I'll make it as clear as possible so that your tiny little brains can understand

I'll make it as clear as possible so that your tiny little brains can understand.


Violence against anyone who would stand against us is justified.

Attached: AntiFa 4 life.jpg (636x636, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What do I care what a bunch of faggots think about me. Kiss my dick

I stay for this!

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Antfa are completely irrelevant and useless faggots.

Rather be a white nationalist than a cocksucking faggot who got fucked in his ass by his father


Stfu faggot



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>20 years later

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more pls

I'm guessing you're a troll or you're young, huh?
There are fascists, anti-fascists and non-fascists who don't care. Calling all non-antifa people white nationalists is dumb and counter-productive.

Instead, so something awesome while being antifa, don't just spew shit on a shitboard.


Attached: Shekelaka.jpg (706x673, 69K)

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If antifa stands for anti-fascist, does that mean you have to throw milkshakes at yourself?

I know it's bait, but that factually incorrect. You can be a fascist but not a white nationalist.

Examples of this are the "Young Egypt" movement, and arguably Idi Amin.

The awesome thing about being antifa is anyone who doesn't agree with in absolutely every way possible is automatically a fascist

Read the written.
It is racism pure.
You are not Antifa. You are like a Nazi

I unironically identify as a white nationalist and the next time I see you faggots in uniform I'll stab or choke you out in the streets


The new Nazi.

Take your *BOWS*, boys and girls.
You've earned it.

Attached: received_2464370373796477.jpg (817x960, 100K)

Make it bloody I want to see a good show. We need new rekt content around here

Ah, the Weimar republic reenactment society at it again.

You do not have the right to express hate speech.

If you consider your self a white nationalist, you literally do not have the right to speak. Ever.
Just shut your mouth or we will shut it for you.

Attached: AntiFa.png (631x631, 118K)

What a hero

Boring bait

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The fact that you faggots don't even consider the fact that white nationalists might be right shows how effective the liberal indoctrination centers (aka what they have turned schools and universities into) have been.

Yes I am a white nationalist, and you can sucker punch me all you want with your faggy masks you wear so you face no consequences from the police and can make it back to mommy's by supper time. You won't feel so smug when the people you sucker punch and throw milkshakes on start to fight back.

Attached: democratsthan2now.jpg (500x500, 90K)

how is what you are saying not "hate speech"? What you actually mean is "you can't use hate speech unless you hate the same things we hate"

kek he kept the cigarette in his mouth the whole time

I'm not a fascist. Well, by your definition I might be, as I AM to the right of Lenin...

However fascism does not have a skin colour.

Also, yes I do have the right to express hate. The alternative is to have a group of commissars decide what statement is hateful and what isn't . I would argue that beating the shit out of a free speech rally is fairly hateful, but there you are...

You mean the next time your mom makes you leave the basement to go to Walmart?

Attached: look at him.jpg (442x330, 28K)

All red states are nationalist and you have no presence there, at all. Explain that?

Monkeys have no emotional control. To show a nigger his true colors call him what he is. There is no word in any language that would get a whole group of white people to act this way. Pure animal savagery.

LOL you're too pussy to actually fistfight.

Also, you're sooooo brave that you won't even attend a rally without something covering your face. Antifa is an organization of bitches and everyone knows it.

Very simply blacks are the weakest race in the world. One word will cause them to lose their shit and its a word alot of them call each other with no problem at all.

>3 arrows
you are anticommunists and bootlickers you historically illiterate liberal

Attached: antifa.png (273x184, 6K)

Bret Weinstein made a documentary about what happened on the Evergreen State College campus during the year prior to the Evergreen Protests.
The release of this documentary has gone under the radar, due to Youtube's algorithm suppressing it, but I just found it and it's the scariest shit I've seen in years.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

It's so much cringe I doubt you'll be able to watch it all. The President of the college didn't learn anything despite massive white flight and the school pretty much doubled down on its identity policy.
The majority of Evergreen graduates go on to become public school teachers.

