I have this theory about why school shooters are predominantly white and it's all about Penis size

I have this theory about why school shooters are predominantly white and it's all about Penis size .
niggers have big dicks , white incels that shoot up schools probably have small cocks and suffer with SMS (small man syndrome).
are there any medical studies on small penises and aggression?

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So. You were day dreaming about dicks again and how long and yummy they are and you imagined stopping a school shooting using extreme Joi encouragement.

you obviously have an incredibly small penis

I tend to agree


Netherlands average penis size 15,87
Congo average penis size 17,93
Wow what a massive difference

Attached: DABD2F75CC3A42F1BC477396537959AB.jpg (622x529, 29K)

That's exactly what it is. Watch the parade of triggered replies.

Close user. It's not due to penis size, it's because they're the majority of the population & live in an emasculating society that creates powerless pussies; then it gives them access to lots of guns

OP you need to apologize to the oppressed white race for this.


put your guns down tiny dicks , there is help out there.....

Black people just don't go to school

look just because I have 12 guns doesn't mean it's because of my tiny dick

Using the Netherlands isn't fair. They're literally the biggest people on Earth

is that a gun for every inch you wish you had?

It's just because black people don't need to make it a whole event to shoot each other. Any mentally ill black will just join a gang and fulfill his needs that way. It's a difference in culture, not dick size. Also, all of these school shootings are at richer fag schools. White trash niggers don't shoot up schools. It's just the best and really only way for them to achieve their goal of killing those around them whereas a nigger will run up on a nigga

I have the biggest penis on Earth.

so bascially people like you shoot up schools

He was making a joke about having a small cock, and somehow you thought making a joke about his small cock would be funny.

On another note, could you imagine a 12+ inch penis. The burden. Only absolute roasties or people being laid to do so would actually even try to take it. Not to mention the fact that it would be in uncomfortable as fuck

My school was a 62% black urban public school where half of the people drop out.

>butthurt gun owners incoming

but you wish you were rich so you could shoot up schools

If I were rich, I'd just invest in Planned Parenthood instead if I really just wanted to eliminate niggers

The greeks have a totally opposite philosophy on it, stating that the smaller dick was for the more civilized and the bigger dicks were for dumb brutes.

Basically, the Greeks understood niggers before they became part of western culture.

>I hope for a less non-white future
Enough people of color still voluntarily choose to raise families, so you'd still be triggered af.

If that's true, then why are ammosexuals a thing? They have inadequate dick size.

Niggers actually commit 51% of mass shootings

They have LIQS (Aka being borderline retarded)

Attached: ECAC6452-4944-478D-8B87-DB102768A4D5.jpg (540x540, 35K)

No that is retarded

The last time I got friendzoned, I bought a gun to cheer myself up.

ok that was too creepy even for Yea Forums

I have concluded the race war has a lot to do with race size and the feeling of rejection simply due to physical things like money and penis size.....makes a lot of sense OP. Very psychological, Aldous Huxley might approve, actually Karen Horney would be a better author on the topic of neurotic tendencies….Our Inner Conflicts is a very very astute booke by her.

In regards to dick size, every black man always pretends to be Congolese.
The truth is that - especially US blacks - the average is like the European average.