my brother keeps drinking my gatorades, what can I put in them to deter him from drinking them? no I don't want to kill him (yet) I was thinking something spicy or a laxative
My brother keeps drinking my gatorades, what can I put in them to deter him from drinking them...
replace the gatorade with urine.
A few drops of eye drops will give him diarrhea.
Gatorade is already toxic
His testosterone will drop
His semen count will drop
His children will be autistic
You should thank him for setting you free from the clutches of addiction
Nigger faggot
stop drinking gatorade
Add a bottle of ipecac to a dark colored bottle of Gatorade and he will puke his guts out for 30 minutes. A guy in my dorm did this to his shithead roommate and it was hilarious.
faggots like you worry about testosterone count cause if you lose 0.2% of a normal mans sperm count it leaves you at 0%.
i drink soymilk am 6'5, lift and get laid, and get girls on birth control pregnant
enjoy worrying about your fucking sperm count
I don't know if this matter but it's gatorade zero. I gave up sugar (as much as I can) so I stock up on these
You are obsessed with man milk, faggot
You stock up on faggot,nigger
A large majority of sodas, gatorade included, do not actually contain any harmful chemicals apart from sugar. I'f he's not fat it's only an issue for his wallet.
Fill the bottles with powerade, disgusting shit
Gatorade contains rosin, which is a low level poison and carcinogen
No research actually shows that. Rosin is actually a substitute for BVO, which is banned in some countries based on suspicions of harmful effect, also which haven't actually been proven.
Just drink water. Gatorade had electrolytes but that is just a scientific way of saying salt. You get plenty of salt in your diet anyway. Shit does nothing to help your body and tastes like watered down juice.
this. It also makes it impossible to hydrate. It's only good if you're on MDMA and sweating a lot.
I realize this is Yea Forums and any topic is ok, but fucking hell a thread from a kid about somebody taking his drinks. This place isn't as edgy as it used to be.
STFU nigger
Except of course for all the facts, like why the Gator's got so good and the advantage when exercising of replacing salts lost through sweat, and the fact hydrating with just water if you're doing heavy exercise is fucking moronic.
But facts? LOL
Entire jar/container of pure capsaicin crystals
Are you old enough to be posting on here, little child?
Visine..shits pants.. lesson learned