Hunger Games Thread - HGS

Hunger Games Thread - HGS

Post 24 Tributes

Attached: hg.png (795x670, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\bFeKS6z

Hugh Jass

Attached: Hugh Jass.jpg (371x342, 69K)

Retro Palutena

Attached: 2092107-palutena_nes_manual_art.jpg (260x385, 25K)

angry kermit

Attached: angry kermit.jpg (236x140, 8K)


Attached: 1562056752406.jpg (1280x720, 101K)


Attached: 1560921639494.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Alex Jones (5* Saber)

Attached: jones-infowars.jpg (760x400, 183K)

The Farter

Attached: Tekno_Turtle-22.jpg (1100x941, 70K)

Metal Face

Attached: Mface.png (507x374, 174K)


Attached: 156582034142s.jpg (227x250, 7K)

Big Guy

Attached: 1427608446746.jpg (1920x1080, 254K)

Gary the Narcos Soup

Attached: Battler_sweat.png (288x288, 5K)


Attached: Shaggy.jpg (335x480, 29K)

draco's christmas in august

Attached: b51b2cbd2b0e7b9f007c07db59e11758.png (325x461, 25K)

Toy Big Guy

Attached: 1566100295974.png (1162x432, 271K)


Attached: X-23 tribute.jpg (3000x3000, 1.25M)


Attached: Vex.png (369x369, 55K)


Attached: 47299604_p0.png (1100x1320, 340K)

Judy Hopps

Attached: Judy6.png (1637x1158, 1.33M)


Attached: 1526742714970.jpg (1024x576, 57K)


Attached: 282.png (800x700, 283K)

this kid again

Attached: 1564991691108.jpg (480x477, 16K)

Literally me

Attached: 1538348846164.jpg (500x416, 78K)

Kizuna AI

next time op, check to see if there's already a thread going.

Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2512691.jpg (969x969, 714K)


Attached: 100.png (209x224, 30K)


Attached: justin-timerblake-sauza-901-tequila-lime.jpg (1000x550, 107K)

Crappy Sonic RPG

Attached: shit.jpg (237x212, 12K)

Who cares lmao


Who the fuck cares?

>same art style sakuya had earlier
name of artist?

Preachy retard slut

My favorite greentext

Attached: Anon gets tricked tw(...).jpg (16x125, 1K)

op if they dont want to wait a long time for a game to fill up


ant sized green text
my favorite!

just trying to help op so that they don;t have to wait an hour for their game to fill up next time.

Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2370092.jpg (1152x1607, 577K)

Put some clothes on, Judy. Christ.

...I mean, or don't.

Actually, preferably don't.

wow 1 KB

>read the filename

I'd like to see if you can prove it

wool (miwol), draws mostly Kagerous

Attached: 1560225418757.png (552x595, 298K)

found someone whod fuck the bunnny

Shadow people

Attached: scary-shadow-people.jpg (768x433, 118K)


Attached: 1565309668915.jpg (1266x1078, 156K)

>He wouldnt

We good to go Yea Forums?

Attached: 1.png (1904x990, 509K)

I ain't even gonna deny it

thank you

Wow what a great greentext

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (3839x2053, 126K)

Committing suicide in 20 minutes.
Going to shoot myself in the head with a shotgun.

Basically I joined a Discord server and they made me go on hrt and that fucked up my whole life so now I have no choice but to do it

Apparently I pass perfectly but I don't want this.\invite\bFeKS6z

I'll be posting the link to the stream here. Here is the server that made me do it: vX6vn0m

I had no idea HG discord was like that lmao

Lets roll

Attached: hedeniabrowsingb.png (850x700, 245K)

Ready! (You should download Virginia's HG script if you do these often. It makes hosting so much faster and easier)

Nigger please

Ready to go, may kris kringle be with us all

Attached: Img124104_l.png (232x421, 51K)

Attached: 2.png (1904x2262, 595K)

>Limerick games
Ready, good luck everyone

Attached: Mado think.png (300x310, 5K)

oh fuck

And some screenshot tool too

Such a great green text
Thanks for posting it user

hell yeah Christmas in august!

Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2459216.jpg (811x1147, 248K)


LMAO what a fag, you should kill yourself :D

Ü‚Goodluck Megumi!
Distrcit 10 got this

Attached: 115.png (1261x814, 1.15M)

Good luck

Attached: 1420674007532.gif (500x281, 1.07M)

ow, guess he wasn't with me
WOO-wait, huh

Attached: dd1dhzk-dd3590d9-db9b-467d-98b9-87a49d01aab0.png (359x471, 661K)

I already have a full-page screencap add-on installed

Attached: 3.png (1904x2247, 581K)

what about my post confused you dragon friend?

Attached: LBaS52O.jpg (800x1422, 207K)


Fuck yeah techno turtle!

Enemy defeated, Christmas outfit acquired.

Attached: Mado christmas.jpg (850x637, 175K)

21 Tributes Remain

Attached: 4.png (1904x990, 141K)

Attached: 5.png (1904x2231, 564K)

nothing, just that I died

guess you'll have christmas spirit now, good luck
oshit, we all have it I guess

Attached: 41e8c14db31300c3dd5b5f04ac4212c2.png (493x700, 195K)

Oh fucke yeah palutena keep going baby

*gives present*

Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2459960.jpg (1004x1417, 291K)


Attached: 6.png (1904x2247, 569K)

Attached: stahp.jpg (600x444, 24K)

18 Tributes Remain

Attached: 7.png (1904x990, 151K)



Dick in a box?

