Sweet crazy love

sweet crazy love

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I wanna frick Nui

it's a sweet crazy love

imagine Nui irl...
cute video

sex with nui

page 8 dubs

Poor girl lost her arms in a battle
That moment I decided I would take care of her
At first she was reluctant, but now we're a happy couple! I give her food everyday, pic related

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I love Nui so much!

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Penis in Nui!!


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What makes Nui activate so many cocks?

Nui! Nui! Nui!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

i love insane girls, so hot

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Why is she so gosh darn adorable though?

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she is very sweet

That she really is, she's super loyal to her allies, i bet she'd love more friends who would complement her work and play with her!

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what do you mean play??

Like maybe you could try out some of her outfits and duel with her, or play with said outfits by pulling the strings, or you could tickle her, do pillow fights, you name it! maybe she could have a thing for dolls and you'd dress them up in little fiber outfits you put together!

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um yeah man IDK you're assuming a lot of things about her likes right there

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Those are things you could get her into, she's a craftsman and an artist so finding something to tie into that to work out could be nice for her.

She would most certainly love a duel, assuming you're any good.

She does already seem to be a fan of disguises so maybe dressup?

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she would kill me in a duel because I'm just a human.. mayb you're not a human
dressup is alright I guess

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She could just rip the clothes off to defeat you!

I'd dress her up in so many cute outfits and i'd let her dress me up!

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rip her clothes and defeat her

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I don't think i could ever defeat her but that'd be a sight!

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you sound inhuman e

He is a doll

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What do you mean? i'm very much human, i wish i could compare to her!

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I am no doll

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yeah she's lovely and sweet and loyal and beautiful, but you know the problem I have with her? she seems to be WIRED to be that way
it seems that is the ONLY way she could be, I don't see free will in her
yea basically, but I agree that we all turn a BIT inhumane when on the presence of our SWEET CRAZY LOVE..

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Aaaa it is so cold outside

are you going to take the bus?

Everyone is wired in some way, she just happens to be wired in every good way possible!

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Also, do you have a discord>

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Don't mention discord in front of Shiro

omg that reminds me of a HAUNTED doll I have somewhere here in my houseeee
yeah but that makes her just lame TBH, I mean I personally see her as just a robot programmed to do lovely things

Who, and how come?
Aw, why? it's pretty much who she is, do you want her to not be cute or something?

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aaaaaa maybe idk??? think about it, if she had non cute moments, her cute moments would be EXTRA cute

i disagree, she manages to have some even cuter moments than she already does, like when she sticks her tongue out or when she bobs her head!

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alright yeah those are cute, but also are nothing more than physical gestures any other waifu can do!
the things that make her special, like her loyalty or sweetness, to me it seems like they're completely hard wired into her! she cannot choose between to be lovely or to not be lovely, therefore there is no virtue in her loveliness

post the best girle of this show

the best girle of this show

that's nonon

She can choose, she has shown genuine anger towards Ryuko and Mako in the final episode of the show, it's in her nature to be super duper charming but she can put a scare into her enemies if she wants to!

and i also disagree, any other waifu doing those gestures would hardly do it as cute as Nui would!
Here you go!

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okay yes anger in hot girls is cute (except when they are angry at you)

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Nui is hot AND cute!

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DekuPan69#6330 if you would like to add me

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ummmmm idk

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I'm fine talking about anything wholesome, like Nui! or whatever cute things you want to bring up!

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but you're a doll

I'm not! but would that matter anyhow?

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yes, I'd prefer to be surrounded by dolls than by humans

I'm fine with either!

Oh well though, just wanted to keep in touch!

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So you've seen blood on fire as well

whatever asuka

Your fortune: Outlook good

call me a tiny dick loser

ummm wrong thread, this is embarrassing....

loser loser

Everyone enjoys their own thing i guess

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what do you enjoy? Nui?

Ecchi, crossdressing, and oral.

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nice nice

maybe if we keep seeing each other in threads I will contact uu

a perverts heart is through his shrimpy

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Well i tend to show up whenever i see Nui, just changed my discord name again, but if you're ever interested it's DairyPan69

put it in a notepad!

nobody cares

shut up shiro, you need blood on the cut

Let's talk about Nui again, why is she so perfect?

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I'm gonna need to rewatch KLK just so I can talk to U

I highly would suggest that anyhow! also maybe consider buying her game, Kill La Kill IF on Switch and PS4! you get to play as the Nui!

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Your fortune: Outlook good

Shup baka you're blowing my cover

you mean Covers



yes this whole thread is cringe saged

No, you're cringe.

stop waifuposting (sage)

pretty cringe of you

nui cunny

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

kuso thread

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unbased yosh

u hav 2 suicide

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

no u

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

cringe thread sage

I will keep bumping it until you stop posting.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Why is the spoon empty user wtf

She ate her food and she was surprised by how good it is.

This is a cringe thread xd



Is the cutest!

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