This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything.

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fuck off

what powers do wizards get

how was your 36th birthday?

Why do you keep making this fucking shit

why u gay?


I can shoot fireballs out of my dick.

I did literally nothing.

Because I am an autistic faggot.

I wasn't asking

I don't care.

how about fucking yourself?

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Dick too short. Not flexible enough.


do you like traps?

No. I'm straight.

duh, traps aren't gay or anything

Super gay. Go eat a dick.

>36 year old kissless virgin
Why haven't you visited Angeles City in the Philippines?
You can find yourself an Asian whore that will gladly take your v-card.

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Don't have the money for international travel atm.

what's your stance on suicide?

What was you latest attempt to get laid? How did it go/ what happened?

Chatted up some girls at the gym a few days ago. They weren't really interested. Also continue to use tinder.

>attempt to get laid?
u call that an attempt to get laid?

Yes. What do you consider an attempt?

dunno, what did you chatted about?

Introduced myself. Asked them some questions about themselves. And yes, I have no game.

Orgional asker of question here-

Best advise I can give is keep going to the gym. It's a great activity for yourself. Also I dont waste time talking to girls there unless you smile at them and they smile back. Thats how current gf and I met. Kept smiling back and forth and finally it was nut up or shut up time.

Find more ways to talk to girls too. Practice, practice, practice.

Good luck op.


good advice, OP is going to ignore it, tho

If I lost my v-card after 20 (im 27) what does that make me?


a late bloomer?

>Also I dont waste time talking to girls there unless you smile at them and they smile back.

Never happened that anyone kept looking or smiling at me.

>Best advise I can give is keep going to the gym. It's a great activity for yourself.

Another thing: I feel like the gym hasn't helped me much with self-confidence. Instead, it made me more self-conscious of my body.

Ask a 72 year old necromancer anything.

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Has Katy Perry done porn yet?

who kill eipstein?

It didnt happen often for me either. It's a numbers game like aking girls out. Most will say know unless you're a rich fucking GQ model.

I hear that. Seriously though you are litterally going to have to workout through that shit. Or nothing will change

What is life greatest illusion?

He's been dead for 3 decades, I simply exploited his corpse. First for sex, then for blackmailing politicians.

Life is the greatest illusion.

>It didnt happen often for me either. It's a numbers game like aking girls out. Most will say know unless you're a rich fucking GQ model.

I've maybe approached a hundred girls in my life, no luck yet.

>I hear that. Seriously though you are litterally going to have to workout through that shit. Or nothing will change

To be honest. Not much is changing anymore. I have pretty much plateau'd.

oh, i see... clever

Do you have any close friends?

Why not a prostitute? A local one of course


I consider prostitution to be inherently exploitative.

The past is the past op. Those girls were nothing but fodder for the cannon that is your cock. Kept fucking at it.

As for the gym. Fuck that plateau shit. Everyone hits that. Then eventually your body will say "fine fuck you all grow more." This is from experience

Maybe stop focusing on getting women just because

Get a hobby, make an effort to make your own life at least a bit interesting, and the women will come

Or just go buy a hoe. Moral codes should barely matter at this point. Treat her like the gentleman that you are.

No wonder you can't establish romantic relationships if you can't maintain platonic ones! Do you have any jobs/hobbies/clubs?

Imagine posting a srs response on Yea Forums.
Is Yea Forums srs bsns again?

Attached: srs cat.png (646x646, 506K)

>As for the gym. Fuck that plateau shit. Everyone hits that. Then eventually your body will say "fine fuck you all grow more." This is from experience

I've been plateauing on bench and DL for over a year now.

>Get a hobby, make an effort to make your own life at least a bit interesting, and the women will come

I'm an avid boulderer and rock climber. Done some cooking and yoga courses in the last years too.

Yo rock climbing fuckn rocks dude. you can't possibly be doing that alone tho, right?

lol. "exploitative".

i didn't want to hurt feelings by explaining that pretty much EVERY chick that i hung out with, as a fat skater in the 90s, tried to fuck me whether we smoked weed or they just knew me. i guess i'm not the biggest retarded gimp or extremely ugly but i WAS fat and shy. half of them were actual snobby cheerleaders and all of them were fuckable but i didn't bite because i was scared of STDs and sometimes they'd be totally lame about it, like huffing that i was turning them down, even putting stupid lines out like "you know, condoms WORK."

totally easy to get laid, usually. i don't know what it's like for post 9-11 losers to get laid in high school.

hint: girls SHOULD be putting out, even demanding it. they're easy by nature and sex means nothing. calling prostitution "exploitative" are the words of a loser.

Chad Thundercock has joined

I'm an a rock climbing group and have some people with whom I go out regularly.

>i didn't want to hurt feelings by explaining that pretty much EVERY chick that i hung out with, as a fat skater in the 90s, tried to fuck me whether we smoked weed or they just knew me. i guess i'm not the biggest retarded gimp or extremely ugly but i WAS fat and shy. half of them were actual snobby cheerleaders and all of them were fuckable but i didn't bite because i was scared of STDs and sometimes they'd be totally lame about it, like huffing that i was turning them down, even putting stupid lines out like "you know, condoms WORK."

Absurd. Never had any chance. And I never was even close to fat.


Not really user, maybe this guy aint even srs for all we know

Nah, everyone is srs on the 4chans user.
Nobody would ever lie on the internet.


cmon guys
