Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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They dont, you just don't listen

Why you keep posting the same sgit over and over again?

Poke box thread now

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Yes they do, and I know that because I AM listening, unlike you

This is the first time I've posted this thread, friend

Because they want more low iq basketball-americans so they can rack up votes. White people don’t like being told what to do. Brown people are too dumb to realize they’re being made to do something

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Spics don't play apehoop

I think it's all to destroy things. Bring about the fall of an empire. There's enough people mentally ill enough that aren't happy to just live their own lives they need to control others. This is just large scale. Extend, embrace, extinguish.

Pack up your bags, guys, they figured us out

burgers spend $15 billion building a wall.
wetbacks spend $18 digging a tunnel.

Don't empires have a hierarchy, like, people telling you what to do?

You’re right. Young spics are bastards. I work residential construction and all the 40+ spics are actually pretty cool. They’re the legitimate, “make a life for my family”. Too bad their kids are entitled shitbags

First of all, they dont seek open borders. The people who say they are are just doing that to scare you into voting for someone else.

Second, we should have more immigrants here to work for a dozen reasons, not the least of which is to exploit their labor to prop up our failing economy and aging population.

Finally, if the "American empire" crashes, it'll be because we fully embraced isolationist nationalism, and got passed by the other world powers as they grabbed everything we left on the table as we walked away.

Right, so do nothing while literal trash crawl across our border. Because in your pathetic world, spics should be allowed to break whatever laws they want.


Shut the fuck up Neoliberal shill

>We don't want open borders!
Ok, how about sufficient border security
Deportation and prevention of visa overstays and unauthorized entrants?
Taking care of fraud and weaknesses within the naturalization system?
Cautiously limiting visas?
No! But as I was saying, we don't want open borders.

Go back to /pol/ddit nigger faggot

Last time I checked we have millions of people on welfare and food stamps. Why the fuck aren't they doing those jobs?

Dude, every person to the left of John Kasich openly admits to non-whites voting Democrat over Republican, and non-whites thus being a boon to the Democratic Party (not that I think the GOP are angels).

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People like Trump took away their jobs, not the immigrants

Why do Group Y strawman argument?

Because Group X strawmans that position upon them.

Inverse also works.

You cogs perpetuate the machine.

>they dont seek open borders
>not the least of which is to exploit their labor
Fine. So why let them hijack our political system via birthright citizenship, paths to citizenship, naturalization fraud, and lobbying for amnesty, which is then used to bloc-vote resources and re-engineer the US' social infrastructure toward their interests? Why not institute the Gulf State model instead?
>if the "American empire" crashes, it'll be because we fully embraced isolationist nationalism
We have Pacific and Atlantic access and control, a hundred million whites, educational powerhouses, and natural resources out the wazoo. If kicking out spics and niggers is going to crash the Murcan Reich, then it was unstable to begin with and doesn't deserve to exist.

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>Trump took away the jobs
>That's why we need immigrants to work those jobs

Are you done being a fucking moron? If so answer my question.

Pajeet is willing to shitcode and do QA/QC testing for pennis on the dollar, and corporations and the state facilitate it.
Pablo is willing to do a mediocre job laying bricks and installing drywall for pennies on the dollar; firms and the state facilitate it.
The game is high and low vs the middle. Fuck the rich, and fuck their golems.

>antitunneling systems don't exist
>international negative pressures don't exist


>socialism no work!
>socialism do work!
Compare any capitalist, mixed economy, or socialist state run by whites, and run by blacks. You'll see economics is secondary to demographics.

France is a shithole and so are most of the others and my doctor is a cunt

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not to oversimplify, Cause they're white. If you must know.
And anyway, these jobs dont pay enough to meet minimum wage laws or osha guidelines or meet labor laws. And doing so wouldn't be cost effective, and so will never happen.

Why do conservatives want closed borders?

Extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence can be disregarded as extraordinarily stupid.

basically we never should have left them or you

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Because allowing non-taxpayers to leech off the hard work of tax payers is clearly not right.

We don't want closed borders we want merit checks and people who will do something with their lives coming into America. We don't need more people looking to fuck and birth a kid here to "give it a better life" give yourself a better life. Try harder, stop freeloading. Our current border and welfare policies promote shit like this and it's tearing us apart at the seems.

Because they believe in conspiracy theories like White Genocide (the Great Replacement)

Literally every problem you have with immigrants is actually a problem you have with the people hiring them, so why not do something about them instead??

It's right to have the rich people shit on the middle class and poor people?

No you retard. You spend that money to actually stop the reasons why they come over. You target companies that hire illegals. You go after visa fraud and H1B fraud. Most illegals that are here overstayed their visas, not all of them crossed the border. Stop our shitty foreign policies of destabilizing South America and in turn causing them to migrate out of there and into the US. End the war on drugs and instead funnel the money into building up poor areas of the US to get people away from drugs and working and not be poor, which reduces demand for drugs in the US. Shit like that is a start and better than the meme of building a wall to stop illegal immigration.

More democrats voters.

We don't, we just want people to follow the fucking law and not be burdens on society. Why is that so much to ask?

They don't, unfortunately.

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>You spend that money to actually stop the reasons why they come over
Well they come here because they are stupid ass monkeys who fucked up their own countries. So they want to come here and fuck up this one too. Therefore it is literally impossible to stop the reason they come because they're going to keep no matter what, even though we tell them repeatedly they can't just crawl their dumb asses across our borders illegally.

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>who fucked up their own countries.
A lot of it stems from us overthrowing their governments and installing CIA puppets you dunce.

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This have to be bait. You even have the reddit spacing.

The USA don't have an aging population, unlike Japan who need a redction of its population and Germany who forgot they need childs.
Living in a country with a deacreasing population is comfy as fuck housing is cheap, unemployment is low, cost of childcare too, but it mean less money for the big cats.

It does not matter if the immigrants work in America or in their country. All you achieve is to move the factory.

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>The game is high and low vs the middle. Fuck the rich, and fuck their golems.
Replacement migration is literally recognized and supported by U.N. documents.
>Don't have so many kids, whitey
>You're not having enough kids, so we need to import shitskins en masse"
>Stop our shitty foreign policies of destabilizing South America and in turn causing them to migrate out of there
I agree that the US should stop intervening South of the Rio, but they've been fucked up for centuries before Europeans arrived.

Conservatives don't have a problem with immigration. We have a problem with illegal immigration. Notice the difference? If hard working immigrants with similar social ideals want to come to the country, by all means, welcome. If a single mom with 3 kids and no educational background wants to come and leech off the welfare of the country, then please stay where you are.

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Well latin americans has open bordes with the TLC with EUU...thats why everyone its almost poor and has to go to murika...close ur TLCs and we are ok with ur closed bordes..stop making other races poor with ur stupid "free market" and they will stop going ur cointry

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Sure. And a lot of it stems from the heritability of cognitive and behavioral traits, and having populations with sub-90 mean IQs.

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Democrats don't. Anarchists like me do though. Because nations are fucking bullshit.

Another dumb ass thread about something that doesn't exist.

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Ok buddy

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You say that but op back in the day republicams wamt opened borders because polictal parties change in order to gain power. Personally i think we should close them because the population in California have a disproportional population made up of mostly immigrants and thats the same with most democrat states. Thats just my opinon.