Attached: 8.png (1904x1349, 462K)

Wonderful grade A commentary OP
Lovin it!

Thank you kermit i will remember this aid

Chill out nigga


in return have this platter

Attached: image734004021.png (1080x1626, 168K)

Literally You going full I Spit On Your Grave on Megumi

Attached: 9.png (1904x1496, 438K)


Mfw i just killed mado

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 408K)

Hoes gimme a massage then help me hunt for tributes very nice

Kizuna! That kid is like, 10!

...of course he's not a virgin, silly.

Another 3 Tributes gone

15 Left

Attached: 10.png (1904x990, 147K)


>Dis nigga serving balls

oooh yummy. thanks!

Attached: tumblr_p4nhzs4Jqa1wh8weio7_640.jpg (640x640, 42K)


Attached: 11.png (1904x1218, 416K)

* paul blarts*

You altered the death rate to low/medium, didn't you user

Attached: 14b1368e68d5bd66a0a745ccaba78b776e2e55f4r1-661-881v2_hq.jpg (661x881, 32K)

fair enough, you caught me

that's more like it

I think it starts on medium, right? I haven't touched it.

Maybe the template I used altered it?

Attached: 12.png (1904x1202, 391K)


Dont kill the joker! hes the best

I only looked away for a sec.

Attached: notintended.jpg (850x1286, 198K)

Fourteen left... sloooooow

Attached: 13.png (1904x990, 129K)

It's set to high by default. I made the same mistake hosting earlier tonight. Always good to make sure it's high or very high for future sessions

Just set the death toll to high

hey man, ball is life

Just checked, it's on high.

RNG is just being total ass tonight I guess.

Attached: 14.png (1904x1349, 404K)

Nigga, you gay

VERY high*

That will reset the game

Dont cry Orinrinrinrinrirnrinrinrinrin, Theres always a new day

Attached: snitched get stiches.png (1280x720, 895K)


Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

*snkt* *snkt*

Attached: 15.png (1904x990, 330K)

X-23 Why D:

Final 10

Attached: 16.png (1904x990, 173K)


Attached: 524.jpg (936x809, 524K)

hate trees

Attached: x-23 cat.jpg (1236x1546, 597K)

So much value was lost today


Also RIP fuckbunny

Attached: 17.png (1904x1071, 318K)

Had a bad experience with brooms and splinters once?

100 keeping up that kill streak

Attached: 18.png (1904x990, 255K)

Not as gay as wrestling.

You could say he keeps it 100

Attached: rigsbrowsingb.png (251x221, 8K)

RIP you

Attached: 264467251448.png (1366x768, 1.64M)

Welp... Easy come, easy go.

Attached: 19.png (1904x990, 237K)

What code is this?

100 knew what it meant when Kain drew the soul reaver and used it as an arrow, it means you are dead.


This is the Yea Forums template. I'm planning on doing another game after this, if anyone has a suggestion on what template to use.

Attached: 20.png (1904x990, 227K)

Havent done happy land in a while


Here are all the codes btw

wacky races code!

Comic con

Final Four

Attached: 21.png (1904x1143, 203K)


Attached: 22.png (1904x990, 206K)

Attached: 23.png (1904x990, 208K)

>run around nude in bondage gear
>get hypothermia

Whoda thunk?

Attached: 24.png (1904x990, 209K)

Kys Patty

You got this Kizuna!

X-23 is doing fine

performance artists

Attached: download (2).jpg (268x268, 15K)

No one tell'em...

Attached: 25.png (1904x990, 177K)

Is Vex still around?


Hard gay?

Im gonna tell em!


Attached: 26.png (1904x990, 140K)

Right here.




Attached: 27.png (1904x990, 181K)

Coldsteel gay.

Attached: images (2).jpg (235x214, 6K)

Congrats Kizuna! Thanks for hosting, user

Winner Winner!

Attached: 28.png (1904x993, 142K)

Attached: 321150620-20A.png (1800x1214, 1.99M)


Vengeance, X-23

Thanks for hosting bro

Attached: Koopa Rigs.png (660x690, 154K)

I'll tell ya later dont worry


Attached: X-23 nude.jpg (2480x3508, 1.22M)

Sounds good.


Thanks for hosting

Attached: 1468378889531.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

>penis in vagina sex is gay
i don't think that word means what you think it means

Attached: blooper AI.png (554x533, 101K)

Thanks for the game.

neat, I knew she had the spirit of father christmas inside of her

oh, and apparently that too

Congrats to Kizuna, and thanks for hosting.

Attached: Img124105_l.png (277x410, 55K)

Grats Kizuna and thanks for the game OP

Attached: 207.jpg (526x640, 208K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 19901137_p0.png (787x940, 456K)

No Problem

Final Results For Game 1

Here's the poll to decide on which template we're using for Game 2. Should we make a new thread for it now, or should we use up the remaining bump limit of this one?

Attached: 29.png (1904x993, 529K)

Women are gay af you serious rn?

Attached: owocuterigs.jpg (435x560, 50K)

Women are gay by default

Make new thread and link it

New thread please, it'll be a hassle migrating midway through next game

Give the poll 10 minutes flat

Cool. I'm gonna get something to drink and let the poll run for a few minutes, and I'll link the new thread after.

Damn, I was hoping Happy Land would pull through just so I could throw Ren & Stimpy in there rofl

Calling it for Wacky Races.

New thread this way