How do I build confidence Yea Forums?

How do I build confidence Yea Forums?

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Stop being a fucking pussy and get some pussy, pussy

Weed doesn’t give me confidence anymore and I don’t want to start anything that could be habit forming because my self control is shit.

Just be yourself bro

Work on yourself. Too fat - workout and eat better. Not educated - go to school. Shitty job or no job - get to working and save your money. Confidence comes when you got your shit together, get your shit together, and the pussy will follow.

drugs and alcohol

Don't. Be like me, embrace it when talking to a girl

alcohol is the preferred drug of choice.

penis enlargment surgery

barring that, buy a sheath online for $40 and wear it around at bars


Look for friends, not girl friends. Keep it cool, you're not trying to impress anyone. Just be funny, and eventually you'll start getting noticed for being so cool and funny. After YOU decide who you're more compostable with, then you get a girl friend.

>and alcohol

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and then what to do after after i aquired them? last time i had "those" i was in a park and people started to fuck arround me and taking videos while some stalker girl threw stones on me and also i saw a flying ak and red dots everywhere, stupid shit then i go back to home and my neighbours started to fuck very loud and i was so angry i couldnt get anything with this shit so i downed 15g down the toilet and people were watching me outside from cars

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I’ve been on amphetamines since I was 11. They don’t do anything for confidence.

Lift weights.

Kisskiss. I'm a loser Yea Forums

Stop masturbating for 2-3 weeks and you'll have a girlfriend 100% guarantee. This method has never failed me.

are you on them right now user?

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Hard but possible

dude i know them for 5 years now stupid shit all over the place what a mess

Just resist the urge, you can do it user.

I love you if you're LS kiss kiss??

How do you do that?

I love you

No fap 30 days here. I had orientation the other day at school and all that shit about no fap makes you attractive might actually be true.

I love you too.

by gaining experience,and seeing ahead at least 3-4 steps
having clear priorities