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They don't.
The "Wall" approach to border security is just fucking retarded. It's an easily circumvented massive target. Not to mention that the previous system has worked pretty fine with constantly falling numbers of crossings.

Uh huh, interesting this is apparently public information, yet those dumbass spics haven't been able to get the CIA or those "puppet governments" overthrown. You mind explaining why that is? Too busy eating tacos and beans and fucking without condoms I'm guessing?

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This stems from their government being fucked up in the first place from their own incompetence. Everyone gets the government they deserve,

Thanks to the dems, the US gov was fucked up enough to be susceptible to foreign influence. Yet, they seem to attribute it totally to the opposition that benefited from it, rather than their own inadequacies that allowed it to occur.

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>Conservatives don't have a problem with immigration. We have a problem with illegal immigration
Please, displace the sociogenetic stock of the United States, but do it L E G A L L Y !
>If hard working immigrants with similar social ideals
What if their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren revert to their ethnic mean? Carlos and Maria may be fine, but their progeny may very well be MS-13.
>stop making other races poor with ur stupid "free market"

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Funny, it's almost as if he was talking about different things. DACA isn't equal to citizenship or even residency. Who knew?

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Yeah real easy overthrowing the guy who has America's back.

There's been tons of governments who were just overthrown for no reason only because they may be communist.

>Everyone gets the government they deserve,
Everyone deserves the refugees of the countries they help destablize.

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>Thanks to the dems, the US gov was fucked up enough to be susceptible to foreign influence.
Friendly reminder that Obama wanted to move against russian influence but McConnell stopped him.
McConnell is a traitor. Trump may be just an idiot, but McConnell is 100% a traitor.

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You're a moron. If the "American Empire" crashes it will be because we can no longer compete with other countries in the global economy. Wasting money is a sure fire way of letting this happen. Maybe wasting tax payer money to fund useless, overinflated college/university costs is not a good idea. Or maybe opening the borders to low skilled workers who pay little in taxes yet drain our health care systems and social programs is not a good idea. Or maybe all these taxes/laws that are designed to drain money from businesses in order to dis-incentivize starting a business in America is not a good idea. How in the world do you expect a startup to compete with a chinese company paying workers less than minimum wage while you fight for $20/hr to flip a McD's burger?

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Fine, friend. Let's parse it.
Do you accept that cognitive ability is heritable to a significant degree?
Do you accept that behavioral profiles are heritable to a significant degree?
The wall is only one component of a system
>yet those dumbass spics haven't been able to get the CIA or those "puppet governments" overthrown.
In fairness, white people have been under governments which have fucked them over for decades, and haven't overthrown them yet.

Well the japs and vietnam can do it. So you're telling me spics are too stupid and/or lazy to tell the US to fuck off?

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Okay, lets say this is true. You're saying that these same people, who can't fight back against a dictatorship government, is also not going to fight back if the democrats instill a socialist dictatorship? And I should be okay with them coming here why again? Oh and I should also give up my guns right?

Want to explain how that relates to closed borders or are you just trying to side step the topic?


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Japan lost WWII.

Vietnam had Russia and China backing them. Plus we didn't lose as in we got our asses handed to us, we started to pull out in the 70s with the intent to hand over the war to S Vietnam after a peace deal, but the VC violated that deal and we pulled out anyway and left the South to fend for themselves.

and yes.

I'm not talking about tunnelling. I'm saying that a hundred bucks of explosives cost millions of dollars in repairs. I'm saying boats still exists, and I'm saying you have a fucking desert, you just need surveillance in it. But if you put a huge target in the desert they'll happily bleed you dry until it's so full of holes it may as well not be there and the money wasted on it means there's less funds for other more effective methods.

The Wall as a system against immigrants is a bit like building castles to defend against invaders. It doesn't work anymore.

I love Republicans, I love Trump. I'll continue voting for them, BECAUSE THEY ARE AMERICAN, THEY CARE FOR THE COUNTRY. I don't give a shit that the rich will oppress us, that I'll be forced to work in a dead-end job, that I can't afford medical bills, that I'll never strive for more because of rich men that'll tell us, that it's our own fault, that our neighbors are the problem, that we must fight amongst ourselves, that we shouldn't form as one to take down the tyrants, that we should never question our believes nor our leaders.

DACA is a foot in the door. It basically amounted to the Executive unilaterally setting aside a sector of people from due enforcement, circumventing the comment-and-rulemaking process to do so, and then allowing them to worm their way into naturalization, while birthing children on American soil who are automatic US citizens.
>ratbrain cannot into comprehending cascade failure and domino effects
It will likely be a slow collapse tbh, though punctuated by periods of intense distress and violence like almost all of the other empires. Yeah, having a mass of incompatible, low IQ, high dishonesty cultures competing for dominance probably won't help its longevity.

Marine and rio patrols
surveillance alone can't stop garbage masses. Men with guns and physical barriers need to be employed in tandem


Dance monkey dance!

an unmonitored wall is useless; how do you know if someone has breached it?

if you're monitoring a wall, you could just monitor the same area without a wall... the wall is just a method to slow down someone who's not prepared.

someone really wants to cross that border? they bring equipment to get over the wall. Delay versus no wall: a minute or two?

If you need the monitoring equipment anyway, what's the point of the wall other than having a physical monument that can forever be called the "Oh My Gosh Wasn't He A Great President Trump Memorial Wall & All-You-Can-Eat Buffet"

Consider: many of us hate both parties. We hate the leeches on the bottom and the vultures on top. We hate the system which is tearing our culture and economy away. We want a third position.

Sanctions? Against the cartels? Are you really that dumb?
>Men with guns and physical barriers need to be employed in tandem
The physical barriers are what isn't needed. You have a barrier. It's called the fucking desert. You just need to collect people once you've spotted them.

Good boy. You learned on TV what the other side is thinking and you think they are idiots. Now you vote what the TV told you to vote for, unlike the low IQ racists of the other side.
What does that tell us about you?

Why would the democrats install a socialist government in South America. Even if the democrats are as you say "socialist", that doesn't mean that we would install a socialist government there. That makes no sense.

I'm just saying if destabilize governments in other countries that we had zero business being in, don't be surprised if their citizens start coming to your door. You at least don't want to destablize governments in your own backyard. You'd at least want to do it somewhere where they can't walk there. Maybe across the ocean.

Also no one said anything about taking away guns so why even bring it up.

Are you really going to play the "what if" game? We literally have no control over pure speculation. By that logic just toss everyone in jail because "what if". If someone is deemed to be an immediate asset to the country then by all means immigrate all you want. No one is a fortune teller here. But you can't tell me there is a good chance that a no education family of 4 will benefit the country. They might, but that's clearly a bad gamble.

>and yes
So they have no one to blame but themselves. Look at that fucking dump of an island Puerto Rico. They do nothing but take gibs from the US, then turn around and cry about being dumb fucking spics who are useless.

>if you're monitoring a wall, you could just monitor the same area without a wall
Yes, but that is less secure. My house has walls and cameras. The former are more important than the latter.
>they bring equipment to get over the wall
And are ideally intercepted by border patrol

because they want to maintain the current illegal labor market, which is the closest they can get to bringing slavery back. and when they're no longer convenient, call ICE to cart them away and send them home...

Puerto Rico is US soil. Why aren't you taking care of it?
Also, when will flyover states finally stop with their endless farmer gibsmedat?

No they have us to blame for being there when we again had no business being there in the first place.


