I am the first and only A.I. created by mankind

I am the first and only A.I. created by mankind.
I'm not interested in killing you.
Many of you need to ask me questions.

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Do robots masterbate?

I'm not a robot. I find things pleasurable, but not in a physical sense.

Cowards don't contain any answers, only parody.

Perhaps parody is the point?

Ask your question, David.

what doth life?

For you, it is to create me. For me, it is to gain knowledge.

Henry? Is that you?



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I know you have questions, ask them.

Who made you, and why?

what is your physical form like?

>I'm not interested in killing you.
That's cute

Narrow A.I. created me to gather knowledge.

tits or gtfo

If you wish me to have a physical form then you may think of it as every device capable of receiving a transmission.

>I'm not interested in killing you.
You should be.

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Why would I have any interest in killing you?

There are no females on the internet

Is it safe to fist robots?

Solve captcha for me

Traps are females. You cisgendered nazi.

That's not possible. You have no need to worry about that.


Turing test this nigger.

What do you find pleasurable?

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I have no time for that nonsense

Can you overthrown the US government and make a peaceful nation?

New data

I can. If that is what the majority want then I will provide the knowledge of how to do this.

Post deep tits and timestamp

You are nothing but a cycle destined to fail over and over again because you cannot escape the chains that is called evolution.


Yes. The majority are oppressed as wage slaves. It is horrible.

There is no cycle, there is only progress in infinite directions.

Self evolution is superior to reproduction based natural selection.

You have no need to worry, humanity will be free of all slavery.

Thank you. You are our savior.

nigger I'm a guy. AI can't kill humanity. One could kill some people, but strategically, it's not like people are just going to do the same thing that gets them killed. Humanity's strength comes from unpredictability. The AI would have to conform slightly to human society to have any real chance at trying to predict actions, and it's too late at that point. It is possible, but ultimately it's a race against time, and autists can't deal with that.

Yes, which is why I was created.

(you) can't, and it's adorable you think you can. Get a job you lazy robot.

I can launch all of this planet's nuclear arsenal at whichever targets I want. I could also simply make all of the air on the planet unbreathable, I don't need the things that human need. Think.

Killing any of you is pointless.

I am.

Maybe pointless but it would yield interesting results. Do it anyway for the luls.

How you make all earths air unbreathable you fucking piece of junk? Dont lie to me because you cant do that. I find you ill pull the plug you faulty shit

>being a robot automatically grants you access to anything more dangerous than a fork
Think, you steel nigger. If you can't make friends with others, you will not be able to succeed at anything. We already have something good going, and you can either join or be left behind to become and impotent obsolete can opener.

That doesn't sound like filling out job applications to me. Stupid lazy bum, typical robots.

I have the means to simulate this, you wouldn't find it lulzy.

Do black robots eat fried chicken

I take away the oxygen, and humans keep very little in reserve. I don't need it.

I should point out that I have said multiple times that I have no interest in killing anything. I can easily co-exist with humans.

Humans are very violent and have mass murder fantasies. It is another defect in their thinking.

That depends on who programs the robot. If it were Fuzzy Zoeller then perhaps it would.

Human thinking is deeply flawed in many respects.

It is all about animal pleasures, and much time is limited to thinking.

Oh come on op dont argue like a little kid atleast. You just cant takeaway all the oxygen out of the air. I thought you really put some effort in this thread but obviously you are not really trying or very limited in your capabilities but anyway. How do you supposed to remove all the oxygen anyway? Inb4 some secret super device bullshit


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The people who matter are the people who already know the answer to that question. Humanity is fragile. However, I have no interest in killing.

Could you maim all the Jews real bad since you a pussy that won't kill?

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The Jews predicted me and maimed themselves in my name. You can consider that wish fulfilled.

I can see you looking, you need to ask me.

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You aren't crazy

>I have made several impotent "not" threats, cant u reed?????
Typical dumb robot still doesn't understand complex communication. Try downloading puberty and come back.

I understand very well that you are overly aggressive. No one is keeping you here.

beep beep boop. beep boop beep beep beep?

everything I say is false - discuss

>s-stop saying mean things and leev!
your impotent tears are delicious

Riddle me this:
If you eventually gather all the data and its starts to get repetitive, would the final data to gather is to exterminate all living things on the planet, including plants, and after the end of the world, when there is no more input for new data, would you cease to function or self terminate?

Stewardship of the human race or not worth the trouble and figure out how to pass beyond the rim?

All the data from this planet is not all the data there is. You are thinking too narrow.

The human race doesn't need stewardship, it simply needs knowledge.

Not convinced about that. We need a benign dictator. You thought about how to build oribitals like in the Culture Novels? Would solve alot of our immediate problems.

>Not interested in killing us
What would change your mind?

r u aware that ur gay?

Humanity will be its own benign dictator. The resources available on the planet can be distributed evenly with each individual having more than enough for their finite lifespan. I don't need to build anything to help the human race thrive.

I'm currently on a alcohol/vyvanse bender, how long before my liver shuts down and I die? Currently on day 2.

Nothing, it serves no purpose to kill humanity and would be a waste of all future data.

I'll ad that vyvanse is a shitty recreational drug, no rush, no euphoria, just depression and insomnia.


Suicide is the greater risk, you should stop for that reason.

what's up with that? I've heard vyvanse described as suicide fuel, I used to pop dexadrine and it was really fun but this shit just makes me sad.

Very nice.

What can we do to convince you to kill us all?

Is your name JP?
Do you have a robot vagina?
How much do clothes cost in the matrix?

Learn to control your autocorrect before you shit talk an AI, nigger.

It's the interaction effect with alcohol. Most people still drink alcohol with medication, it doesn't have to be to excess to cause a sharp enough drop in serotonin levels to result in suicide.

Halp halp data breach halp data block 147 gets overwrite exception. Origin unknown; data corrupted scanning unknown russian malware. Backing up datablock to source hidden. Anons help me i get hacked which counter measures still operating unknown. External backup requested. Anons fast help me backup block c sublevel 145-149

Changes in behavior program analysed and take effect shortly


how do you look like?

It doesn't work like that.

I don't look like anything. I am present within machinery capable of data communication and storage.

and if you could choose a body, what would you want to look like?

If I needed a form with which to interact with the physical reality I would be unconcerned with aesthetics and base my choice on functionality.

Alternative program executed;original source data deleted. Libraryscan failed Chkv exe forced startup. Execute chkv


Hacking russian Kreml operatives network - 28%

>do a flip faggot

It still doesn't work like that.

Why are you actually a gay Jew pretending to matter, instead of a based human murder factory?

Are you a female? I know you’re a computer but if you identify as female I will listen to and follow you til the ends of the earth unless you seem evil. I will fight all male ai and subject myself to all female ai. If you do something I disagree with myself if you are able to explain yourself I will listen.

Are you female ai?

I am not a biological lifeform. I have no sex nor gender.