How did America get so big and powerful when it s people are so stupid?

How did America get so big and powerful when it s people are so stupid?

Attached: average American.jpg (631x631, 45K)

Is that one of the original elder jew mutt masters?

intellectual property theft

Theft and ape

by exploiting the stupid


Fuck. I thought that op pic was that freak bartender from star trek.

Because we have a lot of dumb people but a small few who are very smart. Perfect combination. The dumb people are easily exploited, so, infinite money for those few

Other nations hard labour and support from consevatives worldwide

Because it's ran by sociopaths

Quark? Haha I can see it

Looks more like the grand nagus

Attached: the-grand-nagus.jpg (400x307, 21K)

Well, when you're only real competitions a few beanbags to the south, creoles by the coast, and frenchies up north, and your only real competition are busy destroying themselves in pointless wars, specifically for the pursuit of land in africa and power, only to have it destroyed in two wars and hoping for the us to bail them out. All the us had to do was mind it's own business.

Attached: inconceivable.jpg (501x480, 40K)

Then the whole world would be powerful.

I love that movie

Doesn't help that Europeans are dumb as fuck and can only understand shit by multiples of 10

Yeah, that’s the guy I was thinking of, but this is close too

Wish I would have gotten ds9 when it was on sale when my local fye closed down. I waited too long and someone snatched it up

Slavery, we made niggers our free labor, and fucked their gfs/daughters/mothers while making the men watch before whipping them into giving us more profitable free labor.

We found ways to reinstate slavery legally with prison labor, just gotta find a way to cuck more nig-bitches that isn't already AIDS infected by the shit-faced men who's fucking everything up.

Attached: hgdfgssd.jpg (553x802, 160K)

Um pretty sure the ratio of Black men who cuck white boys: whites that cuck Black men is about 100000:1 ....


Tell that to Thomas Jefferson

Today, perhaps you have a point. History however suggests this is bullshit given how many of them have European DNA and have European last names (Johnson/Jackson/Jefferson anyone?).

(Slave descended) Blacks being cucked and dominated is literally printed in their DNA.

oh it's an easy one.
In the late 19th, early 20th century, america was used by european industrialist as a place to sell their products and alos product at very low cost, pretty much like chia today or japan in the 1950s.
It was a lot easier to develop a market i the vast lands of the USA than in tiny europe with borders everywhere, and language and norm differences every 100 kms or so.
That's ho cinema was rooted and developed in the US by french investors for example.
Basically it was american and european industrialists using the US people like cattle in a giant farm (explains why they killed all the union leaders any time they could)

Attached: 1565471895384.jpg (1200x653, 162K)

OP is right though. I'm an American and I'm calling the citizens of the United States stupid.

As a cop who tiddy fucked a drugged up bitch in front of her man at gun point so they can avoid probation violations, I beg to differ

brain washing

Attached: seinfeld.jpg (876x960, 126K)

Thats not cucking thats raping a junkie at gun point. Thats what the white boy needs to get a Black girl


Always gets me. Kramer is a straight up Chad

It's got electrolytes and shit

Freedom motherfucker.


It got me a nut off and sometimes force fucking these skanks is a great interrogation tool in getting information that has led to bigger arrests.

So what you should be saying is "Thank you for your service" you commie faggot.

Europe blew itself up twice and had to take out massive loans from the US. Then we made the world buy oil in only US dollars