How do I stop liking footy??

How do I stop liking footy??

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wahts wromg wit leiking footrrs user??

I ts hot outside nd all the girls are wearing flip floops
My peepo become big pebo outside nd I hate it

mayk thm rub ure penwis wif dere feet

just enjoy the show OP you don't feel guilty for having a working besnor besides foot.

>jus be a criminal bro

feet are a real man's choice

You don't sweetheart~

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Attached: Shoe0nhead-Feet-3370894.jpg (960x720, 160K)


Get into more hardcore stuffe

Attached: 1564650928183.jpg (1920x1080, 308K)

I already am, but its too degenerate, even for /d/

average white girls with bad eyeliner is my fetish don't yuck my yum

Attached: Shoe0nhead-Feet-3936676.jpg (720x480, 101K)

That's kinda hot

I'm also to degenerate for /d/ what you into lole?

y stoop??

Noo I dont wan na be kink shamed ;_;

you wont be, this is nice board after all

Attached: Beary_Pink_eating.png (177x244, 20K)

No I don't care lole i'm descended into madness already.
it can't be worse than this

Attached: caught.png (880x1039, 699K)

sever foot
mexican leather
iron man suitcase
to velarem
better known
as DDF

i would be ashamed as well if i got caught fapping to such low quality guro

Imagine every game of footy is rigged, so a handful of individuals can unfairly make a lot of money. It sort of disrupts whatever virtue you are seeing in footy. Every top corner, thru-ball, etc etc, all premeditated for the sole purpose of enriching maybe five different people. Quite repulsive.

Attached: Footy1.png (267x222, 114K)

say it loser

how do i stop likeing booty??

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only girls have smelly feet

Attached: tomo smelly.jpg (600x860, 155K)

why are girls so amazing. like holy shit. give me a gf already god please


kill every single kike

Here's a nice feetsy pic
hab fun

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are they as smelly as tomoko feet where you get a cold just by sniffing?

Attached: tomoko smelly.jpg (540x960, 49K)

whoops don't look!

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I remember this discussion on /d/

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still have feet induced pneumonia from huffing stinky girl feet :C

Attached: smelly tummko.jpg (605x843, 117K)

Tomoko is also not clipping her toe nails lole

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bet they're like razors.

She can use them to cut the throats of her enemies (if the toxic smell doesn't kill them first)

Attached: tumko58.jpg (384x364, 26K)

hecking hot.

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>only girls have feet
have you ever even seen a guy with feet? the answer may be surprise!


stop. It's not good to want to huff neet girlfeet and then get sick from her foot bacteria growing in your lungs!

Imagine all the cute flowers outside of tomo's house. They are probably all wilted from her foot stench! She likes to go outside to pick them but whenever she does her smell always kills them instantly. It's like a natural weedkiller! Nothing will grow there now.

Imagine tomoko giving you a bundle of cute, dead, mushy flowers that smell like her feet!

Attached: tomofeet.jpg (755x798, 202K)

guys feet are pretty fucking disgusting

like shit, I'm a figfella and it's honestly depressing not being able to even find good porn/pics of nice looking feets(male)

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hi there tomosniffer
you're one of the few figs that i miss from footy threads

keep going strong with your thing, luv u

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hurts to breathe since tomo infected my lungs with her bad stink feet.

Girls are mean.

Attached: tomofeets.jpg (700x796, 305K)

He gave me like the smell of girlfeet instead of just their looks
Ive been missing out on so much

just talk to me about feet if you want

without feet i'll die

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the flowers behind tumko smell like something rotting, just like her feet.

Attached: tumko flowers.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Im too shy aa

but nobody talks about feet with me :C

i got bullied out of the /d/ thread for saying tomoko's feet stink is a poison.

Attached: tomoko_kuroki_by_femdva_dd2l62p-fullview.jpg (1280x2304, 203K)

I admire your tenacity
over footy

tomoko made me a feetfag

Attached: tomokofeet.jpg (850x601, 127K)

>bullied out of /d/ for being too degenerate

Attached: IM_HAVING_A_WHALE_OF_A_TIME.png (818x818, 141K)

cute, that's why you're so adorable
your passion for tomoko's stinky feet infects and inspire me

nice dubs cat

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: ThumbsUp(34).png (734x810, 459K)

And tomoko's feet stink also infects you

Attached: tomoko.gif (500x281, 145K)

I was asleep.
Here's one stinking griller

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hey you never added me

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Attached: tumko feets.jpg (1080x2200, 456K)

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Attached: tumkotickle1.jpg (2200x2000, 1.48M)