What does thus mean

what does thus mean

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Its obviously a representation of a dick and balls with the Jacobs ladder piercing

Its the symbol for leviathan

>looks down
You know, you may be on to something there.


It's the leviathan cross, now hail Satan and get back to your school work newfag

Is the symbol of a band named Mägo de Oz.

We both got dubz so it must be right

It’s one of the most powerful items in The Binding of Isaac.
I recommend synergizing it with
>Homing items
>Tammy’s head
>Mutant spider
>Guppy transformation
DON’T pick it up if you have
>anti grav
You’re welcome, OP

it means god is watching you poop

In alchemy it means sulfur

Satanic cross

Super overpowered. Dont mix it with soymilk tho

Lol isaac kicks ass


Based dubs


Attached: 838418422_1977259.gif (289x292, 381K)

It is the Leviathan Cross:
The Seal of Satan
It is a very powerful Sigil that can be used to summon demonic assistance (but at a perilous cost)


Attached: haswyp37l8sz.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

Man you fags don't know your satanic lore, OP it's the Sigil of Lucifer, more commonly known as the Satanic Cross. The whole flipping a crucifix upside down was more sticking it to Christianity than the actual thing

Tammy's Head + Brimstone is the best.

Add rubber cement, spoon bender and maybe even tiny planet for even more fun.

Its also a Christian symbol, St. Peters cross, as he was crucified upside down

i would say that spoon bender is a better option since its guaranteed to hit all the enemys

it's clearly two crucifixes stabbed through a pair of balls

it's postmodern art pitting two destructing elements against each other


>Its obviously a representation of a dick and balls with the Jacobs ladder piercing
Came looking for this

The holy trinity with the 3rd part meaning - forever and ever.
You skipped your school at 9y, right?