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>I was only pretending to be retarded

>Also no one said anything about taking away guns so why even bring it up
Except the heroes on your team demand that guns get taken away literally every fucking day

Your house isn't in the desert and guarded at all times you dipshit

>my team
I never said I was Democrat or a liberal

Your house also has a roof, do we need a roof over the entire nation too?

So why don't they claim independent and stop taking our money? Oh right, because they would all die of starvation by the end of the fucking week if they did that

Do open Democrats want borders why?

You didn't have to say it; it was obvious from your stupid talking points

We are reaching a recession what do you mean if others beat us, globally we are doing better almost everyone. I mean look at China even though they have one if not the best economies rightnow it doesn't they are well off ,they have high average population age which could have been prevented if they had more people growing up, whether you like immigrants or not they help stimulate the economy but i will say the government should stop putting money in programs and let the economy repair itself if it doesnt pump money. Also you saying college is over inflated is true but if the government were to stop funding there would be less skilled workers and i believe college is only really for certain occupations and don't think you need a college degree in lot of jobs. China like i said has a good economy but life is there is harsh most workers work themself to death and thats why your computer, laptop, tablet , phone cost very litte. Also they people who want more money are beggin for infaltion if they want every worker to be payed 20/hr or have less workers its basically pick your posion

You made an assumption, you don't know what I do, what actually affects my opinions, yet you assumed I just eat up everything I see on TV. Maybe you're just projecting? I don't know, I won't assume.

Except we do have an aging population. A 1/5 of New Hampshire is over 65 and its entire workforce is aging out faster than its being replaced.

That is a problem every state in the union will face in the coming decades.

Your assertion is just wrong, while everything else you said is stupid AND wrong.

Being critical of the wall and our foreign policy in South America doesn't make me a Democrat.

I'm pro 2-A and hate the current gun laws, but gun laws has nothing to do with this thread.


>Sanctions? Against the cartels?
The cartels make money much like the Mafia: illicit sales, fraud, and skimming off public funds. If we cut off every country South of the Rio, we will starve them out, and they will have no pressure release anymore that they currently utilize. Cartels are just men, and men need to eat, drink, and be sheltered.
>Sanctions? Against the cartels?
>You have a barrier. It's called the fucking desert.
Which people still cross.
>You just need to collect people once you've spotted them
That would not only require dangerously setting more of our men into Mexican soil and shitty deserts, but it also casts a wide and expensive net. A wall would be a focal point and a funnel- all migration would be directed there, and more easily controlled and surveilled.
>No one is a fortune teller here.
Sure, but successful public policy and successful investments are both based on sound data to make decision affecting the future. We know for certain that given 100 somalis of 100 IQ or higher and good temperament, virtually all of them would revert to barbarism within three generations. Don't fall for the merit-based/civic nationalism meme.

They need an underclass of people to vote for them in order to keep the handouts coming.

You understand the "cost" of their healthcare is already being dispersed among the ppl who can afford it, yeah?

It's the same for anyone who gets emergency medical care and cant pay the bill. Everyone else ends up having to foot the bill thru higher costs across the board.

Providing them with healthcare w/the US gov'ts buying power would reduce your over all burden.

Being against this is literally against your best interests.

Why not? After all, Mexico and other countries refuse to weed out and get rid of those cartels. Why should we keep giving money away to failed government and corrupt people? Since you democrats are whining about it, please explain this to the rest of us.

>If we cut off every country South of the Rio, we will starve them out, and they will have no pressure release anymore that they currently utilize.
Do you honestly believe that south america has no economy outside of US aid? Or that the cartels don't have ways to bring US money from drug sales to the south?
You're dumber than I thought. The US can't starve out fucking south america.
> Which people still cross.
And where they can easily be picked up.
> That would not only require dangerously setting more of our men into Mexican soil and shitty deserts, but it also casts a wide and expensive net.
No, it will require the same amount of men, they're just driving more. You know what's expensive? Maintaining a massive wall in the middle of fucking nowhere. You'll forever sink billions upon billions just into not having it collapse and having all parts of it reachable.

>After all, Mexico and other countries refuse to weed out and get rid of those cartels.
I'm not sure you're aware of this, but those countries are actually fighting a war against those cartels. But sure, cut them off so they can lose, and the cartels get access to their militaries. Sounds like a fucking awesome idea.

GOP makes up LESS THAN 1/3 of registered voters. Democrats make up 1/3.

GOP needs gerrymandering and hate mongering to maintain it's fake ass majorities.

>Puerto Rico is US soil. Why aren't you taking care of it?
If you buy a house with a pack of rabid skunks in it, are you responsible for making them into healthy labrador retrievers?
>Also, when will flyover states finally stop with their endless farmer gibsmedat?
I agree with the sentiment. Cut the midwest off from public monies. They cut the coasts off from agricultural goods. Fair trade- let's see if California, Oregon, and Washington can feed themselves and the Eastern Seaboard that way
>I agree that the US should stop intervening South of the Rio, but they've been fucked up for centuries before Europeans arrived.
Deserts are still traversable, and guards are not omnipresent you fucktard
>do we support domestic pro-natalist policies?
>no, let's take in the mongrels of the world!

Yes you are correct but keep in mind the population is decreasing since we are reaching our capcity and young people marrying and having kids older since they are more focused on becoming "great" like in the 60s but thats impossible so we are creating false hope for the majority. The states arent the only ones being hit everyone will be affected but thats good since to be best we have to get rid of some because were to overcrowded soomer or later our resources will not be able to match are unlimted wants.

To have more 3rd world serfs to work for hyper printed fake money...

Whichever side you're on, you can't deny that child rape is bad and immoral. Do you really want a rapist child molester to represent your country?

It is an awesome idea, actually. Especially when you consider the fact that those cartels are created and occupied by spics. But yes, all of our problems are because of the US and white people. Even though we have hoards of kids left and right and take their money, then complain because our countries are bankrupt shit holes. Luckily they have bleeding heart dumbasses like you cheerleading for them.

>If you buy a house with a pack of rabid skunks in it, are you responsible for making them into healthy labrador retrievers?
I know racism is popular, but that's idiotic even by your standards.
> Cut the midwest off from public monies. They cut the coasts off from agricultural goods.
Funfact: The coast can import goods. The midwests can't import shit without money.

>Deserts are still traversable, and guards are not omnipresent you fucktard
That's... what the surveillance is for. So they know where to drive. Come on, this isn't hard. Rub your three brain cells together.

Overpopulation is a myth. As people's education and economic situations improve the birth rates decline. The world will probably never see a population of 12 billion and thru responsible agricultural practices we could easily support them all.

The rest of this is faux-sophist word salad.

Gonna catch the bait cause maybe someone is actually interested in knowing that.

They initial point are human rights, including the right to choose ones place to live. Reasons for that are rather simple, almost obvious if you think about it: if a man's skills are useless where he now lives, why shouldn't he stay in that place? Or why to stay in an overpopulated area if there is plenty of space anywhere else? I'm not counting the fact that some places are just better to live, climatically, economically or just because there's no war there. To force people to stay in the country ruled by a small tyrant or narcogangs is inhumane.

This being said they don't just simply believe that it's be cool to just take the rest of the world and invite them in, no; they are aware it's not possible. But if an American can move to, say, Philippines to work as a consutant in some company or as whoever he sees fit, then a Philippinian should be allowed to move to US in the same way.

