Blow this Thread up with Sexy Feet Pics or Videos!
Blow this Thread up with Sexy Feet Pics or Videos!
Yo theyre so nice looking :)
post more thumbnails retarded fag
you got any pictures? if no leave
anyone know the name on her?
Sorry, but i dont know it
seems ok tho. Her face is like the one of a friend of mine. But seh isnt as old as the trap / trans in the vid. But its kinda sexy
no traps sir ty those are male toes
ye i know, i missunderstood trap with trans sorry
I have old stuff to post but I haven't redone my nails yet..
is that blue nail color? seems nice
I love this color but I think I should try something else.
Shes fuxking sexy
i think red would be nice on your toes :) they look so good!
ye right
That could be fun! Red toes Pink fingers would be nice!
yeah! Nice idea! Sexy toes i have to say!
thanks! but you making me horny, girl ;D
who are you now?
Seems like people think I'm catfishing sooo we'll do a timestamp. What do you guys want to see? Also as a side note I don't own a sharpie.
who said you are catfishing? I only like to see them sexy feet n toes :D
show us pussy and butthole
bobs an vagene
thats actually a feet or toe thread. Only post those thigns if you want to post them
Something like this? Can blur face.
The polish is on point
Not you, but you know how it is. Tit's or get the fuck out.
if you want to blur face we dont got a problem with it i guess
yes now i understand
you look very young thats nice
Bush, pierced nips, good feet. Damn.
yeah. pretty sexy
She said what do you want to see ya dingus
I'm actually 26
young age, dont you think? i mean yes your an adult and everything but, young. you know what i mean?
I d love to see the same pic with something in that great butthole
Oh I know I'm just on the verge of being an adult in my mind but plenty of people think young is 20 or so.
No we don't you old fuck
will you be posting more vids tonight?
Kind of finishing my cleaning for the week but I have something you might like.
I have to edit one but I have a piss video since someone seems to like those.
planning on making anymore pov foot worship/humiliation vids?
if you want to post it. but only if you want
Failed green text. It shows.
Now I just want my tongue to clean that butt
i dont use Yea Forums that often + i dont do green text normally.
thanks for showing
This is Yea Forums that's how people are here. I mean I don't have a problem with it.
26 IS young, you dumb fuck.
This server is better than any server you've ever been on.
> 6OpwXQv
> dKjs7ta
> we8zgjJ
yeah Yea Forums is like me in rl lol.
thanks for saying lol. not lonely with my opinion
btw youre a very pretty woman
That sounds like a bad thing
Why Thank you!
Bout to nut keep going
more pov foot humiliation vids pls
Cum for me
yeah i have to work on my social interractions and try not to be a asshole
I like to give compliments to pretty womans like you cause you are the ones that should get them. not like the others that are just like idk shit to you and things
could you spread your pussy apart and show us your inside
You should make a vola
same xD
Post those soles so I can blow
those feet are amazing!
You may want to try to be careful with how you phrase your compliments. Lots of girl don't really want them from people they don't know.
I have one that I tend to post on.
i guess so, in this case im sorry
haz more than one GMO mutation
Link it?
Something like this
volafile org /r/ yemgxyjm
Not here with me, just in general. I don't want you to get yourself in trouble. It can be hard to interact with others. I get that.
link to vola?
My footslut wife
yeah, it is hard for me, thats why im mostly here or just chilling in my room. But thanks for the advice you gave me!
Fucking love the tan lines on this one
gg dude
I posted it chopped up a bit
You'll figure it out! Don't be afraid to hangout with people. It's one of the best ways to get practice.
God damn. We have a challenger
How does your girl feel about women?
I already got friends but i can only hang out with them in the midday or evening after work . But im very thankful that i can talk with you about that, or with others
There's nothing wrong with being awkward hell I'm super awkward at times. I think we all are at times.
How often do you notice guys checking out your feet? This girl I met at the bar yesterday, ankle bracelet, toe rings.
guess youre right. I mean, everytime someone joins the "group" i literally act like im in another dimension, completely ignoring the person or just looking at the person but no word gets speaken.The thing, why thats like this in my case is that i have, actually, Aspergers Autism. Sometimes its funny, but then there are the cases where im like, idk maybe "fucked inside".