Attached: Bret Weinstein - Evergreen State College.jpg (470x541, 20K)

I never post here but I got to say, Antifa is a joke

Wait is it this? Or is it that they're the most dangerous threat facing America today and are extremely violent? Or is it both because your brain doesn't work and right wing ideology isn't internally consistent?

>Also, yes I do have the right to express hate.

You literally don't.

They are this... Degenerate loser drug addicts. Nothing more.

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Shit-tier troll, anyone provoked by this is a bigger faggot than all of ANTIFAg

fuck antifa! modern day facists!


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>most dangerous threat facing America today and are extremely violent?
No theyre not, Id rather face a bunch of antifa creampuffs than a typical inner city street gang. Antifa has never killed or seriously injured anyone.

You replied

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Weak stormfag bait

I literally do. I am not allowed to agitate for violence, but I can hate whomever I want, and I can express that hate. That right i guaranteed by law.

Coincidentally, I don't hate that many people, save both extremes of the political spectrum, so it's rarely an issue for me.


This is literally retarded. Calling Antifa fascists is like calling vaccines viruses.

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if you stare too long into the abyss the abyss stares back

Yes you do, Omars comments on Israel in Congress prove it.

There are over 9000 of you cock suckers so i would rather be a white nationalist

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Nice try white supremacist shit.

I know, I like calling faggots faggots, its a personal flaw I've always struggled with

To Emperor Smoothbrain.

Viral vaccines contain either inactivated viruses or attenuated (alive but not capable of causing disease) viruses.

Inactivated or killed viral vaccines contain viruses, which have lost their ability to replicate and in order for it to bring about a response it contains more antigen than live vaccines. Attenuated or live vaccines contain the live form of the virus. These viruses are not pathogenic but are able to induce an immune response.

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Yeah, youre both

Aren't vaccines just dead virus cells? Antifa is an inoculation against what comes next, I guess, lube up and get ready to be culturally enriched

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Owo *sees a steaming heap* ill just leave this here.

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Sure thing incel.

Top kek.

Nazis were socialists you autistic fuck.

You are a member of just another socialist party that uses force to get what they want- very closely akin to fascism. The only thing antifa would need to become fascist is a single leader and BAM, you're a fascist.

You're worse than Nazis, though, because you wear a mask and autististically screech instead of trying to diplomatically solve your problems

>When alt-wyte has to larp as antifa to get a hate thread going

shut up you retarded fucking hick, no is buying that you're antifa

>mistakes a roman nose for a hook nose
faggot retard

Any Livestream links?

The romans were the reason the jewish scourge was spread throughout Europe, fuck romans

0/10 faggot tier bait. Go stick your dick in a wood chipper, retarded nigger.

Yeah the well known Jewish Romans.

why do you faggots always talk about rome wtf

There is nothing gayer than a commie .

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You wouldn't know a fascist if you saw one in the mirror. Literally. Just neck yourself you moronic excuse for a troll.

They call it christianity, but we all know what Jesus was

Except a guy who jerks off to pics of Hitler!


Suuuuuure Boris.

Says the gay

Anthony Weiner is a jew. You're correct.

For all the little faggots who think antifa is some terrorist group: antifa stands for ANTI-FASCIST. If you are not an ANTI-FASCIST you must be a FASCIST. It's really quite simple anons

antifa are the only fascists still active today.


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Shut up cuck. You are a black fascist and heterophobic bunch of fags so you are expressing hate speech against white people and that will not be tolerated. Funniest of all i'm right, antifa are fascists, whatever they like it or no

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they're communists you dumbass

Straight up racism right there.

I guess the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea must be a democracy then.. Phew, thats good to hear

How very fascist of you.

Wrong. Antifa ironically embodies everything they claim to fight and operate like a pussified version of the Brown Shirts. Your inability to understand this is a testament to your sheer stupidity.