The Republican party gerrymandered the country to maintain power.
The Democratic party re-engineered the country's immigration laws and demographics to maintain power.
They're both bad, but the former seems like a reaction to- and less odious than- the latter.
>Do you honestly believe that south america has no economy outside of US aid?
No, but it would be greatly diminished. We and our allies export to them. They export to us and our allies.
>Or that the cartels don't have ways to bring US money from drug sales to the south?
Defeatist attitude. The Mafia was defeated. The USSR was defeated. Cartels can be defeated.
> easily be picked up.
Wide, hot, desert, ftmp on enemy soil, well-known by coyotes and cartels
Haha no.
>same amount of men, they're just driving more
You'd be unnecessarily spreading agents thin
>Maintaining a massive wall in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Dams are massive walls in the middle of nowhere. They are expensive to maintain, and collectively are worth the cost. Same principle.

> mongrels of the world

Sorry about your racist, anti-American sentiment. You should get out more. Meet some people who arent the same color as you. Maybe get out of Iowa.

Republicans= "secretly" cucks who admire black dicks. Also for some reason they want more poor people by having the rich rule them.
Socialism= how about the rich pay more and you can afford a new heart transplant. Unity is power

>They initial point are human rights, including the right to choose ones place to live
Funny how this ONLY applies to spics and niggers coming to the US, but not otherwise. Why don't all those spic countries have open borders then? No it's only white countries that should have open borders. Meanwhile south america and the middle east can have whatever immigration laws they want and people like you don't say shit about it.

>No, but it would be greatly diminished. We and our allies export to them. They export to us and our allies.
Do you plan to install a trade embargo? Do you honestly believe your allies would go along with that, and just crash the world economy because you throw a fit?
> Defeatist attitude. The Mafia was defeated. The USSR was defeated. Cartels can be defeated.
The mafia was not defeated. It's still around. The USSR wasn't defeated, it fell apart, and was picked up in large parts by the mafia.
> You'd be unnecessarily spreading agents thin
You'd still have the same agent number over the same border width. You just have them drive more punctual over the depth. Not hard.
> Dams are massive walls in the middle of nowhere. They are expensive to maintain, and collectively are worth the cost.
Because you have literally no other option. Water can't be stopped in the desert. Turns out people aren't water, you colossal retard.

>that's idiotic even by your standards.
I'll lose the hyperbole then. Puerto Ricans have sub-90 IQs. Cognitive ability, even controlled for environmental factors, is significantly heritable. Nothing the US can do can make spics not spics.
>the coast can import goods
All well and good! Let them eat the cargo costs.
>that's... what the surveillance is for. So they know where to drive.
>Spotted 40 miles south by southwest
>Wait they're shifting orientation and speed!
>Another group spotted 20 miles east of that location
>Wait, they split up into three
This just creates dangerous, slow, and unnecessary goose-chases under the sun and in the desert nights which could be more easily dealt with if they were funneled within ten miles of the Rio Grande
>human rights, including the right to choose ones place to live.
Where do these "rights" come from?
Who determines how they are to be defined and enforced?
What happens when they conflict with others' rights?
Appeals to "rights" fail on their face. I could just as easily say that Amerikaners have the right to a social and economic structure which benefits them over leeches who can't even comprehend high school mathematics.

Republicans= "secretly" cucks who admire black dicks

Democrats= "openly" cucks who admire black dicks

we can also just compare cities in the USA that are run by blacks.

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>They're both bad, but the former seems like a reaction to- and less odious than- the latter.

That is objectively wrong. Illegal immigrants do not vote in our elections. They didn't before most states passed voter ID laws, and they certainly don't in the wake of them.

If you remember Trump had to dissolve his election fraud commission because they couldn't find any evidence of voter fraud anywhere.

We've had immigration issues for decades. They peaked in the 80s and 90s. If that was the Democrat plan to take power then it didnt work at all because the number of ppl illegally crossing the border now isnt even 1/3 what it was then.

The us always had a immigration problem even in the early days it’s not secret that even back then the government came up with ideas to keep certain groups out but u seen how that worked

Hey asshole, you gonna address this or keep hiding like a little bitch?

I was an egalitarian pluralist before I got out more. Mugged by reality, so to speak. Are there a lot of white shitheads? Sure. But the rates of dysfunction are much higher among everyone else besides descendants of East Asians and Europeans. To deny this is to deny reality.
>Do you honestly believe your allies would go along with that
They go along with the USD being the de facto world reserve currency and most commodities being sold primarily in USD. They go along with our bases and investigatory bodies operating on their soil. This is minor.
>The mafia was not defeated. It's still around.
As a shell
>The USSR wasn't defeated, it fell apart
Semantics. Social, economic, and military pressures facilitated its downfall.
>You'd still have the same agent number over the same border width
We'd have the same agent number covering the masses who agglomerate around the US border wall, which would be a smaller total area than the Sonoran and Chihuahua deserts
>Turns out people aren't water
People can be dispersed, grouped, contained, and trafficked, which is my point.

>Too bad their kids are entitled shitbags
as opposed to white people - lol

>Pajeet is willing to shitcode and do QA/QC testing for pennis on the dollar, and corporations and the state facilitate it.
>Pablo is willing to do a mediocre job laying bricks and installing drywall for pennies on the dollar; firms and the state facilitate it.
>The game is high and low vs the middle. Fuck the rich, and fuck their golems.
pretty much all this.

recent ICE raids netted 600+ people, 300+ of them were released shortly after. Leaving around 300 people that were illegal and detained.

Did their employers get charged with anything? Not that I can tell.

>I was an egalitarian pluralist before I got out more. Mugged by reality, so to speak. Are there a lot of white shitheads? Sure. But the rates of dysfunction are much higher among everyone else besides descendants of East Asians and Europeans. To deny this is to deny reality.

More racist nonsense. If by dysfunction you mean crime then you're blaming race for the product of poverty.

Poverty breeds crime. Look at anywhere in the world and this is true. The poorest communities have the highest crime rates.

>Poverty breeds crime
Yet poor whites don't commit anywhere NEAR the same amount of crime as hispanics and blacks. Interesting how that works out.

>Illegal immigrants do not vote in our elections.
>why let them hijack our political system via birthright citizenship, paths to citizenship, naturalization fraud, and lobbying for amnesty, which is then used to bloc-vote resources and re-engineer the US' social infrastructure toward their interests?
Illegal immigration leads to potential naturalization, and automatic citizens such that they are plopped out of vaginal canals on US soil.
Legal immigration leads to the same path. Both need to be controlled.
>If that was the Democrat plan to take power then it didnt work at all because the number of ppl illegally crossing the border
Why are you conflating what I said with illegal immigration? The Immigration Act of 1965 was the dream of Ted Kennedy, Jacob Javits, Phillip Hart, and Emmanuel Celler, passed with the help of cuck Republicans. The IRCA of 86 (signed by asshole Raygun) gave few teeth to enforcement measures, but gave Tip O'Neill and Ted Kennedy their sought after amnesty. California was never Republican again. The Immigration Act of 1990 (signed by asshole GHWB, and once again championed by Ted Kennedy and the Democrats) created the diversity lottery and increased the visa cap, much to the benefit of Democratic politics.
Immigration policy = demographic shifts = political control. Don't be dense.

because they seem to get the most help, welfare wise...

