Are these the greatest video games ever?

Are these the greatest video games ever?

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Yes, its a well known fact that nobody likes to admit that black people have the best taste in games.


Not any more.

Just hurry up and fuck my wife already.

nice generalization racist bitch go back to /pol/


Based black bro.

Action games are low tiered games, you should be empowering yourself with JRPGs.

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your hands look made to stroke BWC

He looks like he fucks white women

How can you claim that Sekiro is one of the greatest games when your copy is still wrapped up? Based nonetheless

Kek, you wish white boy. Black men were created to fuck white women and white bois exist only to watch.


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He is clearly a weeb and fucks jap women.

Imagine having such a mutt complex.

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Switch DMC with Bloodborne

Give it back

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based black gamer


>no huge stack of weeb games

your meme sucks

One of them is in the top ten action games, the other is just good.

Why is the inside part of your hand white? Honest question, i've never seen a nigger in real life.

>Secret Ponchos
>still abandoned after 3 years

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We can discriminate where here as well as /pol/ niggers have decent taste in vidya

Worst waste of $20 ever.
And it was before Steam's refund policy went into effect, so I'm stuck with it.
At least it wasn't as bad as the cancer that is Brink.
The first and last game I ever pre-ordered.

unironically yes

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dmc is for niggers and spics

Maybe for this year.

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I agree with the second one, Tenchu 1 is the greatest game of our generation.

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>everything I don't like is from /pol/
How to spot a fresh off the boat of 2014 in less than two seconds

What is it with Sony and black people?

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Ew gross a nigger

>doesnt get the joke
>calls him a newfag

No man, pokemon is the greatest videogame ever just look at this cool pokemon i got in a store

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>that disgusting nog hand

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Sony is LITERALLY based.

Sekiro is lightyears ahead of DevilMayShit5

based thread OP

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why are you black?

>tfw the only people that actually play video games are not white

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dmc requires high iq to master it, that’s
why the black race is the only one that can enjoy this franchise to it fullest

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How many black women orgasmed on their powerful massa's cock?

The biggest myth in history is that blacks were raped. Black women couldn't resist the big, beautiful white cock filling their womb and pumping out babies with superior colonizer genes. It's only natural.

Blacks hate being black, but they also hate whites, to their only solution is to become weebs.
Try not to choke on this redpill, friendo.


Your fingernail proportion is kinda weird

>white complains
>black plays
with women

My mom is dating a black guy....


>Imagine hating the race you were born with
you have to be a big cuck to do that, respect your own race

I never thought about it like this.

So, fellow black anons, what are you playing?
I'm emulating Odin Sphere at the moment, gonna play some Mordhau and maybe Dragon Quest Builders 2 later on today.

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good for her

based & redpilled

I still need to play this.

I love the white people.

most black people only play nba2k and cod

I'm black and i have to ask: why? I live in a white state and the only people i ever found happiness around were non-blacks. i generally hate black culture and what it promotes.

Someone insult me for wanting to buy sekiro on ps4 when I don't even have the game started in my steam library

Loved odin sphere till I got to the fairy shooter chapter

Being a black woman is fucking suffering
>Black men prefer to drill white pussy
>White men don’t care about you
No wonder they all end up being annoying bitches, they’re literal incels


and most white people only halo, cowadoody, pokemon and zelda.
perhaps it's more accurate to say black weebs/nerds have better taste, on average, than white bois

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seriously what's wrong with this nigga, go seek validation somewhere else
>Yea Forums got awful enough to give birth to an user who uses pics of his hand as a tripcode

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So THAT's why they eventually made a cod game called "Black Ops".

Why are black weebs the best?

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You gotta find the right black people to hang out with.
Just find the weebs and nerds and ignore everyone else.
Join a hobbyist club or something (or if you're super desperate an anime club).

Why are niggers the most insecure race?

So who is this literal sonygro who ALWAYS posts his PS4 games and his black handnto show he's a nigger?

because the color washes away

Monkey's paw thread?

if you hate your race then you’re hating yourself, and that’s gay. you don’t need to be a nazi about it and say that your race is the best, but you also need a little of ego and respect yourself.

>funnyjunk filename

how are the console ports of DMC5? thinking about getting it for my xbox one if it's decent enough translation.

wow a hand sure does rile some people up.

Up until very recently, it was considered a trait of schizoid personality disorder to not have a racial conciousness. People like to forget this. Not identifying with your tribe is a major red flag mentally.

I don’t get this meme, is bad having a weaboo black friend? isn’t that more racist than the racist white guy?

>if you hate your race then you’re hating yourself
how so?

i think it's more the casual/indifferent attitude that this dude keeps posting with his hand, like he knows it's gonna trigger people here and still he does it, shitting up the board

That's literally whites. Never forget that time someone posted the "white people can't handle spice lol" comic in a LOL thread and it got like 30 angry replies for such a harmless joke

Yeah. Look at all these white people burning down buildings and rioting in the streets over this.

Truly the most pathetic race.


>knowing funnyjunk filenames
I pulled it off google images faggot

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pretty sad. that’s the fastest thread on Yea Forums now because some black dude posted his hands.

