Trans rights are human rights!

Trans rights are human rights!


Attached: 1565645121034.jpg (1007x1280, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

trans are humans afterall! here here

trans are an abomination

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: SuiseisororitasHQ.jpg (620x775, 186K)

no sorry

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

why are you so self destructive?


discordian dubs


yeah, which is why we as a society need to protect trans people from mutilation. removal of a trans woman’s penis is literally female circumcision, which is illegal

Did someone say trans humanism?

Attached: Adam_MD_bust.png (495x566, 210K)

That's clearly a cat

i wanna swallow her hot load pic related


Attached: tumblr_pkxfb5Tl7c1us6vl5o1_1280.jpg (1080x1080, 97K)


we need to protect mentally lel people from predatory medical and pharmaceutical corporations
we need to stop these young men from unironically getting so twisted by le society that they have these feelings in the first place
much needs to be done

stop doing the srs it kills and its gay

Attached: 3BFCFF82-D9F0-40D8-825D-DAF391409901.jpg (480x360, 16K)

friendly reminder that Felix is not transgender and that he openly acknowledges and accepts that he's a boy despite maintaining a feminine appearance. Stop using him as your mascot, ty.

Man you are all such a bunch of closeted little faggots

Attached: mantal faggot.jpg (480x360, 32K)


Attached: sick tranny surgery.png (850x1145, 572K)

Racists' rights are human rights!


stop necrospamming your thread OP


[s4s] is an anti tranny board

Attached: 1565692640895.png (693x598, 201K)

i wanna lick her c*nny lole

[s4s] is an anti you board

don't be rude user

I meant you as in anyone and everyone not you in particular sorry.

last four posts are also by OP

Sorry, the five posts before this one are all by OP

haha lole actually no

second reply to this post was made by this thread's creator

fuck discord

it's not discord, its just one person making the thread and nearly every reply to their own thread

nice dubs
kk whatever you say

hey OP can you go reply to yourself on your home board

Friendly reminder that cutting your dick off doesn't make you a female

reminder to stop bumping your thread

[z4z] is not /mhcu/

reminder to stop bumping your thread

Based, this is now a tranny hate thread

Attached: pepe tranny statistics.jpg (734x971, 146K)

which board is doing this raid, it stinks

it's just one dude

seems like it
OP, lots of people have tried redpilling this board, it never sticks, come back when you have way more people I guess