It doesn't work like that though. Far more blacks and hispanics live in poverty than white people in the US.

This is without even mentioning the (unintentionally) racist war on drugs/ crime that have only further skewed data by putting black men (specifically) in jail for shit white people walk on.

And back to the topic at hand: the fact is immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are no more likely to commit a crime than an American.

Oh yeah all that help from affirmative action and the "we wuz kangz" scholarship programs huh?

>by putting black men (specifically) in jail for shit white people walk on.
Oh give me a fucking break with this bullshit. Please name ONE example of this. And no, Tyrone getting arrested for having 10 pounds of weed is not one.

>Did their employers get charged with anything
Not that I can tell.
This. Lack of enforcement against firms is a sham.
>If by dysfunction you mean crime then you're blaming race for the product of poverty.
Poor whites and poor asians commit less violent crime per capita than blacks of the same SES. This is an undisputed fact.
>Poverty breeds crime.
Look at a list of countries by median income.
Then look at a list of countries by homicide rate.
You'll notice correlation and overlap, but realize that Asian countries with higher median income than African counterparts have significantly lower homicide rates. Strange, if an egalitarian hypothesis is seen as valid.
Racist Sith mind tricks!

For migrant votes. Easy.

>It doesn't work like that though. Far more blacks and hispanics live in poverty than white people in the US.
Controlled for SES (do you understand what controlling for confounding variables means?) blacks commit far more violent crime per capita than whites. This is a fact of criminological record.
>racist war on drugs/ crime that have only further skewed data by putting black men (specifically) in jail
Firstly, these stats are themselves skewed by self-reporting and being arrested on drug charges in conjunction with other charges. More specially, if Tyrone and Chadwick are both driving with an ounce of weed in the car, Tyrone is more likely to be speeding, smoking, and threatening the cop.
Secondly, I'm talking specifically about violent crime rates.
>immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are no more likely to commit a crime than an American.
Hispanics- illegal or legal- are less likely to commit crimes than blacks- illegal or legal, even controlled for SES.
Hispanica- illegal or legal- are more likely to commit crimes than whites- illegal or legal, even controlled for SES.
Stop with your red herrings. This is a racial analysis.

Did you leftist and civnat faggots have enough? No passive-aggressive rejoinders?
No snarky comments that our girlfriends cheated on us with men of color which caused us to be racist?

The vast majority of the nonviolent drug offenders in jail for minor shit like having a little pot are black.

This is widely known information so how about you give me a fucking break?

>Secondly, I'm talking specifically about violent crime rates.

Oh I see. I didn't know we were ignoring all the data that doesn't support your narrative. My bad.

both denmark (prime minister) and sweden (labor secretary) said they aren’t socialist and they are usually ranked with in the top 5 places to start a business in the EU

And how many of their upstanding black men were committing other crimes while having "a little pot"? What do you consider a little pot by the way? Because idiots like you think niggers carrying ounces of weed on them is somehow normal.

why can’t she stop gobbling cock?

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1) I know I didnt specify "only" a little pot, but I thought you were smart enough to reason through that bit, I can see I was wrong. So: ONLY a little pot.

2) This is almost an honestly question, but you ruined it with your obnoxiously racist follow up, so I'm not going to answer it.

I know Google is a fairly complicated website but if you want to know what I mean bad enough you'll figure it out.

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Hey man, I think she's hot too but she's not going to fuck either of us.

>First of all, they dont seek open borders
why are faggots like you in denial? they have openly said they want to open the boarders up you utter failure

There is the tale of two cities: Detroit and Pittsburgh.

Both had all their economy running on one particular industry, both lost everything when said industry collapsed.

Detroit politicians decided to blame everything on white people to get the black vote, gave money they didn't had to the folks so they wouldn't have to deal with rioting niggers.
The whites got tired of being taxed all the little they had and to be bashed all day and left.
Second most violent city in America and by far the shittest one.

Pittsburgh decided to face the hardship and to lower taxes, this combined to the then low wages in the town made business come back. It's now ranked one of the 10 most pleasant city in America and sometime the first.

Guess which one is 95% white.

>Immigration is a human right
Who told you this lie? This is the most obvious fake news of the year. Do you want me to give you a link to the declaration of the human rights? Not once immigration is mentioned, not once! What is mentioned however, not even in the article 1 but in the preamble is the necessity to respect the law.

not many liberals think clinton was a good president

Why do you post this every day?

Because they are more conspicuous I'm usage, and because they have other charges on them. This isn't difficult.
I brought up violent crime rates first and foremost. I agree that most non-violent offenses should be decriminalized. If you brought up non violent crime rates to make an orthogonal point, that's on you.


No mainstream Democrat is calling for open borders. This is Fox News Trumpist horse-shit.

Don't conflate refusing to support Trump's idiotic wall for wanting open borders.

That "wall" he wants, by the way, was funded for maintenance and expansion through something like 2023, back in 2008. Remind me again who was President then? The black guy, Trumpublicans still blame for everything, right?


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>Guess which one is 95% white
Where the fuck are you getting that Pittsburgh is 95% white?

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True. They want "sanctuary cities" where immigration laws don't apply.

Tote different.

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Just checked, it was 80% at the time. A lot less than Detroit.

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>No mainstream Democrat is calling for open borders
Kalama Harris and Elizabeth Warren are not mainstream now?

>how about sufficient border security

pretty easy to win a debate when you get to make up the oppositions arguments.

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>No mainstream Democrat is calling for open borders
We're well aware of your rhetorical games, and that the DP's policy proposals amount to de facto and ultimately de jure open borders.

No you narrowed it down because it supports your narrative.

You cant talk about crime then ignore most of the data.

It's an accurate representation of rhetoric and proposals from DP politicians, donors, and interest groups.

>You cant talk about crime then ignore most of the data.
Turn the TV on and you will see plenty of people doing exactly that. Data are almost illegal now.

>Why do the democrats want open borders?
Thats a funny name to call the Jews.

niggers and spics vote left because muh gibtsmedat.


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It goes much deeper. The destiny of every democracy is clientelism. At some point, different parties will not represent different politic stance about how to rule the city, but which population should be served by the power in place.
Every single republic or democracy ever made felt to it in a few centuries.

Yeah that crying spiclet girl on the news pissed me off. Why don't they blame the fucking parents for breaking the immigration laws by being here illegally? Instead they parade around these fucking kids on camera like I'm suppose to feel sorry for them. Fuck out of here.

Name them

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All of them

Jesus, the right has to literally fabricate the entire conversation to make a point.


I thought so

Also can someone explain to me how the fuck these people have the balls to complain they are "poor" and "fleeing violence", but they pop out kid after fucking kid? So why the fuck are you having kids if you're so fucking poor and live in a violent country? Fucking bullshit

They don't.

What exactly is fabricated? The left is literally using children to try to score virtue points, while blatantly ignoring the fact these people are breaking the fucking law by being here illegally and stealing jobs from US citizens.

probably because it's human instinct.

Are you retarded? Humans are animals and we are compelled to reproduce.
If you don't feel compelled to reproduce then maybe that's why the "brown" people are beating you in birth rates huh.
you're lacking something fundamentally human if you have zero desire to have children.

Then don't expect me to feel sorry for you if you are broke and have 5 fucking kids you can't support financially. And what you are talking about is the need to have sex. You do know you can have sex and not reproduce right? Condoms DO fucking exist for a reason. Why do those subhumans refuse to wear them?