>haha niggers haha niggers bad bad monkey smelly lol they steal everything haha despite being 33 percent of the population
>bros...why are insecure...i don’t understand....
yeah i fucking wonder why

Nigger sluts swipe on my white self all the time on tinder, but I never swipe back, this bwc is reserved for white girls, latinas, and indian/middle eastern girls. The only negress I fucked with was in hs, and she gave me head like 20 times and I never kissed or fucked her once. Meanwhile slave bois have to fantasize on Yea Forums, LOL


>not knowing things

That hand looks like it jerks off white guys

But whites are the ones trying to convince each other that they aren't white. even people in europe argue over which euro ethnicity is non-white. I've never in my life seen black people get into heated arguments about who's "the real blacks". maybe in isolated groups in africa.

i wish. Then i'd be a cool black weeb

Coping nig detected, don't murder a WW2 vet or anything in your ape rage.

t. /pol/ scientists

>be shit
>get shit
>cry about it

because you’re black dummy. if you hate black people you’re hating yourself just like a sjw is hating himself for being white
you don’t need to get along with your race but respect it, your parents are also black

Why sony always black hand?

Sounds like you've never been around a nigger in your life, they constantly trash on each other's relative blackness.

>EDF got turned into anime titty pandering shit too
jesus fucking christ why is this the fate of literally every japanese IP

No racist, but why niggers smell like leather?

Sony products were a high-end status symbol at the time when blacks started getting money. Some still have the Sony=quality mentality

Go look in the mirror buddy, you're already there.

That's because you don't know blacks. They're most tribal-minded savages on planet Earth, save for perhaps the aborigines.

I know because I'm diagnosed schizoid...

The minority opinion on an obscure internet forum means nothing to the outrage every day blacks have to words, symbols and non-existent oppression.

Remember that blacks literally have to take days off work and school because retarded criminals get shot.
Remember blacks need a social movement to make bandaids that match their skin tone.
Blacks are objectively a terrible race that only had any place in the world today because they cried so much that other races did everything for them.

i was just explaining why nigger are usually so cuck. don’t need to seethe, or did you see reflected in the first greentext? that’s hella gay

Those are just jews trying to divide & conquer

You have no nails, nigger.

is their defense system so white people don’t get near them and, therefore, they have less possibility of being shoot

Sekiro could probably win GOTY if Death Stranding were to be released some other year.

i never said that being a nigger was ok, you seems like you need to cope about niggers

ur forgetting gta, gears of war, and anything dragon ball/naruto. retard

I couldn't imagine being American.

I walked into a pizza place once and could smell the negro cashier girl from the other side of the register... in a pizza shop...

That's what America is like 24/7.

>I know because I'm diagnosed schizoid...
Yeah it shows.

excuse me but racial slurs aren’t allowed in Yea Forums, please delete your post

Imagine the smell.

>They are tribal-minded
I would say they are more propense to violence/fighting, like mini neanderthals.
Look how many niggers love play Tekken,


Are you the same person who posted a picture of your PS1 games?

Whoops, sorry about that. I didn't realize that was considered a slur. I'll do better. I apologize to any and all I offended.

>Big dick
>Grosser skin so the can endure better the hits
>Shit smell to drive always
>More buff than others
Why black people are so superior compared to white people?

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With how racialized the west is becoming, all its gonna take is for an economic downturn to happen and everyone will be at each other's throats. Cant wait for Weimar: Western World

Which games?

you can feel the american from this post

Black "culture" was invented in America to keep Negroes in social plantations after slavery formally ended.

ummmm sweetie, there is no turn back. now you’re officially cancelled™

cool mom, you better take good care of your little half black bro

So being retarded makes your hand lose its colour. Interdasting.

If white people are so good then why they don’t make white people 2?

a lot of brothers around here
keep up

im too sick right now to play anything really

/pol/ isn't the only people who hate niggers user

Fucking based blacknon

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Sorry bros... I tried but... I'm only brown not black... I've failed you....

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I live in Houston, its literally enough to drive you insane. My neighborhood is getting overrun with niggers, there is already two cases of gunfire on my block, a shifty 70s beater car with no lights on got pulled over by cops in the middle of the night next to my place with like 7 nigs inside, looking for places to rob. One totaled a teenagers parked car going like 70 down the block, drunk off his ass. They dump hundreds of crawfish skins and beer bottles in the creek behind my house, throw garbage into your backyard.
The restaurants they go to and work at immediately collapse in quality and sanitation. I hate non-whites so much, living around them is worse than hell.

>being slaved by everyone, even blacks, was just a ruse to get reparations later on

because white people unironically

Explain slavery then.

Pajeets are brown

Hey fuck you buddy, don't disrespect me like that. I'm not a pajeet.

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Fun black fact #34:
MLK was the first negro to figure out how to wear a suit. His accomplishment in life was crying until white legislators changed things and then crying some more.

Imagine only being able to be interested in something if it contains cartoon breasts, what a pathetic existence

East Asians>Jews>>>>>>>>>>>Whitoids=Negroids

Imagine dropping a game because it had a good looking girl in it.

