May the chaos gods bless you.
Other urls found in this thread:
try to stop me
Bro claimed
Chaos Doggo Reporting.
Nahhhhhh I stand by my point. Especially since usually I'm the one who bothers people too much~
I'll do it. Don't test me
Anybody like phycology?
I like how the biggest question in phycology right now is about memes.
if only I wouldn't have to look at gigantic dog cunts..
Do it, faggot.
>the algae is killin muh doggo!
What a meme
Blue girl is here
You're so fucking pathetic.
You're so devoid of all human contact that you have to lust after women that aren't even real.
You must realise you're so worthless, right?
Liking cartoon women, and not only that... obsessing over them and collecting mass amounts of pictures of them?
If your mum found your collection, the first thing she'd wish is that she never gave birth to you... and then promptly wish you'd do her a favour and kill yourself.
Your dad is so disappointed that you came from him, all he wanted was a normal son, someone who one day might bring home a girl and make him proud... but all he got was you.
A cartoon worshipping complete waste of life.
You make your family miserable, and everyone else miserable just by existing.
Kill yourself.
Red, white and blue guy is here
I lust after late night comedy TV hosts, is that so wrong?!
I wish he didn't do that, but I've just accepted it.
At least it isnt a real picture.
I know. I don't have as many cock pictures or horse pictures.
Hi, how are you user?
Those eyes!
An idea that spreads from person to person.
It will never be a real picture. I wouldn't do anyone like that.
Colbert lover, Welcome!
I'm on here to practice talking to people.
Trying to boost my social skills before I break out of my shell this fall.
That way I am a little less likely to embarrass myself.
>Practicing talking to retards
Now that's a good social skill.
Aren't we like the worst people to practice with? I mean between degenerates (People like me.) and sociopaths (Sono) and general misanthropes (Too many to list.) we are an odd choice.
Mostly thru electronic media?
I'm sorry hon they took over my computer
you are so lovely
It's better than spending my time talking to noone. Don't have much going on until I go back to school.
I also do have some social skills, I just go on here to throw around what questions people find interesting to talk about.
Memes have always existed.
It just is alot more obvius now because of mass communication.
Good example is the meme of Knights fighting snails in medival books.
Yo meine neger. What's going on here?
You put too much faith in me. Let us both push each others buttons to the fullest then. Let the best man win
I'll see you behind the subway later on. Get ready
Hello multicolor man, how has your day been?
They're beautiful! How's life treatin you?
I'll rape ur boipussy
is this gardy?
Be careful what you wish for dear comrade. From thisbpoint on you will not know rest~~
Well yeah but nowadays it's electronic, duh
Wonderful, and you?
no mi liu
Nothing much you?
Contrary to my animal posting way, whenever you or anyone else engages me in a topic I'm interested in, I start posting anime chicks or furries or pokemon trainers.
I won't go down without a fight punk
No, this the worst one, sorry
I open pandora's box with excitement. Be ready to be inundated with the worst i got, buddy
this poster is claiming mai poster
Same here, incredibly lucky as of recent
Same, just waiting for future events, passing time.
Lucky? How so?
Yeez, you're getting me all excited here dear comrade, a bit more and I'll haunt you in your dreams too~
how are you worse?
Best husbando coming through
Crush confessed to me a bit ago and I'm meeting up with her on the 30th since it's long distance, got accepted for work experience abroad which is funded by my school and been getting my life together in general.
Hello! Cute dude, top tier anime
Thanks, haikyuu is life
Soo many great bois
But kuroo is still the best
About the same. Having a few drinks and music
I'll see you later, coward. Prepared to be sucked
You keep doubting my inability to be annoying and i'll be a permanent resident at your family home
you'll soon come to see
this poster is balls deep in mai poster
Yes please, I could do with some excitement in my day to day life. Buuuut I'm sure that you wod be the first to break. Also, great gif!
What are these characters from?
Bitch, you have no idea what you are up against.
Balls deep you say?
Absolutely agreed, although I haven't made it through the 2nd season fully because I had to leave it on hold for a bit and never got back into it even thought it's a definite top 5 for me.
>top 5 for me
>never got back into it
You have a severe case of weeb autism
gotta go deeper
Id recommend getting back into it
Especially since season 4 is due this year
It's hard to pick something up after putting it down for me, no clue why, just an autism thing
Sooooo Whats number one for you?
I love Fujino!
I love this adorable gamer
I love you too
Ye, I heard, I'll keep it in mind the next time I'm binging
Mob Psycho 100, very close to picking Magi but I like the art style of MP100 a bit more
You've not known what you've asked for. Your former bedroom will be claimed by me and i'll replace you as the true son. I can handle anything you throw at me, we could end a stalemate
I know i'm up against a fresh weeb who fancies himself a biker
Hello welcome
Very cute choice!
For me it is
1. Senseki Yori
2. Monster
3. 00 Gundam
Gud, then the pact has been sealed dear comrade.~ ... It sure is a shame that I can't bother you on discord or even in games tho...
T-thanks, m-me too
Are you enjoying the weekend Mordred?
Hi hi there, thanks!
How are you doing?
Lewds are for brainlets, no thank you
I've only gotten into anime very recently, like 4 years ago or so and have basically only watched seasonals and super popular shows like hxh
>Lewds are for brainlets
>shows like hxh
t. brainlet
It was not me who signed a contract but you who signed one in blood. Look, i am sorry about that. Discord is no longer my thing. You are free to think less of me for it, i'll understand
Hi ho hi ho. I'm doing well. Should be asleep but kept alive thanks to music. You having a good day
I've been into anime since I was six, mostly because all the non-anime shows I like have pretty much stop showing up. I miss good documentaries and animals shows.
hello nanami!
Thank you!
So is yours!