Few shots, few lines and you'll open up like a book my friend.
Mmm not often that I notice it but not I kinda wonder when I'm out with my feet showing. I have this love of being barefoot so it works out for me.
Autism gets a bad rap but plenty of people me included are high functioning and can have normal friendship and interactions. It's slow going sometimes but pushing your comfort zones can be rewarding.
Do you got more vids ? Both of them was really good
i dont understand what you mean with shots and lines? am from germany and the translator didnt helped much. Do you mean something like drugs or just trying to talk to people? Im sorry my english is really not the best
Chinese wife
Do you have snapchat or something? Also please show more of your tongue or you sucking/throating your fingers
Thank you!!! Busted so hard
Anyone want to jerk it to my gf's feet on Kik?
schnaps und spee/coca
yeah, like every coment ive seen on youtube or other social media, everytime youve seen a coment or two saying like "fucking autist" or other things. Im glad that every of my friends accepts me even with my Autism, some dont even know lol. But yeah, youre right with what your saying
ok. already tried schnaps, very good. Alcohol actually helped me. But i never tried coca before
You're beautiful, do you have sc?
It's very common and for whatever reason it's not diagnosed in girls as often as with boys.
Don't really use it anymore, plus I don't need a flood of guys sending me dick pics at work.
You're awesome. Any spread pussy and soles shots? That would be a wrap for me.
How do you feel about girls tho?
yeah, crazy right? I heard of a woman i go to work with, that is diagnosed with autism but i never seen her before. kinda strange for me
Would you ever suck a man's toes?
Damn I'd love to trade nudes with you, I'm 18
I'm Bi so i like girls
Sure if he's well cleaned.
Newest from the slut wife
Any spit stuff?
Be a regular on /soc/
why would you post this? It's hideous.
Nice . moar?
Sorry no
hot as fuck
Anymore pantyhose or nylon stuff?
What is the dirtiest sexual thing you ever done ?
Darkest unfulfilled fantasy?
Uhhh was part of a small orgy and might have an invitation to join a swinger club in my area.
I like the idea of getting fucked by a trap and sucking them off while someone watches us.
Sexy fantasy
i see you got a cat. Whats her name? :D
Got any of her driving barefoot
I'd pay to see that
I need to start looking for someone on tinder
a sweet name for a cat =)
She's a good girl and a perfect companion since splitting from my ex.
none of these are good pictures tbh
oh im sorry to hear. But cats will alway stay with you if you do anything right. I got cats too. Theyre like family members for us.
bro, all these pictures a pure gold! if you dont like them ok, then go to google, pornhub or somewhere else. We just want to have a good time here. not to insult you or anything dont worry. But on Porhnub or google everyone finds what hes into ;D
She's perfect! I never want kids so pets are just right for me!
Do you have more vids to upload on the vola ? The BJ one is so sexy
yeah, sometimes its better to have a pet or some more lol then a kid. I mean like, all the money you dont have to spend for a kid
Do you think you could drive barefoot?
That's how I see it. 1 I don't want my issues to fuck up a new life. 2 I don't want to be pregnant or go through labor. 3 I want disposable money and the ability to sleep in when I want.
I do!
Of course. It's illegal and I don't know how I would get the video without killing myself. I like driving barefoot though.
living like this is nice. But, i would sell my sperm to these facillitys. I can have kids but i dont have to meet them, only if the mother wants it and things. Maybe a girlfriend or an F+ then it would be ok for me with my life.
You dont need to get a video. A quick pic would be nice or you could sit in a parked car and take pics.
I think I can do that
say, are you from the US? Its interessting where the poster from this thread are from. Im from Germany, how bout the other here?
Thank you
I am!
so its 17:34 rn? or do you live in another state, cause of the time?
oj oj oj :)
Sauce, please!!!?!
WHERE THE FUCK are the vids you've promised?
Holy shit he kinda looks like Soph
A picture of a Woman with Anal Beads nad feet in the air :)