Why are liberals scared of this?

Why are liberals scared of this?

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they're not X]

They finally found someone dumber than them and are scared their followers will leave them.

Shapiro for president

No one scared to him. He's 50/50 in debate on people using Twitter. You got to be mediocre if tammy the anti vaccer can win a debate to the great token conservative jew.

Gib milkies

because juice, like blacks and latinos, who don't follow liberal dogma are scary to them.
if they lose those minorities, they have nothing

and ppl think being trans is always mental disorder. sometimes, your older sister gets all the genes thst deserve to be passed on and the younger sibling knows it, and tries their best to act like theyre "better" than everyone else.

fuck that kike shapiro

Attached: gas chambr.jpg (611x592, 134K)


Don't care for him. All I want is his sister's Jew nose in my asshole while she giving me a rusty trombone. Mommy pls gib milkies.

Attached: 1509131836523.jpg (686x502, 83K)

>when you can't even handle an interview

This. He sperged out and called a leading British conservative a liberal because facts didn't care about his fragile little fee fees.

He's a great representative of conservatism though. A weak hypocrite acting tough for other betas and ignoring all facts outside his safe space and crying and running away when confronted.

that isn't his sister, just someone lookalike

It is

Wha-what do you mean user? The celeb leak pics aren't her either?

Wut, hes literally famous for his debates with libtarded uni kids.
Also, I know you're a troll cause reddit spacing.


I love how the left makes these huge claims about him (see this thread) while:

A) never providing a lick of proof to support their claims


B) making claims (alt right, racist, nazi, etc) that makes clear they’ve never bothered to watch any video of his outside of clips taken out of context posted by other silly leftists.

Guys, grow up and do your own research. You were born with a brain for a reason, so use it instead of constantly taking the path of least resistance and reciting views you’ve been told to believe. Honestly, go watch a full debate of his, on any subject, and you’ll realize he’s nothing like you thought. You may disagree with his viewpoints, but maybe you’ll look past you’re own bias to realize that doesn’t make him any of the things you’ve been told he is.

His voice is just ridiculous I have never heard anything like it

He lost that debate with that UK guy and said he was a prominent figure and the other guy was nothing it was painful to watch

projecting this much you need to go back

stuttering in the written form get this autistic shit off my mongolian basket weaving board

define reddit spacing cause I do not know

(alt right, racist, nazi, etc) all the same thing just like white people all look the same and came from the exact same country their mom's basement

How do you deal with his voice it is so weird?

I-I love you t-too, user.