>His accomplishment in life was crying until white legislators changed things and then crying some more.
Sounds like SJW to me

Why shouldn’t we hate ourselves, let’s face it no matter what color our skin is each of us are crappy people and we should feel guilty about it.

Based nigganon.

Good taste.

I'm white, the chinks and Indians are tolerable in that they keep to themselves, but are untrustworthy scheming scumbags otherwise. Jews live up to every stereotype and more. White baby boomers are scumbags who cant raise their kids. Fuck this dump of a city.

We need to start permabanning Kumbrains

go catch some sun

Asians are like praying mantis people. Absolutely no sense of morality or individuality, and they would eat your skull for sustenance if given the chance.

Ruggarell still posts?

Its time to settle this once and for all

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i can't imagine being racist

Yeah it's pretty confusing. It also looks like the black guy in the pic is holding a knife so is he going to stab his white friend or is he going to stab the person who is accusing his white friend of racism?

Black guy here. Sorry about that nigga who's trying to force that hand posting meme. Not every black guy is a retard.

>"Asians have no sense of morality"
>wants to genocide all non whites

Try living around darkies, your mind will change.

jesus cheer up a little

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>go catch some sun
Why? I'll just turn even browner and I'll look like the guy that mows your lawn. I got this shitty tan like 10 years ago when I was 12 from playing outside and even after 6 or 7 years of being a Hikikomori I still can't get rid of it, it sucks.

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No one can convince me there is anything to be cheery about other than moment to moment escapism and personal comfort.

Second black guy here, sorry my unenlightened counterparts believe they represent our race. I also apologize for Obama, it won’t happen again.


always lmao

>Haha based black user!
>Black weebs are so based!
>Based black dude!

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visit the midwest or far north east like Maine and you'd rarely see blacks unless you specifically run across black communities.

t. lucky negro born in the midwest and not "the south" or detroit or chicago.

i traveled to burgerland for the first time ever a few weeks ago with my family

i swear in my country black people is pretty cool, but there is something really wrong about american blacks, im pretty chill about everything but my dad is even more chill and after we visited a store he told me 2 black guys were close to him and they smelled like weed and shit

i used to think anons were just a bunch of weak fags and they are, but now i understand their racism a bit more

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stay jelly white boi

Black hand ps4 bro I love you man keep rustling them jimmies boyo

i love my family

Any games with black men slowly destroy the enemy from the inside out?

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wish i could say the same about mine... heh.

Third black guy here. I want to apologize for the above posters conduct, and renounce his apology for Obama. Obama in in fact not black, so we have nothing to apologize for.

Yakuza 5 is download only LOSER


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"based white user" just doesn't sound right

Why are racists so insecure? Lol all this incel anger over a pic of a black hand XDDD

Have sex.

Niggers destroy everything, internally and externally.

Here's my collection, OP.

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stay jelly whitecel

Slap too many white asses

I will never understand why Americans are so obsessed with Black people.
>Y-you need to live around them!
I've met plenty, they're not a different species, they're just people.

reminder that incels are all mostly non-white and they agree that white men cannot be incels

In b4 the angry glass ego nigger posts the brain-cels pie chart which represents the reddit tier incels that are barely incels.

Whats good my dark brotha

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As a black man, there's a difference between us.
African Americans are those who try to get out of the hood no matter what, and are successful in life and happy with what they have because they worked hard for it. Maybe we took some federal aid to help with college, but thats it.

Niggers, are the people who don't do shit about their lives. Who think gang banging is the only part of being a black man there is, who unironically think that their community is shit because of the cops, and not because they refuse to tell the cops shit. The faggots who genuinely believe that getting out of the hood and making something of your life is "betraying your race".

But all races have people like that, Mexicans have Welfare Moms, White People have lard asses, and Asians have those people pretending to be white by any means necessary.
Doesn't mean i'm ashamed of who I am or what race I am, but god damn are Niggers annoying as hell.

Literally get some life experience, incel.

How big is your dick

Because whites unironically have so much pathetic white guilt and wish to be black because that's what's cool right now as the media has made it clear that it isn't cool to be white anymore.

>why Americans
guess you didn't see this racist post here or any of the other stuff europeans say about blacks on /int/ but whatever.

Tbh I wouldn't want to be near White Americans just as much as Black Americans. You're country's retarded in every imaginable way.

Fourth black guy here, just want to let you know that I renounce any and all blackness, so that means that I'm BASED and REDPILLED like all MIGAbros.


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i mean have you seen how much racist shit blacks post about whites who cares get over it little bitch

So is europe, you guys invite foreigners to rape your children then cover up child abuse rings because it might be racist.

>mods delete and ban every fucking thread on Yea Forums
>this one gets moved

Eh, Sekiro is just alright, but DMC5 is the best DMC since Run-DMC.

meant for

>neither of them is DoA Extreme Beach Volleyball

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actually meant for jesus fucking christ i cant reply right.

mods = gods

know your place

The mod was probably black

>You're country's retarded
It seems as though you are also retarded.

here's a better game

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If you aren't happy with your black child just take it back to black Jesus for a refund. don't destroy it.

now that you pirated the games and you like them, will you buy them?

No I don't think so.