You say "white nationalist" like it's a bad thing.

>cigarette in his mouth the whole time
Until his face met the ground at the end

n korea is a communist dictatorship retard

Cool story, brainlet.

You guys can't even figure out which bathroom to use.

Violence..... bahahahahahah

he looks like the comedian if he didn't have a gun

But... but... it says democratic in their name, it must be a democracy then

That was his point, you massive retard.

Fuck you pussy and fuck Antifa you guys are going to jail

this thread

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then why are you disagreeing with me? just bc you arent fascist, doesnt mean you cant be a shitty country. it just means you arent fascist

Communists deserve only the mercy of a bullet to the head.

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...but their right to express their opinion must be protected as much as anyone elses, and since using violence to silence them is accepted in a large portion of our western society their protection becomes that much more important.

>due to Youtube's algorithm suppressing it
It's one of the first 10 youtube search results for that college. Conservatives need to stop lying about search engine suppression. You sound like thumb sucking dotard babies.

>antifa are fascist pussies

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>You do not have the right to express hate speech.
Yes, I do.

Are you fucking retarded? Did you go to school? South Korea is Democratic,North is Communist.

It means that just because you call yourself a democracy that doesn't mean you are one, just as antifa isn't anti-facist just because thats in their name. They behave in an authoritarian manner characteristic of facism.

Oh look, its the rug biter in a cape. How gay.

White guy here

Sure, white men are statistically shown to do more genocidal murders; however, I'd still rather take that risk with white people vs me down on the east side of Milwaukee after sundown. Blacks would steal a mother fuckin lollipop from me if they had the chance. Literally every theft video I see on you tube is some uggabooga stealing a bike with either a string attached to it or a rocket that launches the seat into the air. Why do they assume its socially correct to steal from someone else?

Right, so their name doesn't match with their actions, just like antifa

>Antifa has never killed or seriously injured anyone
But yet Dotard wants to put them on the terrorist watch list. What is real?

BAD user
extremists corrupt society. nazis, communists, wahhabists, anarchists - allow them to gain influence and history shows your nation will crumble

Little pussies that hide behind masks

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>White guy here
I'm betting you're irish or slav. Real whites don't feel the need to announce "white guy here".

Either we have freedom of expression or not, if someone can be silenced, everyone can

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Antifas are nothing

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The Nazi Party was based on National Socialism. Nazi Germany declared war on Russia. The USSR was based on Communism.

>real whites
shut up racist

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no, fag, no.
that's not how it works.
not at all.
just kys

I don't care. Aslong as you stay off my lawn you're fine.
Otherwise it gets the hose again.

REPENT SINNER of the hook nose punch.

ohhhh delicious irony.....

Attached: at least ahm wite.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

What actions? S. Korea hasnt done shit. They are 2 different countries. One is communist and ones not. N. Korea is the one launching missiles and killing off anyone who disagrees with leadership. You dont even understand simple geography you drooling retard.

Congrats on your grasp of 6th grade history. Do you want a cookie?

More or less what Hitler said to the Jews. The irony here is, while the real white supremacists are busy getting shitfaced and fucking each other over the first ten minutes of American History X, Antifa and similar groups are diluting the words "racist," "sexist," and "fascist" to the point of meaning nothing. They speak out for the disparate, disparaged and disenfranchised minorities who never wanted their help or voice in the first place, parading around on their imaginary pedestal, and then wonder how the rest of their nation could have voted for a person like Trump. Never realizing that the working class is tired of their shit.

Meanwhile, my people suffered racism like you've never dreamed or will ever face and near extermination. We now govern ourselves, and you dickless trash heaps gamble away all your money at our casinos. Most of us will get a laugh at Antifa types facing their own trail of tears . . . as they're desperately crawling to safety and pissing themselves. Crying those same hollow words like its a get out of curbstomping free card. But hey, thanks for the fire water, bitches.

Antifa are just like the British and their pox ridden blankets.