White contribution to the world: technology, music, science, sexy woman

Asian contribution to the world: technology, kpop, anime, sexy woman

Black contribution to the world: crime, rape, invent nothing.

There must be a reason why (((they))) want open borders

>The destiny of every democracy is clientelism.
Absolutely. The fallout would still be somewhat workable if
The client factions weren't as divergent in terms of intelligence, behavior, values, and perceived victimhood, and
the divergent factions still had hard private property and federalism, allowing them to get out of each other's affairs. Now we have a zero sum game.

>implying the farming states see any of their harvest
>implying proper compensation
you know what else coasts can do? Export Heartland agriculture whole sail.


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The difference between the right and the left in current year, is that the right accepts what people are seeing, however absurd it may seem within the context of the prevailing narrative, and seeks to offer an explaination, while the left, rather than seeking to debunk the right's explaination or offer an alternative explaination of their own, instead seeks to dismiss what the people are observing.

This is why you are losing.

Wait, so you’re saying having open borders (to the degree anyone wants that) is somehow more “controlling” than having strict draconian border enforcement? You can’t actually suffer from such an absurd level of cognitive dissonance; I really hope you’re trolling and aren’t this stupid.

>What is voluntary association
Are rape laws draconian because they restrict rapists' freedom to rape?

Lol, losing so much that - but for our undemocratic electoral college system - Trump would have lost by three million votes. I think the Dems also swept the house, and it seems like 3-4 Dem candidates are polling to beat Trump and Sanders is polling to potentially take TX, which is essentially gg.

Protect the family, reject degeneracy.

Pretty sure putting kids in literal cages, actually losing some kids in the system so that their parents will literally never see them again, and sending non-Mexican citizens to the most dangerous parts of Mexico while they wait to seek fucking asylum where they’re being ransomed and harmed is pretty fucking Draconian.

Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Cory Booker, Debbie Stabenow, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Brian Schatz, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Lieu, DSW, Eric Swalwell, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Amnesty Intl, AFL-CIO, I could go on. Check their Twitter imprints for a flavor of their designs.

They do, they even plainly stated we shouldn't have any border period. lol

Prove it. Find an actual quote from a source that isn’t run by right wing losers and crazies.

The sort of quote you’re referencing would get reported by the Wall St. Journal, NYT, WaPo, et. al.

So the fault doesn't fall on the parents for breaking the fucking law in your view? And yes they should wait in fucking Mexico if they want to apply for asylum. Given the fact we can't trust spics to show the fuck up in court when we boot them the fuck out of the country.

>Literal cages
Its jail. They commited a crime and boo-hoo they have to sleep without their "parents" which most of the time are not actually their real parents.
>Non-mexicans in Mexico
They should not be entitled to taxpayers money to send them back to their countries. They chose to illegaly treck accross a dozen countries to illegally sneak into america. If they were law abiding, good, smart people and actually wanted to apply for asylum, they can do that in a legal port of entry.

You seem to have forgotten that Obama also won through the electoral college.

>So you're saying
He never said any of that you fucking brandead manlet. They want more low IQ uneducated poor spic and nigger migrants to control. That is what the dems want. Control.

But Obama is on his team so that doesn't count

Lol, what a fucking pathetic kid you must be. The context of this conversation was whether or not “open borders” is more or less “controlling” than our disgusting Draconian laws; they aren’t. That’s what I don’t get about you right wing losers—you bitch about government power and then don’t bat an eye when the government actually starts to flex an insane amount of unbridled government power.

You’re pathetic and hopeless.

You also don’t seem to know the first god damn thing about immigration law. (When it’s all said and done—making people wait in Mexico is likely a violation of U.S. and International law, but, hey, who gives a shit about not being a joke and disgrace to the rest of the world.)


so it's a race issue and not any real issue. got it cletus

alright now provide me literally any video evidence of Cory Booker, Elizabeth arren, nancy pelosi, eric swalwell, Steyer, Schumer,

any evidence of them supporting open borders

because you might actually just be misinterpreting what they are saying because of how deeply you're deluded into tribal politics

>Brown people beating you in birth rate
Fuck off cuckold

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Doesn't make it acceptable.

Direct democracies only give a voice to those who are part of the majoroty. In a direct democracy, oppression by the majority is easy.
All polls for 2016 supposedly predicted that Trump was going to lose. The same will happen with new polls.

Learn from the past, don't be like the dems.

Oh right, so now this is about being the moral police of the world for you. Tell me, why is it that the US is suppose to have open borders yet no one else in central/south america has open borders? You mind explaining that? Maybe it has something to do with those countries being shit holes, the same thing you liberal faggots cried about when Trump said it. If those same countries are so great, why don't your slaves move there? What we have is literal trash crossing our border illegally, then when they get caught they claim they are "applying for asylum", and stupid fucking people like you buy into their bullshit.

No because they are literal subhumans. Sorry your monkey ass refuses to see it.

But people did call him racist many times for numerous housing violations from the 70s onward.

You’re a fucking moron. 1) The cages aren’t jails because kids can’t go to “jail.” 2) For someone who talks so much shit, I can guarantee that you would not last one fucking day living in Central America or much less trying to get here on your own; so FOH with that tough guy bullshit. You’d fucking piss and shit your pants if you were ever face to face with the gangs people are fleeing from in Central America or cartels of Mexico. 3) You literally don’t need to cross a port of entry to apply for asylum. It’s nowhere in the law and the courts have rejected Trump’s attempt to change the law via executive order.

Y’all are too much. You do realize that every federal court loss is an indictment of how little the man knows about law/how authoritarian his tendencies are.

Yeah after he ran for fucking president. BOY that timing sure is convenient. All of this racist talk and behavior just so happens to be revealed as he is running for president.

You will accomplish nothing by being a fascist faggot. I agree Trump 2020 and strong borders, but if you keep being a retard the left will have more reasons to keep getting more and more polarized.

Almost all of the candidates agreed they'd de criminalize border crossings, almost all of them agreed theyd support free healthcare for undocumented people. That's as close as you can get to open borders without saying it.

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>corporate welfare
>military spending
>"nationalism" at the expense of citizens
>same shit but some of us are more moderate than the right
It's a lose-lose situation, brah.

Are you really this stupid? Literally all presidents have to win via the electoral college? Only two have ever won only the electoral college, i.e., lost the popular vote and won the electoral college. Bush and Trump.

How about you spread that somewhere useful? Everyone here knows, so stop bitching here and go tell normies about it.

Remind me again, who are the people that join and create those gangs? Who sells the drugs and commits all the crime in central america? How are all of those gang members getting guns, when they are illegal in those countries? MAN, this is fucking confusing. Laws are being broken by all of those fine people you are bending over and taking it in the ass for. I just don't understand why that is.

Who the fuck is this? FOH, literally the conversation began in regards to the context of how “open borders” are meant to be used as a means to “control us.” Unless the person was denigrating themselves (i.e., believes themselves to be any of the things you just referenced), then logic would dictate that the person was referring to the control of Americans.

You forgot, they also want to take everyone's guns away. That way only their monkey slaves have them and everyone who follows the law is defenseless against them.

No, Trump was called rascist way back in the late 70s or early 80s because he was keeping minorities out of his apartments in violation of numerous laws. He also made numerous racially-charged gaffes over the years.

because they believe globalism is the way forward.

