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Isn't this the same nigger who's parents were saying on TV that the cops were wrong? Jesus Christ, fuck this dumb motherfucker. All he had to do was let them search him and he would've lived. Instead he ran and reached for his gun like a stupid fuck. One less in this world at least.

Yes it is the same nigger, and I agree with all of that


nigs gon nig. the streets of usa are a little bit safer now

He ran cause he just did a strong arm robbery and still had the gun on him. Good riddance

Isn't strong armed robbery when you use your bare hands? He held up a guy at gun point. That would be armed robbery.

Did he have a gun on him>=?

Yes you fucking moron. How about watching the fucking video before asking dumb questions?

Yeah, the video shows him trying to pull it then getting shot.

glock 17

What makes this even more pathetic is that people are STILL blaming the cops when this guy had a gun and was running away. Probably so he could get a better shooting position. Just proves that nigger don't give a fuck about "unjustified shootings". This is really about chimps breaking laws and getting away with it scott free, which why they hate the police.

i just saw the report where the family wanted a private investigation. this is just another one of those dindu stories haha

I'm glad they blurred out that dirty looking ass crack. It looks like he doesn't wipe

Investigation for what though? Everything you need to see is in this video. I'm sorry but that shooting is his fault not the police. Next time do a better job of raising your ape offspring, and this wont happen.

OK since you're the genius and i'm the moron go ahead and screenshot the part of the video where you can see his gun. I'll be waiting.

They want free money from the city. That's what seems to happen when blacks get killed by the police, raise a big stink about it and you can get gibs.

Show him reaching into his pockets you mean. There was no gun visible.

OK since you're a dumbass nigger and need your hand held go ahead and fuck off back to fagbook where that safe space is waiting. They'll be waiting.

>cop: hands were I can see them
>black man: begins raising hands
>cop: REEEEE GUN GUN *shoots 47 times, plants gun*
Shill more

Get fucked nigger. I don't work for you and you being to retarded to pause the video doesn't mean I have to spoon feed you. Go play in traffic on the highway faggot.

>you'll never be able to

Hence the term "ghetto lottery" comes from. Niggers literally see their ape niglets as free cash and gib machines.

So this is how you act when you can't win the argument? Lmao the absolute state of white boi boot lickers

>you already are, unfortunately

the officers were told they had guns and you can clearly see his hand went to his waistband not once but twice in his attempt to run off

means whoever he robbed he roughed them up

No, going for his gun that he drops at his feet after getting shot. Clearly in view in the vid retard.

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I'm guessing you stopped the video at the point where he's running away and raising his hands into his fucking pants. Any reason you left that part out? Do you work for CNN by any chance? If not you should apply for a fucking job there.

The officers heard a report of suspects that matched their descriptions potentially had a firearm.

it's not my opinion, it's what happened

>"He reached for a gun! It's right there!"

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Not to mention they found a gun on him after the fact as well. But liberals don't like it when facts show their pet niggers in a negative light.

Behold, king of the autistic retards.

Oh dear someone's awfully upset when presented with the truth

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This is such a shit attempt at trolling it's not even funny

I genuinely believe that that's what you think, user. It's okay, we're all wrong sometimes.

>my life sucks so I bait on Yea Forums because I'm to socially retarded to have friends

But you replied, didn't you?

>I'm to

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if a black cop shoots a white kid can the whites claim "dey dindo nuffin" too?

Ok attention all you racist cocksuckers. Even if this young man did not have a gun in his pockets, which unfortunately he did, this would have been a justified shooting. When he runs and tries to get something from his waist or pockets the cops are going to kill you. That is just how it works, they will clear this shooting all day.

I know you want to believe in fantasies user, we all do sometimes.

Of course not, instead niggers will celebrate it and mock white people

a white kid wouldn't get shot because they can comprehend and follow instructions. they teach you that shit in kindergarten

Cope and seethe trumpshit.