Nice selfie. You look so pretty in that dress.

They ARE on the list because, believe it or not, a few liberals have lost it this election and Homeland Security already said they have stopped a few terrorist-style attacks from self-identified antifa members.

If I'm correct the recent 3am shootings of 2 ICE facilities, the 10 day El Paso campaign, and the Dayton shooter were also a liberal lead or antifa led.

While most conservatives are crazy, a few liberals are too and if you deny that it's only gonna make all of us look bad.

If this were 1944 and there were actual Nazis rounding up minorities and Jews, nobody would be opposed to Antifa. But when it's 2019 and a bunch of privileged white kids dress in all black, throwing concrete milkshakes at gay Asian journos, I see them as the true fascist. "If you don't agree with me, you are the Nazi, and Nazis are bad so that would mean you're bad and we punch bad people." Now replace Nazi with Jew or non-aryan and you begin to see just how hypocritical your little academic assault club is.

You are idiot Brown Shirt ... USA belong to us .... go fuck your sister

Attached: 2027-fox-ews-channel-just-trump-boots-on-ground-in-1629190.png (500x382, 107K)

no u

same masked fagots

Nigger, antifa niggers are too gay to wear dress, they would be naked like some femisexists

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ah the Walmart warriors

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behold the master race, aka 90% of this thread

>points out his stupidity for not comprehending anons reference.
>"hurr why are you disagreeing with me durr"
The world is threatening to collapse under the weight of your stupidity.

i genuinely disagree with you but this is by far the most respectable take in this entire thread. well argued bro

Nah, I am comfortable with myself enough to know that I can be against fascism and not have to be part of a psychotic group to do so.

Try writing coherently. Your shits retarded yo.

holy fuck you're stupid.....

I was talking about the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, not once did I mention anything about the Republic of Korea

Dumb faggot. Your blind political actions reflect no more than a desire to break things and hurt people, this stemming from the deeply seated insatisfaction that society has brought you. Fucking fool. The enemy is not your fellow citizen but those who has manufactured a sick society turning people against eachothers while at the same time profitting off both sides.

White nationalism is a meme and a nonsense. White isnt a nation its a fucking color. Dont let media shove racism down your skull. Thats a fucking meme and you are being played like a fiddle.

You are a whole other level of moron. Epstein yourself.

Learn to write. Who are you? Some nigger or what?

yes, the DPRK keeps killing people
they also practice necromancy and bring them back just to show them off on TV weeks later
no way the south korean puppet regime is just spouting bullshit propaganda that US retards just eat up every fucking time because you are tabloid reading dumbfucks

Racism = Prejudice + Power

In order to be a racist, one first must be in a position of power. Therefore, it isn't possible for a non-white person to be racist.

Attached: BLM.jpg (474x348, 32K)

Fuck off shitlord.

I'm not a conservative. I'm as liberal as Bret Weinstein.
>he's Jewish and a leftist btw

Attached: Bret Weinstein.jpg (1277x727, 93K)

This is retarded mental gymnastics created just so people can shit all over whites with immunity.

fuck lol

>how do I invalidate other peoples opinions?
>racists are bullied because of their opinions
>invent new definition of racism so it can be used against them but not against us
>job well done, time for my daily bbc prostate exam

this thread full of the chosen master race im so proud

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>when retards call other people retarded

Are you serious? If so then cringe. If nigger will beat up a white person because he hates them, and thats not rare, then its a fucking racism, maybe even fascism! And whites will be non-opressive when will dissapear and then nobody will be able to fed your shitty "minorities" up. At least i and my brothers are FREE FROM KARL MARX

Attached: 1560193742852m.jpg (1006x1024, 137K)

>In order to be a racist, one first must be in a position of power.

In that situation, the niggers were in a position of power. When real shit goes down you're always on the sidines looking arncha.

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Since BLM has political power, you just proved they're racist.

this is great

I don't think that 10 guys against couple of people can be even considered as a "movement". Antifa is just another weird street-gang that every now and then gangs up on people, nothing else.

