Why don't you own a gun Yea Forums?
Why don't you own a gun Yea Forums?
I do
I love muh guns
Because I'm a typically depressed little girly bitch, I'd probably end up killing myself if the opportunity was literally right there in a gun safe.
because I'm a mentally ill schizophrenic who would blast his brains all over the ceiling given the first fucking opportunity
I do. Smith and wesson m&p shield 2.0. Gonna get a shot gun soon. Mosserberg for sure.
Because I legally cant
I do, i just don't show it off like a dumbass because i know the ATF lurks here
>I'm scurred of the ATF
cuck level 100
Because soon all the leftys are going to convince politics that white people can't own guns without being a school shooter. Good luck with the race war guys. I'm not even white, Korean.
100% agreed. He is a massive faggot.
you must be black
The ATF will raid your property without a warrant. Just ask the Branch Davidians, oh wait you can't because they're fucking dead.
Branch Davidians got what they deserved. Glad they burned to death.
Fuck off shill
Fuck off ATF shill
I live in the United Kingdom
My condolences.
Bipolar fag here.... i'm not legally allowed to because i am a danger to myself or others... (only a danger to myself tbh)
Have you been involuntarily committed for metal health reasons? Because if it was voluntary you still have your 2nd amendment rights.
Im betting he lives in Cali
because I don't fucking need one.
So dangerous!
you are a faggot
I have a Nerf gun from when i was a kiddo :')
i have thieves in my neighborhood and they have stolen from me in the past, asked the cops and they said just shoot them lol. im not above buying one or shooting a thief just afraid that i might shoot a family member on accident because they come home late at night which does happen alot
Because I understand that the gun owner or family member are the most likely people to be shot by a gun.
and yet i can still call you a faggot online and live to tell the tale
I love my guns.... 2A all the way baby !!
I do. Rah
I wish
Somebody is insecure
But I do. Lots.
Or buy insulin for $25 over the counter at WalMart and learn to time your shit.
I dont have a problem with guns, but that just seems plain wasteful.
Actually they're still on that property outside of Waco
Unfortunately, I lost all of my guns in a boating accident.
He who smelt it dealt it
You don't collect anything? No hobbies? If not, find your joy!
Hey faggots, how about you stop posting your gun? For your own good...
Oh. I just got that.
Your dick must be tiny
Jacinda Ardern
what knife?
I do
That's a FAMAS
I do, a revolver chambered in .38 Special, a handgun chambered in 9mm and a handgun chambered in .22. I also have a rifle that's chambered in .22. unfortunately I don't know the names over any of my guns because I "co-own" them with my pops.
durn. what kind of FAMAS
>garand mags
dang it, burt.
So ur dad has guns and you don't
well, yes and no
Why on Earth did you click the thread in the first place? OP wasn't surreptitious or anything.
See We must go further. Load laser bore sighters into each of the chambers!
pic of me and my gun
>Why on Earth did you click the thread in the first place? OP wasn't surreptitious or anything.
Because they are EVERYWHERE. Information is always being collected. Be smart. These threads are designed to get you in trouble.
ayyy apex gator grip. first time ive seen one of their products posted
Don't say I didn't warn you...
Dont forget to tip your fedora
Good luck I suppose.
It's ironic that they've been around since the quadrail days and here we are back at minimalist designs, but people still don't buy them. Instead they buy bendy BCMs and Geisseles
i live in a nice area where i havent and probably never will need to use one, therefore i have better things to spend my money on
they were pretty pricey for a while. i really like the look and feel though.
love that table btw
Because i'm brazilian
not a valid reason tbh
Might want to fix the top round on your clipazine
Dude, clean your dildo you pussy
>he doesn't know
Sup newfriend
I do but they're illegal where I'm from so I'm not going to post any pictures as to not accidentally give away my location. I wish I lived in burgerland. I'm not even some spree shooter incel faggot I just like to feel safe. Fuck Euro guns laws
>cuz I lost them all in a boating accident.
Rights or not, he should probably stay away anyway....