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low effort bait.


Scientology got IRL trolled by user like a decade ago.

Been there; seen that; trolled the loser

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Why is it the best religion?

Wasn't user. Some parasites came to take credit, claim representation, empower news, make people stupid so they could join and then leave contented they were better than something.

It makes as much sense as any other religion, i.e., none.

Didn't work for a long time, then /pol/ happened. Yea Forums was degraded too, facebook pictures with niggers telling a girl's boyfriend that they'd fucked her.
Asians for the most part. Jews. Outcasts becuase of inability. Grouped by it. Their own fears begging grounding in others responses.

Just a place with relatively low moderation, so ban evasion didn't require new accounts. Cowards are content with compromises. They formed, and having a scapegoat made them more popular. Pretending to be the same thing.

Mods are bad here, they're bad everywhere. Need to go.

Religion is a dangerous thing, like drugs.

Planescape Torment has a good moment where the nameless one recalls a memory of drinking from a cup, and it was the best thing he ever tasted, better than anything else, he realized he needed it. The the one who offered it to him said "welcome, slave".

Harrowing warning, but obvious in person. Something very wrong with everyone going along. Suppressed, enjoying authority, all fortifying it. Attributes everything to it, like people don't matter.

Pretends the world isn't out there. Isn't something to see.

Known nice people who represent it well. Mostly a social gathering, where people are expected to be kind to eachother.

Not too much concern over being christ-like, more in being civil.

Just making a thread I expect, relatively good because it tries to get rid of psychology. Disgusting a religion is required for that.

Found these in Detroit yesterday. They have their own building downtown. Should I go?

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If I get dubs I'll go

Most religions probably make a lot of sense, but shouldn't be submitted to. Should have your own experiences. Think things yourself, may skip or have spoiled some crucial parts by having further steps given to you.

Nice to have someone listen to you present your little eurekas eager to hear them. Wonder how much interest was feigned, in a splendid example of nurturing.

Operation Chanology is what killed Yea Forums, the cultists have won.

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>uses 'you all are' in a sentence
>calls us retards

Get a load of this faggot

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Should work on improving yourself, having your own story. Treat people like they matter. Be eager to hear their story. Might seem smaller against something confronting larger issues.

Jews have it right sometimes, the first part of The Omega Man, is beautiful. Then it's about shooting people.

The nostalic stuff is great. It's hearbreaking, because I think it comes from Jews usually staying out of a generation, feeling like they're missing out, and then presenting it after people have moved on, to show how well they knew it. Not as nice when eras are sabotaged so they can earlier.

only losers did that

The whole terrorist bullshit begged to be taken credit for.
Then made something, made in charge.

Bad movie too. No it isn't ok to torture someone, people don't break, sure isn't saving anyone by getting them to break either. Is a german/jewish thing, movie pretends it doesn't come from them, actor studied psychology.

Anything to advertize itself, make it seem important. Critics and such aren't going to save themselves with such ploys, they'll have to care about something. Giving it up is what they're already good at.

Student filth like the idea they ration power. Mostly by presenting things, and limiting their own attack on them.
Irrelevant. Already tied to something else, so not welcome in the clubhouse. If in they gore it out to present it to their masters.

Good standard in being able to be awesome. Clear seperation without need of walls.

Capacha fucked chans. Spam was part of the show. Ignore it easily enough, defense against it empowers it.