YLYL/Cringe/beta male thread

YLYL/Cringe/beta male thread

Attached: stupid old man.jpg (965x977, 94K)

I'm very disappointed in you.

not funny didnt laugh

u r cringe

the fuck happened to my Yea Forums
just a year ago, the same picture would have had half the posters in the thread laughing their asses off at that old fuck
go ahead and fuck on back over the 9fag kiddies

woah now thats edgy


literally nobodys laughing but you OP, you sad fuckhead. go an hero.

Dude. The fuck is wrong with you. That's not cringe or funny or beta... It's sad and beautiful.

Fucking edgelord. What are you 12?

Been here since early days and no. We would have found out who posted it and fucked your shit up.

You're a delusional retard, that's what happened.

>10 years here

It's not Yea Forums its you. This is like the opposite of funny. Most sociopaths would even throw up a yikes flag here. Lets just hope you are trying too hard and not actually emotionally deranged enough to laugh at this. There is a wealth of soyboy material out there and this is not part of it.

Look at what an inconsiderate fool this stupid old man is. First, he takes up a whole booth just so he can set up a pic of him and his dead wife, who is gone and of no use to anyone. Then, he sticks his stupid walker in the aisle for everyone to trip over and shit. What an idiotic old fool, he should go ahead an hero.

Either top tier bait thread or actually fucking retarded OP

You killed my boner, you ass hole. Now how am i going to fap to dogs?

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haha, cool little reddit memes my newfriend!

>just a year ago, the same picture would have had half the posters in the thread laughing their asses off
not true, stop pretending you understand Yea Forums

Ey dawg . . . when are you going home (come here)?

What if his wife is at home and he just felt like getting a fucking hamburger? How is that even cringey or YLYL

Everyone who is a burger, it's also a burgerbro. Fuck that, stand up for your rights US, or yall are doomed for eternity

What's cringe or beta about this? Nice fuckin thread, retard

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If you've been here since the early days you should know better. Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole are examples of Poe's law. We aren't nearly as edgy as everyone thinks, but the problem is that edgelord kids like yourself come here, don't understand the meme, and start being super edgy and disregard the levels of parody and sarcasm we have built up here.

Also, that's an old picture. Why we'd be laughing our asses off at an image we've seen countless times is beyond me.

i hope that happens to you some day faggot

The person taking the picture to post it on social media for it being so real, adorable and touching is.

You're one of the edgy newfags that's always been hated here

how is this cringe or beta. Homie had a fire ass cutie, undoubtedly for a long time.

clearly wont be happening to this cuck.

you're getting replaced faggot

I went to /pol/ and now I am a normal person