What kind of music do you listen?
Yes I am having a good day
Nice dubs
Hey there Relm!
Are you doing well?
Nope, I will not think less of you ya goofy comrade.I am just disappointed that I won't get to poke you as much as I would like.... Perhaps in the future... Oh and I'm pretty sure that you sealed your fate the moment you replied to me in thread dear comrade~
yeah, just a little bit tired, and you?
Never said I loved it, watched it only because of popularity and peer pressure, probably still a 6.5/10 for the fights though
Damn, old school. Had no access to the internet and only soviet era cartoons on tv when I was six so no chance to get to it that early.
Of course! I love the danganronpa series!
How.... how old are you?
>Mom called had to go
You're right, that is lucky! I recently got my shit together too, I'm happy for us :)
I hope you are relaxing for now!
Fine, just waiting for something that might not happen
Got any plans?
Yay me too!
Why do you love it?
> just waiting for something that might not happen
>Got any plans?
i just finished the biggest part of my book and also finished puting the music, i will try to make the images in the rest of the day
Ah it is some test that should have started like 10 hours ago and it might not happen
Hey that is pretty good!
Do you think you will finish it at the end of the month?
hello hello, I love you all
>Ah it is some test that should have started like 10 hours ago and it might not happen
Its pretty important?
>Do you think you will finish it at the end of the month?
maybe yes, but I'm not sure, there are two stories left for me to write
I'm only 18, but I live in a very undeveloped country that's very heavy in russian culture n shit
I'm just very into those detective style games, finding contradictions and such, like Phoenix Wright
Hello relm. You been good
Rock, metal. If you want a current song i'm listening to this
Good, good. You want to trade a song?
I'd never use discord anyways so you'd only be able to mess about here. I am sorry to let you down tho. It was not me who is trapped in here with you but you who was trapped in here with me
Welcome to this dysfunction thread. Enjoy your stay. Hope you've been well
Always good ot answer moms phone calls
Hello love user. Keep trying your best
Yes I am!
Hope you are doing well too!
>Its pretty important?
Kind of but either way I have to do it if starts
>maybe yes, but I'm not sure, there are two stories left for me to write
Oh, what are those 2 stories?
Ah I see you are a man of culture as well
Nice taste!
Ooooh okay. When you said soviet era I thought you were going to tell me you were in your 70-80s.
hello relm! are you welm?
this is a very cute picture
oh, hey astolfo, yeah i have been good, just very busy, and you?
>Kind of but either way I have to do it if starts
good luck!
>Oh, what are those 2 stories?
well, like all the other stories in the book, they are prequels for the great project that I have in mind, specifically the two stories that I mention are about the protagonist's sister and the main villain
Thank you! Makes me feel like I understand people and their choices
Thank you!
yeah, im fine, trying to relax a little
Im taking off. You all have a good night or day. Take care of yourselves
Good, take care of your needs. Let's hope things slow down for you so you can relax. Am doing well. Not much has changed
thanks, see ya later.
Hey nice taste!
Do you think this one is good?
It is not rock, neither metal but I like it!
That is the spirit!
Thank you!
Ah kind of like their owns stories!
That is pretty amazing to know about other characters!
NIght night, rest well
Hello despairfucker
yes, that's the point, know the previous context before the main events
I am glad to hear this
Gnight, rest easy, gonna be hitting the hay as well since it's 3:26 for an eu fag like me. Goodnight everyone!
good night, friend! please rest well.
Nameless twintailed Arcanist claimed
yeah, but not for long
from where is she?
hello arcanist friend! are you well tonight?
I see, I am sorry to hear this. please rest well soon.
Etrian Odyssey IV, a video game
Do you think it would work as an anime or as a series?
That is a cute waifu
yeah thanks
ohhh, thats why you claimed her as "nameless" i know whats etrian oddysey, its the first time that i see a waifu from there here, you have a good taste!
a videogame
i must go now,I must get up early tomorrow, so I must sleep, farewell!
goo night, friend
I'm doing pretty well, thanks. Just preparing for school n stuff
I hope that it is well
Thank you Saber xD so are you!
-huggle snugs-
cute bubble tea
Goodnight, rest well
sonofren!!! :3
why... I have to sleep now... every time :(
you sleep less for me pls gud? gud. OwO
have nice evening and nice life!
>spamming a dead thread
Classic citronella
You seem to have the wrong idea. Waifu is for people who've grown to hate people like you so much, that they need an outlet to keep from going insane. Judgemental lumps of shit like you contribute nothing to our otherwise peaceful community. We seek peace in this world ruled by chaos and degeneracy, and you actively look for us here to further treat us like shit. I can't imagine living such an unfulfilled life that you have to browse a random image board and pick fights with depressed groups of people just to make yourself feel better. If you ever decide to kill yourself (which I pray that you do) please livestream it. I would love to see it. I'll even record it and share it with everyone I meet. Seriously. It would awesome.
You do realize we can just hide all that stupid shit, right? All your work for nothing. Nice.
Funny thing is he waited until the thread was dead to spam.
:o we should get bubble tea the next time you come to NYC!
don't leave me so fast T~T
yes :)
i had some this weekend and i was thinking about it v.v
make me tea please
i'm bad at it...
You, kill yourself.
And you, you're a stupid nigger faggot.
you're most likely better..
i will try >
Good job spamming when the thread was dead
Well, apparently it worked just fine since 2 dumbasses got angry over it and just couldn't stop themselves from making a reply to me.
Tea is sooooo hard...
I'm better at making coffee T_T
bbl they're back
that looks a lot like damage control but sure, whatever you say
nooooooooo :(
sorry :(
im gonna get in bed.. text me when you're free
I'm never free..
They go back tmrw afternoon...
i just want to die..