Is Yea Forums just dead?
Theres no more original content, memes, greentext, and no more lulz
What happened?
Is Yea Forums just dead?
Theres no more original content, memes, greentext, and no more lulz
What happened?
Can Yea Forums recover?
Lack of imagination
Foreign raiders
Entitled Millennials
>Yea Forums was never great but it was a fuckton better than this
Be the change you want to see in the world.
I think it's dead. Only way I think it can be taken back is if someone somehow gathers a shit-ton of oldfags and newfags and concoct a massive raid throughout a long span of time. in other words, Yea Forums is dead and it can't be saved
What would happen if suddenly everyone started to post original shit?
where did all the talent go? and can i go there, this place sucks.
I honestly stopped trying. I went full retard too for years. You got to give the kids a chance but frankly they suck.
Yes Yea Forums is dead fuck off back to wherever you came from.
make GOOD CONTENT you bitch INSTEAD of THIS and stop being such a ginormus faggot about it geez
reddit has a sub for our greentexts. Why the fuck doesn't Yea Forums have a greentext board?
It has one
It sucks ass
^^ agree with user. Greentexts are still good
>found the pornfag
If Yea Forums had only greentexts and no transexual fury squirrel hentai, that would be ok with me.
It’s like you aren’t even looking. I was just laughing my ass off for like ten minutes. Turned out to be fake and gay, but OP was still fucking hilarious.
i do not happen to be that person, probably
But its like finding gold between thousands of "fb/ig porn, interracial porn, yellowfags failing" threads
Yea, that’s exactly what it is. That’s what it’s always been. God forbid you have to actually LOOK for good content.
The problem starts when the good content is like at page 10 because the porn is the only thing getting attention
This happens ever 18m-2y, the whole "Yea Forums is dead" thing. Yea Forums isn't dead, just just evolving into something a little different, as is the nature of a place called "random". You're just an old fuck who can't handle the new generation coming in, making changes, being the ones who can cause the change whilst you're powerless in your old age.
Move along old man. Die already.
Whats random about daily "wwyd, fb/ig, interracial, etc.." porn threads?
>b is changing into something new
Yeah what else? COME ON GUYS ITS [current year]
Fuck off zoomer
there is ive seen it but the porn drowns it out
It takes you a grand total of like five minutes to browse the entire catalog. That’s less time than it takes to get a burger in most drive throughs. You just want something to gripe about.
True actually
But I keep my point, is harder more than ever to find good content
Well, for one thing, I'd have a fucking aneurysm