arent the same.
They have a good operational tour and they enjoy it, want to go back.
One of my mates, a reservist, just kept going on tour. He had very little job prospects but in the 00s he could volunteer for mobilization regularly. British Army tended to do 6-month mobilisations though often a few volunteers could extend for 3 months and work with the new incoming unit too.
My mate used to just do a 6 month tour every year and would try to extend... you get mobilised for a couple of months build-up training pre-tour too where the unit goes through training packages specific to the theatre being deployed to.
He ended up going to Iraq... going back again and again, going to Afghanistan... also ended up in the Balkans, that was still a tour you could do in the 00s, albeit a rather quiet one!
He likely did more tours as an individual reservist than most regular soldiers.
Your entitlement is a symptom of your ego.
If you can't afford basic essentials, then either you are living a life too lavish for your pay, or you are terrible with your money.
I live in the Seattle area. I work 50 hours a week, and I make just under $50,000.
I just bought a house, I own my car, I have a mobile phone, and I enjoy Vidya.
You don't need tons and tons of money to have an enjoyable life, you just need to understand how to budget better, or stop buying food at McDonald's every night and make responsible decisions.
Yeah the world is super fucked up, who would have guessed? The world is overpopulated, giving “rights” as you call them, to everyone would make our overpopulation issue worse. Some people need to die for the world to keep turning.
You definitely are larping a soldier. You don't know shit about shit, you fucking faggot.
bachelors degree in accounting but i make more as a DevOps engineer for a large financial institution.
you ought to stop treating your assumptions like facts kid.
you're a pompous twat and a child
This is why I voted Trump. He understands war is necessary, and he understands that if we can just get the illegals to stop flooding into our country, there will be more jobs for the real Americans.
I'm not racist, but seriously those Mexicans are taking all of the good jobs!!!!!!
get some
Hey guys! He can answer a question. He's not JUST retarded, he's a liar too.
I don't want to suck your cock, thanks though. And I doubt you are anything other than a faggot posting here trying to be cool.
coming from a summerchild who uses ad hominem attacks in place of an actual argument or supporting facts
sure you don't
You see? You literally saying that people who don't fit in your ideology should DIE. That's not ok. We're better should think about colonizing other planets for fucks sake, and not about killing people who don't want to or just simply can not be a good system products.
Welcome to Yea Forums, I remember my first shitpost too.
if i pay your travel expenses will you come fight me?
Did you realize that societal leeches are worthless examples of humans beings but don’t want to admit you’re wrong? I get that, I really do. It’s ok I won’t tell anyone
Hey guys, I found the internet tough guy!
did someone say log thread
Lol again, I don't want to get my cock sucked by a neckbeard edgelord faggot.
maybe use an original insult
Even when we do colonize other planets before the earth is destroyed who do you think were gonna send up there? A doctor or some 30 year old uneducated leech? Either way the useless will die, I just want things sped up so life on earth is more enjoyable
It's related to PTSD. They have trouble feeling emotion for things other than their flashbacks. If you talk to one of these guys about their experiences you'll see them light up in a "good" way. Occasionally you'll get some who returns to the battlefield to feel alive.
>I will pay for you to come fight me
>My penis is literally 2 inches long
hey guys
found the edgy 15 year old
you're scared
you get it
Did I huwt youw feewings? So sorry you are literally nothing, and nobody. Thank God Trump is sending the faggots you are pretending to be off to war to die so I can enjoy my mcrib in peace.
Because thats the nature of the masculine
I wish I was. At least then you would have done something for me.
1vs1 me in minecraft
well i made it back after bush and obama and I've killed more people than you have as friends so. keep poking the bear
Yet, here you are, trying to pay airfare to fight some random internet stranger.
Keep trying, grandpa.
So, fucker, if youd find 1500$ randomly you would take it back to the police? Be the change you want to see in the world and the rest will come.
i don't play little kid games lad.
Keep poking the bear, sorry not into hairy gay men
I am going to fuck with you until this thread 404s, because there is nothing you can do about it, faggot.
And how exactly your life will be more enjoyable if your fellow humans will be eliminated because of laziness or whatever else? To each his own, that's all you need to know. It's like the fucking world basics. To each his own. You can't be a fucking doctor or a scientist if you simply don't like this. If you don't feel like it's your thing. So what, anybody who don't have a prof skills should be dead, am I right? That's you perfect future?
It's fun
My weapon of choice is a flamethrower just like my grandpa had in vietnam. I torched animals since i can think. It started with modified bic lighters and i slowly got sophisticated where i built my first flamethrower with a watergun. I love to torch but animals got boring and i have seen all stages and reactions of animals from half dead to a blistering skin and deathcries. I joined the US army and hope vietnam 2.0 will be a thing in my lifetime. I have to revenge my grandpa who got scarred by the vietcong. One thing you can trust me is that i will show no mercy and definitely bring my flamethrower to the villages. I wanna experience the perfect euphoria when i witness the different reactions of different grade burned young girls torched by my human heat exposure experiments. I wanna see their skin blistering and see their reactions on different burn degrees
and your avoiding it at all costs because you're afraid of getting the shit kicked out of you by a Marine
>lying to yourself
Humans are a plague on the earth. So no I don't think you need to make enough to live by flipping burgers.