The former leader of the free world thinks you're an idiot

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no u

I want to fight a brave soy boy.
YES, I'm THAT coward to want to punch someone weaker

We're picking you off, one at a time. :)

antifa is kool


I did not wanted you to agree that i'm right with next reply but ok

>I did not wanted

Low tier bait
Even for a lefty like me

Actually now i'm thinking about joining...
As long as I get some bike locks and
be able to hit 60 y/o people over the head!
Sounds fun!

>claims to hate authoritarians
>acts like one

Antifags are a joke. They dont even know what theyre mad ay

These numbers !

they're mad at fascists while demanding more fascism

lol stfu retard

Attached: raging-faggot-meme.jpg (510x419, 41K)

Dilate? What

Don't get your knickers in a twist.

>Violence against anyone who would stand against us is justified.
that's what makes you facists...

Attached: sayn.gif (498x199, 839K)

Bring it faggot.

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Those are some sexy jawls.

>makes you facists
Otherwise known as white nationalists.

Your anal sphincter. He's saying stop being a bottom bitch.

Based. If we ever met I would buy you a drink and ask to hear more opinions of a true native. I live in Iowa so I never have met anyone with any native heritage but I’ve always been interested in how some of those families feel about the current climate. I’m big into history and Native American history is fascinating stuff, but in my area there’s no way to learn except through the internet. Is there still a lot of bad blood between Native Americans and white people (or whichever group I guess, there were lots of invasions initially). Or is It more like an old scar that you remember but doesn’t cause pain anymore? Legitimately curious. Not a lefty faggot just interested.

let's see how today goes, faggot

>see you downtown


This thread is fucking cancer. Kys faggot.

Natives are racist as well. Go get drunk with some Navajos in the nation near 4 corners.

Antifa refuses to pay reparations to minorities daily. Spitting in the face of minorities.

you can't bait because you never lurked. it's embarrassing and you should stop


Fuck you.

The color of the hood changes but the mask is the same.

Ha nice bait

They have to "fight" in numbers don't they? They can't fight one on one. Filthy, subhuman niggers.

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And this. Fucking savages. Pussies fighting in numbers, nothing more, nothing less.

>accusing someone of failing to lurk
>while replying to ancient copypasta

You're joking right? Have you really never heard of a lynching, where hundreds of white people would hunt down one black man and hang him from the nearest tree once they found him?

Black people stick up for each other because you taught us why it's necessary. You people are fucking delusional.

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>They have to "fight" in numbers don't they? They can't fight one on one.

You mean, like cops? Why can't cops pull me over and give me a fucking speeding ticket without calling for backup?

The only time violence is the correct response?
Is when violence is used.

Meaning if you draw first blood? You should expect a violent response.

I have never understood this antifa crap.
No one prevents you working for yourself or for others. You do not have to work for or support folks you do not like. Run your own business support your own family.
Don't bother whinging about others.

If I decide I do not want to hire some specefic minority for my business that IS my business.
Fuck off.

Attached: AntifaCaveexplorer.webm (720x720, 1.88M)

That's fine. We all know how this plays out. Hurry up.

Spew leftist propaganda harder, brainlet.

Get a job and be a useful member of society fucktard

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Sounds like you need to beating some democrats instead of kids you fucking worthless disgusting niggers.

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really well ANTIFA sounds pretty fascist to me then. Based on this fuckin thread...you can't be for real

>you need to beating some

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The Comedian in his early years.

Bad bait. 1/10 for reply.

Okay, I'll accept your challenge.

Go down into the deep south and go into a bar with at least 1 person in it and em' a faggot.

>100% fight ensued

Let's fuck up some NAZIS.

So a group of white skinny jean wearing, mommy's basement, noodle armed, cucks telling everyone else is racist white nationalists

>no anger or such
I like repent sinner guy's laid back attitude.

