If any reply in this thread gets trips i'll kill myself

if any reply in this thread gets trips i'll kill myself

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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

try again

ok reroll

laaame, you were so close!

i'm not good at this sorry :(

You're on thin ice budd

Attached: check'em.jpg (248x248, 11K)

nice dubs

If you kill yourself please at least bomb a mosque before you go

Please don't
Fuck right off

roll quads and i won't ;)

ummm um um

sorry, try again :(


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thats dangerous you mustn't


Die plox

do it again



(dubs! wooh!)
(dubs! wooh!)
s*icide is nod a joek
u onlely hab 1 life... pls cherish id!!!!

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 14 - Haran no Happy Birthday [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][26D1291E].mp4_snapsh (960x720, 365K)

hello saeed :) are you cherishing your day?

dubs! wooh!
my naems doremiposter! dond fforget dat bullyign wont maek u happye! nno matter wut

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 14 - Haran no Happy Birthday [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][26D1291E].mp4_snapsh (960x720, 271K)

so you don't have a good day? there is always tomorrow :)

Even if someone gets trips please dont kill yourself


yeah and my one life has been shit, here's hoping for trips!

do it pussy

need trips

bullyign wlell neber maek u happye
U CAM MAEK ID BETTER. s*icide wont hlelp anythink. ebery1 has problelms.... ebery1 has thinks dey hab tto obercome. ids nod just u... ur nod aloen. thinks cam ann wlell get better but u hab tto work 2wards maekign dat a realelty... ebery1 does. ids nod a naturlel course ffor life tto b bade, dond lissen tto da morbid joeks l*sers maek.... life is happy ann nice

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第34話「たこ焼きは仲なおりの味」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_sn (640x480, 215K)

Hello, I would like to offer you some helpful advice. You're entire post is unintelligle gibberish, which is against the rules of this website. Please respect the rules, it is not nice to break the rules.

Global Rule 6b - Please refrain from posting the following: Indecipherable text
Example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"

what a bunch of horse shit, telling suicidally depressed people that in order to improve their lives they have to put in effort, while a correct assumption in most cases, does literally nothing to assuage their suffering and only makes them feel worse. your response is nothing but cookie cutter normalfag rhetoric, go fuck yourself.

useless platitudes based upon a delusional sacrosanctity of life are among the most autistic things you can mutter. OP just wants attention, and if he is actually going to off himself let him die, no attempted coercion by strangers would make his life (or death) any easier.

He is literally autistic and cannot comprehend human emotions outside of this plastered on girly "u can do eet!" fake optimism.

ids nod normlel tto b sso horriblel eberyday..
(reddit space)
dis is nice board. i wlell hlelp OP nod b depress'd. da hole board wlell. bcuz dis is nice board. no1 has eber ben smarterer or butter off gibing up on dere life or beign a good person.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第44話「幸せのホワイト・クリスマス」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 162K)

ur nod a good person ffor puttign peoplel dowm... ur nod better den any1 ffor beign a bully...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.39_[2017.07.10_12.28.48].png (400x480, 180K)

Okay as you have chosen to ignore my helpful advice, and the rules of this website, I have reported you to the police for harrasment.

See how he literally ignores you and steamroll over you
Literally not worth engaging

I won't get trips because I want you to suffer more!

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Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

i think you'll come to understand the nihilistic lifestyles many posters on this board lead once you experience actual depression. the false optimism of "u cn dew it girly!!" is much more crushing than being realistic because it creates stress on the receiving end, stress of not meeting expectations and a fear of the potential consequences of underachieving. being honest with somebody does not automatically equate to lacking empathy or having ill intentions, it simply means that you realize nothing can be done.

i am appealing to mot to terminate your mod status indefinitely thank you and have a nice day

(dubs! wooh!)
but i wuz depress'd b4. but den i cry'd intto my mama's arms ann watch'd doremi ann nice post'd ann got a jorb ann eberythink keeps gettign better. ids nod unreal tto udderstan dat gibing up wont maek u happye... ids ok tto nod hab expectations but if u taek da steps u need tto taek ull suprise urslelf... i nno i ddid! ttto myslelf... life rly is happy ann nice! life does get better! i wuz dere b4 but i got out ob id... habing fun ann learning how tto smiel insted ob beign a negatib nancy ann morbid is how i found myslelf doing alot butter! ids nod impossiblel! ann ids bury real.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_19.53_[2017.07.31_09.50.30].jpg (640x480, 221K)


Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.42.[640x480].[DFCE111D].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.56_[2017.08.15_14.51.03].jpg (640x480, 203K)


Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.42.[640x480].[DFCE111D].v2.mkv_snapshot_12.31_[2017.08.15_15.58.35].jpg (640x480, 165K)

good for you! I'm happy to hear that you found things you enjoyed and got a job, and changed your outlook in the process. but guess what? none of what you said is applicable to everyone. what if OP can't cry into his parents' arms because they're dead or don't care about him? what if OP can't find a job because the economy is fucked? what if OP doesn't have interests because his mental illness, whatever that may be, is that bad? what if, instead of assuming everyone can live a happy life, you accept the fact that not everyone is as fortunate you.


If this post or any respone to this gets trips user has to get his life together, work out, get a job, get a place, and confess to a nice girl.


Oh baby




I want to free OP from his suffering

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stop making excuses bro

you can do it op



You made a promise op

Kys fagget

Stream it pls

The boys are waiting OP

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Dont do it ilu!
Cute pic btw

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do not suicide you will die


You faggots got trips, now try to get quads. OP said he wouldn't do it if we got quads
Also OP please don't do this. You're worth more than three same digits

dont do it op!

If odds, I’ll join you

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If this is an odious number I will drink pizza sauce

bruh op’s dead


don't kill yourself, your life has more value than you may think that you are not yet able to see. don't make any rash decisions :3

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