Dawg...y’all salty as fuck lmao mad y’all can’t be racist in public anymore? Does it burn you down to your core that black men are respected and well liked in this country? That your daughters’ listen to their music and want relations with them? Maybe even your own mother...

qq more butthurt keyboard warrior fags that are scared shitless to act in this manner in front of a black man.

Anyone with a brain knows this is a justified shooting. The only people saying otherwise are niggers and their liberal slave masters.

>Does it burn you down to your core that black men are respected and well liked in this country?

ROFL, nice joke. Fucking hilarious. Can we get back to the topic at hand now?

Yes seethe give into the hate. Soon you will be on the dark side.

Talking like this and expecting anyone to take any of your opinions seriously. Take a break from Yea Forums kiddo

>>black men are respected and well liked in this country

Anonymous phone calls & loose pants are all the evidence needed to know someone's trying to kill you. Put on your skinny jeans user. I'm making a phone call

I'm racist all the time nigger. All y'all do is suck your teeth saying "dis krakka be trippin". I'm still not sure what y'all are talking about because my 2 year old speaks clearer than you.

i don't get it, legit could have just taken the arrest instead of being shot. like i don't get why they thing running a few meters just to die is worth more than surrendering

tssssssssst.. dis krakka be trippin

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The guy who called was robbed, at gun point, and described both of them to a tee. Again, why are you purposely leaving out facts? Are you banking on people not watching the video like your lazy nigger ass?

Because he's a stupid nigger. That's why.

Sometimes you can't imagine what another person is thinking. He died because he made the wrong decision. It's sad that a man has to live with taking his life over this. The boy's family will have to grieve their son dying because he thought he was going to take a few cops out. He's not thinking clearly and of course you "don't get it."

Kek all these niggers think they're going to win the coming race war.

damn my man got smoked...but check these dubs he dropped

But again, he did it to himself. Suing the police or demanding an "independent investigation" is a fucking waste of EVERYONE'S time. All he had to do was allow the police to search him. Don't do the crime if you can't be a man and accept the punishment.

fuckin boot lickers. the police are fascists

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Absolutely agree. There is no need for an investigation. I agree, if you use guns to rob you have to be able to do the 25+ years in prison that come with an armed robbery charge. Running and attempting to shoot at these officers is a crime punishable by death. Don't run from the police, don't disobey their orders, and you won't be shot. Unless your Daniel Shaver that is.


Post a timestamped picture of your hands. Otherwise i found the nigger

to be fair the only people i've ever known to refer to normal, law abiding, functional members of society as 'boot lickers', have been soyboy lefty cucks. i don't think he'd be black because fascist is too complicated a word for them.

I'm white bitch, just not a pig dick licker

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Did you get lost on your way to kikebook Tyrone?

Fuck off, Jamal

>user: I H8 DEM KOPZ!
>A wild nigger appears!
>user: SAVE ME KOPZ!

The dude who got robbed was a snitch, if he knows these people personally, he should've faced up to whatever it is he did to them, because we all know he isnt exactly an innocent party in this. Anyway, nigs gonna nig, one less scumbag retard to deal with.

cops are necessary, but they shouldn't be given a free pass on everything

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That is the absolute, dumbest shit I have read in awhile. I'm guessing you're a fucking nigger yourself with this nigger logic of yours.

tickets and arrests dont pay cops retard, taxes are what pay cops, so a fraction of that ticket and a fraction of that being despersed into other goverment organizations and finally a fraction of that actually comes back. their pay isnt dependent on arresting people they have a salary.

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

who's gonna stop them?

It is kinda hilarious how they censor out the ass crack, but not the bullet wounds and blood

on top of that the "click it or ticket" slogan is hardly threatening, its trying to help save lives, if you buckle up, you reduce your chance of fatal injury by 60% and moderate to critical injuries by 65% they arent trying to enforce some abstract law, there trying to help

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when did the image imply they were? well if it did, I agree they are paid with taxes. But they do have to meet quotas, and going beyond their quotas is good for their careers

we the people

the photo didn't imply tickets don't have a purpose

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the pink slip in the coat pocket, says crossed out "to fight crime" and is replaced with "for revenue

yea but is it intimidating to enforce that? its as simple as reaching over your shoulder and pulling it over to your opposite hip, not that hard


I agree black people are so stupid

Lighten up everyone the good news in a black kid got killed one less nigger.