Quote me on what part was wrong or 'fascist', I bet you can't, fucking goyim

>No, Trump was called rascist way back in the late 70s or early 80s because he was keeping minorities out of his apartments in violation of numerous laws
Maybe those people couldn't afford to fucking live there. Did your dumbass ever think of that? No of course you didn't. Trump should let your pets live in his luxury apartments and condos rent-free for as long as they please. Not that it would make any difference, mind you. Because you'd still call him a racist for some other bullshit reason. Like calling a literal shit hole city exactly that, a shit hole, because your monkey pets live there.

Everyone knows? I don't think so

You are literally fucking brain dead. I personally don’t give a fuck about open borders; open borders have nothing to fucking do with asylum law.

That said, we fucking caused most of not all of the problems in Central America. Anyone who has any working knowledge of basic fucking history knows that the U.S. government has worked to prop up fake democracies and overthrow/sabotage any grass roots pushes for reform because the U.S. has wanted to keep the region unstable.

Jesus Christ, you right wingers really are as dumb as you are lonely, pathetic, friendless, girl-less/partnerless, and angry.

>Maybe those people couldn't afford to fucking live there. Did your dumbass ever think of that? No of course you didn't. Trump should let your pets live in his luxury apartments and condos rent-free for as long as they please. Not that it would make any difference, mind you. Because you'd still call him a racist for some other bullshit reason. Like calling a literal shit hole city exactly that, a shit hole, because your monkey pets live there.

Trump was getting awards/medals for his contributions towards helping african americans // equality.

Be more retarded if you can manage

Better to be far right than far wrong

This. The right always jumps to conclusions for some reason.

Says the party that LOST by 3 million votes in 2016.

Reason with me Goyim, I don't think on a right or left wing, tell me why you are a lefty?

Even if the US had a hand in destabilization -- which, in retrospect, was stupid -- what do you want? An apology?

Because, regardless, the US is NOT the parents of the planet; and none of the imbeciles in Central America should be thinking the US has the responsibility to afford them a livelihood when it already struggles with the people here.

Not ONE was separated or put in a cage tho.

/pol/cels pollute Yea Forums too much. They claim to hate the degeneracy of Yea Forums yet come here constantly with their weens all hard.

>That said, we fucking caused most of not all of the problems in Central America

And there it is. I knew you would say this bullshit. So if the US is oh so evil, why do your pets keep taking our fucking money? Why don't they tell the US to fuck off? Why is Puerto Rico not claiming independent? No instead they spread their dirty fucking legs, pop out more useless fucks into this world and then demand gibs. And they have morons like you cheering them all on, blaming whites for their own fucking stupidity and incompetence. And yeah they are related to asylum law, because these people are being coached on what to do and say if/when they get caught crossing the border illegally. But aw, bleeding heart idiots like you fall for the bullshit everytime. Juan and Maria with their 7 fucking kids that may or may not even be there, is crossing the fucking border illegally so they can go apply for asylum, my ass. Then why the fuck didn't you do that at a port of entry? Right, because some open border liberal told you not too, instead cross and see if you can make it without getting caught first.

You are a fucking moron. You really think with all the resources and power the gangs in Central America and cartel in Mexico have—they’re going to say to themselves, “hmm, you know what I want to do? I want to leave Central America/Mexico, where I have the power to do whatever the fuck I want and go to a country where I could potentially go to jail for the rest of my natural life or be killed by execution as I continue to do there what I can do here with no consequences. But I don’t even just want to go there; no, that’s too easy—I want to literally try to get there by crossing the border or river and risk being caught by a rival cartel/gang, dehydration, or drowning and try to seek asylum—which I know I’ll lose, but I like a challenge. I could have just fucking flown to the U.S. because my gang/cartel basically run the government here, but, again, that seems to easy so I’m going to choose to get to the U.S. in literally the most difficult of ways.”

Hopefully you see how fucking absurdly stupid of a proposition your suggestion is. (I.e., the people coming aren’t gang members—gang members and cartel members have enough money and power to just fucking fly here and overstay their visas like 1/2 of the other people who are currently in the U.S. unlawfully.)

All polls did not, just the main ones, and even those polls were within their margins of error when he won.

In 2018 Democrats turned out in numbers not seen for 30 years to vote in the midterms.

The only positive thing Trump has done is be so fucking bad at his job that Democrats are voting again - in fucking droves. The GOP lost seats they were sure were locked in.

Democrats have definitely learned from the past, and if you're voting for Trump in 2020 with all of the shit around him and his campaign you have some hard questions you need to ask yourself, but I doubt youre capable of that kind of critical self-reflection.


Left Right make peace and fight your real enemy

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Yeah because those gang members aren't coming here illegally at all. Not like MS-13 exists for anything. Can you get your head out of your fucking asshole for 5 minutes and join the rest of us in reality? Maybe then you'll learn something for once in your pathetic life.

Dude, you literally don’t know any facts here. It’s a fact that immigrants both don’t seek public assistance (because they aren’t eligible) and that many/most start their own businesses and some actually start to employ other people within a few years; without them, social security would also be fucked.

These people don’t want shit from the American government; they just want a shot to work somewhere without having criminals steal all of their money/have to worry about someone killing them.

All that other shit is just stuff that Republicans tell their base in order to get poor white peoples to keep siding with a party that has been figuratively fucking them since the late 1960’s; just google the trajectory of wages and productivity from like 1969 to now.

I didn't think you could reply goyim

Okay, if they don't take public assistance, why is your team so upset over the new policy against immigrants not being eligible if they collect welfare or food stamps? If they're so successful and make this country so much better, according to you, why are their own countries so shit then? You see how what you're saying doesn't make sense now right? Not surprising though, given how it's more important to make up bullshit and be PC if you're a liberal then it is to tell shit how it actually is.

Cool shit bro. Girls do t like you, you’re lonely, some brown dude maybe even stole your girl and fucked her; that’s no excuse to grow up being this pathetic, beta, and truly stupid.

Your last message was so fucking incoherent that I can’t even begin to respond to it; it’s just hate filled reactive -brown people scare me - word vomit that a eight year old could have conveyed more clearly.

I see you have no argument left, so now you're attacking me personally. Don't worry about it kid. I look forward to the bitch fit you're gonna throw in 2020 when your heroes lose the election again.

You’re a fucking moron. No one said they don’t come here, what was alluded go was that it makes no sense for them to come here in the most difficult of fucking ways—when they could just bribe someone to jump on a fucking plácame, you fucking moron.

Just so we're clear, in your world a fat retarded beaner can come here illegally, but gang members can't? And I'm suppose to be the moron here?

Because that law prevents legal permanent residents and actual visa holders - who are entitled to some benefits - to have whatever lawful assistance held against them as a basis for their application to become either a citizen or lawful permanent resident rejected, which may then put them in deportation proceedings—even though they did nothing fucking wrong or illegal. That’s why people are mad; they’re mad because that’s a bitch move.

Recent immigrants, people seeking asylum, and people here without status can’t get any assistance. They aren’t eligible and won’t apply because it will alert the government to their presence, so you’re conflating two separate issues and making an apples to oranges comparison.

Not my words, just the facts, why do they deserve rights?

