Post girls who dont fuck within their own race

post girls who dont fuck within their own race.

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guess which one?

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The spook

guess the race

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clearly right... and she does everyone

how did you guys know? everyone but asians ;)

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it's in her eyes...
and "spook" is another term for black person...

this one is a gook

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gooks are Vietnamese...
she looks a little more like a Tojo to me.

Indy 500?

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whos this?

Girl I know. Only fucks white guys.

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seems like a good one to breed then

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I'd love a turn.

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fuck, right amount of thick

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Just right.

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I'll fuck her.

imagine putting a hapa in her

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yeah bonnie is definitely a coalburner

Who’s the cheerleader

imagine putting a halfie baby in her

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Bonnie who


She’s a mudshark?

she only fucks asians. maybe blacks too

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She fucks niggers, doesn't she? She looks like she fucks niggers.


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yep. i've not got any pics saved of her, but there'd be quite a few on her instagram, which I have just noticed has gone dark.

The sensation would feel amazing, indeed


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and asians and whites. mostly blacks and whites though. no indians at all kek

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what race should kruthika mix with?

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the football team is all black ;)

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What’s Bonnie instal

Ashley insta?

it was bonnielowry1

maybe she blocked me. idk

My sis just date black guys, this annoys me

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Sis name


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Don’t care what is it


Especially when they're in the next room and you have to hear him laying the wood to her, right?
>"Ugh... it's so fucking BIG!!!"

Lemme get her insta I’ll put a mixed baby in her

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she has an asian boyfriend but...

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Tell us more

when they fight she goes off to her friend for comfort ;)

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Lmao sluts I love them

not only cucking her asian bf either

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Got more of her?


Only blacks. Bitch is dumb as fuck and looks nothing like her instagram. She's even uglier irl. I feel bad for those poor niggers.

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i know her asian friends want to fuck her too but she wont go to them for comfort ;)

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Lets get her instagram

Let’s see her take the bbc

black only

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i wish she would show me, i only heard it from her friend

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Black only

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Fuckk user. All I can think about lately is putting hapas in Asian wombs.

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Wheres she from

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What’s her insta

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More Indians and Pakis with white men

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Wish I was her

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Who is she


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girl i know from back in hs

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her insta lol

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What is it

None, she ugly af

Shannon only dates black guys

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Shannon insta?

nobody will guess her kink

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Every white girl in this thread should be exiled to the third world country they obviously want to live in

Only blacks

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If I was a white girl I'd happily go become property of an African brothel

As it should be. She'd be great for BBC.

blacks only

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She once told me she likes 8 inches or more and thick enough her hands can’t wrap around

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Bet that makes her feel super full and used

Lucky girl. I'm jealous