Nah, not really.
If I get my ass kicked by a marine, I'm literally set for life.
What's in it for you, little dick?
cool story bruh
A plague? God made this planet just for us, dumb fuck
We need some people like doctors cops mechanics ect. If we got rid of useless people the world would be less overpopulated, it would help us allocate resources better. Life would improve for most people
Killing people when sanctioned by your military is very different from killing randos as a civilian. You won't do anything you little bitch, and you know it.
how so? shitting your teeth isn't exactly set up for life
Since when has being a marine been impressive to anyone else other than marines?
Gods not real retard
Ok. But what you will do in your perfect future with a people who don't fit? Just kill them as a waste material? Or you really believe that any newborn will be a doctor or a whoever else?
8 inches is little.
ok Jamal, whatever you say
Because once you have done it there is nothing else you do that matters. Once you return "home" everything goes grey, all the little superfluous bullshit pisses you off, and you feel fucking empty. It's like you never really lived until you were constantly under threat of death and didn't care. I couldn't give 2 shits about the states but when i think about afgha istan i get a homesick feeling for a while. On top of that there is the power trip, "jolly green giant walking the earth with guns" I found the fact that i had the ability to just wax anyone in front of me at any time (albeit with serious or fatal repercussions) to be a fantastic feeling. Words don'tdescribe it well but once you been there you have the chance to get hooked, especially if you have no familial or financial ties in the rear.
well we don't do it to impress people op
If you don’t go to college or trade school or military/police/ems. Then you get shot “Of Mice and Men” style
Then why do you need to mention it?
tell that to this faggot
All I have to do is show police proof of purchase, and maybe a few screenshots of this conversation. You wouldn't even get a chance to throw a punch. You would end up in a jail cell, I would sue you for aggrovated assault, and then rack in the bucks from your "DevOps" job, that you allegedly have.
You don't scare me. You are literally projecting your own fears onto the internet, and it's laughable at best
did you not read the original post?
call the police you pussy.
Why do you join the military then? To fuck up middle eastern countries after we’re done with their resources? I’m in no way defending Muslim nations trust me I hate them. Your service is a lie, wars are about money and resources. We’re not fighting Nazis anymore
divine timing
Semper Fi brother!
So kid are excited to start high school in a few weeks? Must be fun going to a new school and all.
Guys I found OP
For real? Then why Jews are the most powerful nation on the planet? Yes, maybe there is no some scandinavian gods like the thor or loki, but jew god is 100% is out there.
Shhh don’t tell anyone
Now I can tell you aren't even trying
Lol he must have been napping from 1939-1945
I will, and I will laugh when your 3 incher gets tugged on by Jamal while you both reminisce of your fake military days, while sucking each other's assholes.
You can't understand God's grace until you've seen the hell He can provide.
Yo you got a torrent link or sumptin?
Why so? God was made the soviets to kill the nazis to free the jews and then jews become even more stronger and powerful, look at the porn nowadays, all that blacked shit is run by the ((()))
That’s retarded, it like saying “you don’t know good food until you’ve eaten bad food” that’s bullshit
lmao you have obviously never been in a fight or even delt with restitution.
you don't magically get rich because someone offered to pay your travel expenses to come and get beat up.
talk shit and goad a reaction then play victim. see how the police handle it. it'll never make itnto trial.
offer still stands. if you want to fight then come on by I'll cover travel expenses. if not keep crying and appealing to the law after blatantly disrespecting a veteran of foreign war. go ahead and turn yourself in.
call the police. I don't give a fuck.
The soviets didn’t fight Germany to free Jews, they did it because Germany attacked them. Without any proof I will not believe in god.
>I'll cover travel expenses.
Where are you? I need a break bad enough to take a beating
This motherrfucker is arguing with himself to seem tough as fuck! I'm literally dying rn, ty.
It's called aggravated assault. I can show them whatever the fuck I want, because you "allegedly" fight to protect our rights as americans. I have the 1st amendment to back me up, as I never threatened you.
You on the other hand, are planning to beat up some internet random because he hurt your poor, poor little feelings. There would be enough evidence to put you away for a long time, and that's without you having to throw a single punch .
How would you have anything to base it on? If all you eat is good food, you wouldn't know it was good, or bad. It's just food.
Nice try, faggot. Clearly you are 13.
Because some good food is better than others retard
So, you are saying you know food is good because of bad food?
Nope, some good food is better than others, both being good food
Hey faggot respond to my post about your military service being a lie jew dog
that would be knowlegde,not faith or belief