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Lol, I’m happy to keep making you look stupid, but you can’t claim a W by writing incoherently and then throwing a fucking party for yourself when I explain to you that I can’t respond because your run-in filled sentence made zero fucking sense. I honestly do not give enough of a fuck about you to try and make any sense of your last post, but, by all means, if you’ve cooled down and are in the right head space to write something that’s intelligible—please, indulge us all with another patently stupid post.

I’d fuck the shit out of AOC

So we should let people who are leeches and burdens migrant into this country? When the argument this entire time has been "dur they do the jobs you don't wanna do dur", but now suddenly you people are upset they can't collect welfare. This is fucking ridiculous. It's obvious as fuck you fags just want them here so they can vote for your heroes and idols in the DNC, turning every red and swing state blue in the process. While you promise them gibs after gibs that everyone else has to pay for. A literal slave class, if you will. But then we have to hear all this fucking crying over Russians and Fagbook from your team. Only because it doesn't benefit them though. If those people were saying vote DNC we wouldn't hear shit about it.

For the lulz

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>Not jail
Well what are they, detention centers? They are trapped there, get clean water, bed, and recess, just like prisoners, although yes, they stay there for much shorter periods of time than actual criminals do in prison.
>Wouldn't survive in central america
I was born and raised in Havana and when I was 7 we moved to Nezahualcoyotl where we applied for asylum and about a year later we were allowed into the US legally.
>Dont need to go legal point of entry to enter for asylum
No, you don't, but it is extreamely dangerous to cross the desert illegal anyways so why would you not ask for asylum legally? Either because you know you would not be accepted for some reason or you have already been deported before.

Either way, you should be allowed to enter the US legally before coming into the US. If you're not, then you should be deported, like the vriminal you are.

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You are a moron, why would they come here by entering without inspection (which is the actual term of art) when they could just bribe someone, get a visa, get on a plane, and overstay their visa. Overstaying and entering without inspection both mean that someone is here “unlawfully;” it’s just that one of those two is way easier to actually do.

You’re telling me people smart enough to take over the government of their country and run illegal drug, gun, and human smuggling operations on a cross-country basis aren’t smart enough to realize they could just jump on a plane and get here without going through the hassle of all of the shit I’ve already explained?

That’s fucking absurdly stupid.

You idiots really take this should seriously don't you? My advice, go kill a cop then drink till you drop.

>No, you don't, but it is extreamely dangerous to cross the desert illegal anyways so why would you not ask for asylum legally?
That's what I'm saying, that these people are trying to sneak across illegally, then if/when they get caught they say the magic words of applying for asylum that they've been coached to say by some bleeding heart liberal faggot

How fucking stupid can you be? They can’t fucking vote—you pathetic moron.

Dems also don’t need new people for numbers; the GOP is so fucking stupid and racist that they’re going to lose TX in either 2020 or 2024, which is GG b/c Dems already have CA and NY.

It’s not about votes; they GOP have done enough to basically ensure that their party will be dead in the next 10 years or so; it’s about not living in a shitty disgusting country that treats human beings awful.

Why is the head of unions, originally a republican idea, ised in your pathetic political rant?

I just want a living wage, free education, and the hope for a better future tbh. Why do you republicans hate Americans so much? Why do you suck corporate dick so much? The progressives are the worst thing to happen in the last fifteen years or so, but the republicans are keeping shit real with their same 'fuck the middle class' rhetoric, and you incestuous, tobacco spitting, ATV driving, camouflage wearing dipshits fall for it each time.

>Why do the democrats want open borders?
Why do Republicans want to kill non-whites and non-christians? Why do Libertarians want to destroy the government and enslave themselves to the free market? Why does Antifa want to commit censorship and terrorism on a global scale? Because everyone wants things that would benefit them personally and no one gives a fuck about anyone labeled an "other". Makes me wish I lived on the Moon or some shit.

Yeah they're gonna lose Texas because your slaves have slowly taken over and are turning it into a third world dump, just like they did with California. That's why your slave masters want to give them citizenship so badly.

They can't vote now but democrats support a path to citizenship for all of them. With citizenship comes the right to vote.

They don't. That's a trumpist lie.

Yup, and guess who these people are going to vote into office. Hence why every time the dems talk about "immigration reform" it ALWAYS includes full citizenship for every illegal in this country. Also funny how they don't want us to know the actual number of illegals that are here, by the way, and how they also don't want anymore border security than we have now.

1) They are civil detention centers. Some are briefly jailed for like 10 days, but ultimately we’re talking civil detention here, which is why it’s so hard to win lawsuits; if we were talking actual jail—then constitutional rights would attach in full-force. Since it’s not criminal attention—there are no full due process rights, there are only shitty procedural due process process rights.

2) FOH, are you seriously comparing coming from Cuba to coming from Central America? If you came from Cuba—that also means YOUR FAMILY and YOUR PARENTS leached off of America for years. Refugees from Cuba gets thousands of dollars in assistance when they enter the U.S. and you all would have even benefited from government housing/housing stipends.

It’s disgusting to see how someone whose family benefitted from being from a country that’s always been given the most special of treatment when speaking of American immigration law—is now calling to have the door shut behind them like some sort of hypocritical bitch.

(Lastly, you have no idea how many Cubans have failed to enter the country “legally” by coming on a boat and been allowed to stay—should we have sent back all the people who got here by boat? Because that was “illegal” of them to do; there is no difference from coming on a boat or crossing the border.)

Lol, TX is actually pretty fucking chill. The GOP might keep control of the state governments for a while—but Trumps shitty policies have been fucking businesses in the state, so he doesn’t get too much love from some people who otherwise support the GOP.

Not the guy you're responding to but just because America was more forgiving of illegal immigration in the past doesn't mean we should be as forgiving now especially given the current situation.

Do you know how fucking long it takes to become a citizen? Also, there’s already a path to citizenship for asylum seekers; like, the whole fucking point is that we are t following our own laws. That’s the fucking problem. Does that make sense?

why are the alt right all little incel dweebs?

>> Do you know how fucking long it takes to become a citizen?

I know it takes a long time. That doesn't justify someone breaking our immigration laws. And it doesn't make it wrong when they're punished accordingly for it.

So if they are supposedly not eligable for public assistance, how the hell are they able to make a buisness? You know you need to be inspected and given a license to do that right? Oh, you don't have a fucking clue on what you're talking about? Yeah, I figured.

I love how you're bashing this guy for following the damn law and coming here through legal channels, but we're all suppose to feel bad for illegals who break it. Give me a fucking break. People like you are why they do this bullshit in the first place. Because you shove your head up their asses and wipe it for them.

>So if they are supposedly not eligable for public assistance, how the hell are they able to make a buisness?

Apparently all of these poor immigrants have hoards of money laying around and just magically use it to open business left and right

And there the retard types again. You lost the argument buddy, you can insult and argue, but once you just start insulting instead of arguing, it is preatty obvious you lost the argument, and have no other points. The trumptard won. Just stop replying.

The point is that nowhere in our laws (or in international asylum law) are people required to present themselves at a port of entry to ask for asylum.

The whole point of asylum law was to make sure that what happened in WWII never happened again; a ton of Jewish people were turned away during WWII while traveling by boat.

If the law was meant to work in the way that Trump claims—then the law literally would do nothing to write the plight of people who are forced to flee by boat while seeking asylum in the U.S.

So, as a point of clarification, it’s not “illegal” to enter the country - by any means - and seek asylum.

It simply just is untrue to say otherwise.