These idiots want to get robbed by niggers.

I honesty don't understand how you can view this video, and still think the cops are in the wrong here. That nigger signed his own death warrant by running and reaching for his gun.

>rob someone who knows where you live
>no vehicle
>don't even attempt to get off the street
>get stopped by police
>run away and reach for weapon
>get shot

Ah yes, we lost a real credit to society.

or, in other words:

>be black

But his family will claim he was a good boy and was on his way to Harvard, after they file a lawsuit that is

>I'm white bitch
don't see the proof


Who's gonna clean up all of that nigger-juice of the road? It's toxic!

>we the people
the same people who are saying we need to get rid of guns? neat, can't wait for you to storm area 51

you must be 18 to post on this website, kiddo

I support the 2nd amendment

I'm 24

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The cherry on the coon cupcake would've been the stashed paw-gun going off and sending a lead enema up hims buh-ho'e!


I particularly liked the plaintive, drawn out "oooooooook"s while the tar-baby lay upon the tar-mac!

This upstanding member of Colorado Springs had a warrant for sexual assault of a minor in a position of trust. Pretty sure he sodomized a family member.

He was likely holding the gun while he ran so it didn't fall out of his waistband. Doesn't change the fact that he deserved to get shot and the shooting was justified and legal. Do stupid shit, suffer the consequences.

So he was a fag on top of being a lowlife ape

I already saw it

>He was likely holding the gun while he ran so it didn't fall out of his waistband
That or he was trying to get enough distance before shooting at the cops

Yeah. Doesn't matter either way. Have a gun and put your hand on it and you deserve to be shot at, especially by the cops.

cop: "we're just going to check that you don't have a weapon, alright."
nigger: "ooga booga" *monkeys out and reaches for waist*
cop: "put your hands in the air"
nigger: "I dindu nuffin!"
cop: *shoots nigger that clearly has a gun*

I agree, the only annoying part is how the fucking media tried to spin this as if this negro was innocent, parading his monkey parents out on TV to boot. I knew it would turn out to be bullshit when the video came out.

What nogunz libflake faggots don't understand is how many times a nig will be running away WHILE shooting. They do the gun sideways, spray and pray WHILE running. So it is totally possible to be shot in the back and for it to be totally justified.

I mean, it's pretty obvious his intent was to shoot at them. The only reason he didn't at first was so he could get some distance.

I agree. It is not a crime to shoot someone first who's imminent intent is to shoot you. It's the very definition of almost every state's use of force laws. It's amazing how many people have no idea when it's legally justified to use potentially deadly force against another person. For instance, if I stumbled upon a woman getting raped, I would be justified to shoot the guy in the back of the head.

niggas act tough all the time but they just barkin like lil chihuahuas
i havent found a black person who isn't insecure about others being racist towards them

>get enough distance
nigger is you stupid? its a fucking handgun not a 50.cal
if the kid really wanted them shot he wouldve done it on the spot
kid was scared, held his gun, cops felt threatened and shot the kid. he shouldn't be allowed to carry a firearm either so hes already breaking the law at that point. play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

always satisfying to watch a stupid, dangerous criminal with no regard for human life get gunned down. makes my damn day

You have been visited by the Laura of horrible cereal noises.

YOU HAVE TO B-BUMP THE THREAD! It's c-coming, don't you understand?! It's c-coming! And if you haven't b-bumped the thread by the time it gets here, the thread is going to D-DIE!

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fuck you

You know why I don’t get shot? Because every time I get stopped I act like I’m the cops little beta bitch.
>I’ll suck his dick if he asks
Cops love that

Black dudes do exactly the opposite of what the cops tell them to do, fucking retards

My girlfriend has been crying all day at this video :/

The real question is why are you dating a nigger lover?