I'm okay with this. Is there anything wrong with being a black nationalist? Also, glad to see everyone will be on pur side too :^)

guess i'm a white nationalist then.

violence against antifa is justified tho

"Violence against anyone who doesn't think and act like us is justified." You know I think there is a word that describes that meantality... Oh yeah that's right it's fascism.

Defend this

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Its like this. Some tribes are doing well because of the casinos, or because of oil. The rest aren't doing so well. The tribes that have the cash to spend, have little interest in sharing with other tribes, and one of the major casino owners, is a tribe with no living members. Nothing to do on the res, but black and death metal has been getting popular with a few homegrown bands. Either you drink, or getting fucked up on the res and work is few and far between. So you either stay on the tribal dole wasting your life, or you take a chance and get the fuck out. Yeah we can be racist fucks. We were here first, and doing just fine killing each other in tribal wars. Then the spanish, the french, the dutch and english came. Spanish fucked everything south of the rio grande and created what would become mexicans. We don't get along with either. French were more tolerable to some tribes, but in general, we hate them just like everyone else does. Dutch brought black slaves, and the whites stopped trying to use our people as slaves. Chose to drive us off and slaughter us instead. So yeah, we hate the dutch less than we hate the english. No, we dont really get along with blacks either. Gang culture is destroying them. Latino culture is just spanish and muslim culture (second caliphate. Muslims invaded spain. Influenced a lot of their culture.) rebranded with aztec flavor. Asians are okay.

Wrote too much. Replying with the rest.

TBH it would be better if we stopped increasing the overall global population and just spread out the population we have.

Trail of tears, institutionalized camps and government schools where "americans" tried to wipe out our histories and languages. That was a thing. No one wanting to employ the lazy and indolent, alcoholic, drug addicted savage was also a thing. Unemployment is rampant, and when no one gives you a chance, some people do stupid shit to escape the moment, and give the rest a bad name. That shit goes full circle. Moral of that story? Hate is worthless. Anger is a powerful tool, but in the hands of con artists and propagandists like most of your media, your politicians and their antifa/feminist ankle biters, all it does is rod from the inside, out, and eventually turns you into the same evil you see.

The wound is only as deep as we allow it. Some of us let it fester and blame the white man for everything. Some of us actually realize that you're not responsible for the crimes of your great, great grandfathers. Basically, we're just as fucked up as every other race and the sooner we all see that, the better. Not because of some world peace fantasy, but because everything else distracts from what's really important. The here and now.

Only a fascist deals in absolutes, it seems to me you just exposed yourself.

try something

Attached: OathKeepers.jpg (1000x635, 36K)

Rich privileged drug addict white kids dress up like ISIS members, grab tools frim their parents basement & beat up tandom people while rioting & firebombing businesses- all while calling themslves "Antifa"

Oh, and dont forget the antifa retard that got shot wjile trying to firebomb the ICE facility in Tacoma.....and the antifa retard that went on a shooting spree in Dayton a couple weeks back.

Attached: missing the point.jpg (582x386, 16K)

did not read, just saw the pic
it looks retarded, you might want to get better artists OH WAIT art is bourgeois and counter-revolutionary
kill yourself

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So some people mindlessly produce and the white minority on this planet cares?
Sounds racist to me.

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Thanks for making me laugh

Does your mom cut your hair every time or do you make enough at Dominoes to get your own stupid haircut fag

What time do you have to be back in your parents basement faggot?

After yesterdays Ny Times/ CBS News poll found that 93% of Americans supported listing Antifa a domestic terror movement, been seeing a shit ton of Antifa supporting journalists on Twitter - Bernstein from Buzzfeed, Ny Times Sarah Jeong, etc - desperately trying to defend Antifa, threafs like this trying to damage control for Antifa. I guess the FBI arresting several Tacoma Antifa group members in connection to last months Antifa terrorist attack in the Tacoma ICE facility has the far left violent extremists shook.
