Be me

>be me
>awake at 04:59 am
>want coffee right now
>no milk
mfw I have to drink lame yank style coffee.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>yank style coffee
The fuck you on about mate?

black lol

Just drink tea you fuckin' fairy.

why not just drink tea you fucking faggot

you fucking brainlets understand we use milk in tea also.
but fuck tea. it's shitty unless it's chia or something

>not doing lemon and sugar
god you brits are insufferable

That's not what we identify as tea.
We'd just call that lemon and honey.

ur the ones with 6 million different herbal teas lmao. not us

I drink mine with cream. Tastes great.

Also do regale us all as to why you are up so early user.

We have no problem drinking it straight up black in Wales anyway. To each their own

what do you call dentists? oh, that's right you don't

>when the tea's too strong so you cut it with milk.

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Ausfag here, you fuckin amerifags couldnt make a good cuppa coffee if you had a gun to your head (common occurence over there aparently, lax gun control what not). Thats probably why you hate it so much.

Also, the rest of the world hates and laughs at you and your dorky president.

>Uses milk in tea & coffee
>Diluting the natural taste of the tea & coffee

No wonder you Britcucks and Aussiefags enjoy being cucked by other cultures/people, you have no culture and no backbone.

idk sometimes my body clock just wakes me up for no reason.
so no reason for me being up c:

my teeth have always been great, bad teeth is just a stereotype.
like all you yanks are fat, racist, burger lovers that live in the Deep South

Douwe Egberts Is good

Uk loves Trump tbh.
Australia is just beyond cucked

Aussies & brits have no backbone, but yanks still think sandniggers and spics should be exterminated. Enjoy your triple whopper for BLD for the rest of your life you obese piece of fucken shit.

Why do you and your girlfriend enjoy Muslim cock on a daily basis?

Earl grey is the shit fool

How is australia cucked ?

Non black coffee is for pussys lmao

I voted for brexit. at least I'm trying to save British culture

>like all you yanks are fat, racist, burger lovers that live in the Deep South
i don't see how that's false

Not obese but I would enjoy if the Middle East was turned into a parking lot.

Da fuck you calling as an American were coming for your ass and oil prepare your ass austrafag >:(

Thank you for your service.

Signed, an amerifag

I voted leave the EU
just saying

Don’t want to seem racist

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Hope we get no deal and the economy crumbles just to see your retard face

you're all a bunch of ideological social justice warriors who've just learned racism is bad after decades of hatred towards Asians.
Now you feel so much white guilt, every white family has a mandatory abo the wife's have to fuck.

Only a pussy needs milk


At least some Brits are getting their country back. The Aussiefags are so far gone might as well turn the entire continent into an airport for New Zealand.

well if you had any sort of economic understanding you'd realise that entering a free market and not having to pay the EU tariffs will boost our economy.

no deal is inevitable. so you're acting as if we don't want no deal.
lmao. stay cucked Australia. stay cucked

>black coffee
>Anything but bad

Yeah sure if we were at all self sufficient. Can’t wait for all the businesses to leave, certain towns will be left in ruins.

>implying you could make a cup of coffee without spilling it into the sun

I also want to stay awake but my real girlfriend is coming tomorrow and I’ll have to perform.

>drinking coffee
>using milk


I hear it gets into your system faster that way

citations needed.
you're just buying into the mainstream medias narritives man.
brexit will be nothing but beneficial for the growth of our economy.
all the businesses are prepared for WTO brexit.

more project fear from the remain side of things.
they're scaring you into giving them your vote user.

anyway I came to discuss beverages not brexit

Usually I pour it directly into my eyeball

>oh no the coffee is too strong
>I need milk, my God it's so strong
You're such a pussy

It's for the flavour you faggot

Eyeball Paul! My man!

Okay to be fair it's easier on your stomach. But black coffee is better

>not doing a coffee enema

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Drink it like a man you cumt

Meant cunt

All I wanna do is do it

Yeah let’s all be manly and not appreciate the finer things in life

No dickheads but there are peaceful Christian sandniggers out there. I am one of them. Also GL getting a kebab bitch.

Lol we got the sasr who could much any of your marines in a heartbeat. Good luck, youll need it.

I am a first gen Aussie so that shit about the stolgen gen doesnt apply to me. The whites did it, not migrants.

I have no choice ATM, but nah, I'm absolutely going to continue to corrupt my coffee with milk

Do you to prance around and smell the flowers too you faggot?

Fuck yeah I do and if you got a problem I’ll smash your face in

Woah bud, calm down and have some pumpkin spice latte, maybe later Muhammad will let you watch while he fucks your boyfriend

Say it to a muslim IRL you little bitch. Youre all big talkera over the keyboard but have no balls to say it to a muslim in person

Which Muhammad? There’s a few?

I didn't say it to a muzzie, I said it to you unless you are the sand nigger, which is a big possibility

Not the person you're replying to but I actually do. I'm from a large US city and you can guess where because it's full of Somalis. Yell it to them on a daily basis and they can't do shit about it because a strong white man is superior to them in every way.

that's not me (op) btw
just to be clear :v


Im a sandnigger but Muslim. But say it to a sandnigger who is a muslim if youre so tough.

Lol the richest people in the world are sandniggers. Look at Dubai. Tell me again how white men are superior again? Pro tip: theyre not.

Yeah yeah, using white man tactics using slave labor full of individuals from the sub Indian continent.

>be me
fixed that for you

Oh so youre a moral fag now? They dont do that, they sell oil to your fat ass country. They're smarter than you amerifags and are beating you at your own game haha.

If I did it wouldn't make sense, if I would say shit to sand niggers then I would say "go back to bombing school buses you Goddamn sand nigger"

Having oil is smart

There’s a 24hr garage within walking distance of you, retard.

Put your fucking shoes on and go get some milk you fucking layabout

>sand niggers are more inbred then Alabama and West Virginia combined

I am actually good friends with a sandnigger from Qatar, who is a devout Muslim but calls out the BS of terrorists such as yourself. He confirms that the "peaceful" Middle East countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE are built on the backs of cheap labor from the sub Indian continent. Nothing wrong with that, just own up to the fact none of that would exist without countries like the US buying the oil and the labor of the sub Indian continent.

The 70’s called....they want their outdated stereotypes back.

Amerifat children now have worse teeth on average than UK, because most parents in America can’t afford to send their kids to the dentist, let alone themselves.

Google it faggot

Why do you like being cucked? Genuine question.

Qatar a terrorist state

you're absolutely correct but I'm definitely not doing that lol

Not Scotland (where his ancestry is from)
Here, like the rest of the world , he is a comical clown person to be ridiculed at every opportunity.
Only low IQ little Englanders like Trump, because his blonde hair reminds them of Princess Boris.

Scotland wants out post Brexit.
Congratulations on ending the Union.

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Only faggots drink coffee with milk.

Sure, so is every other Middle Eastern nation, hence me wanting to turn it into a parking lot.

Milk in tea. Fucking savages

Nobody cares about your opinion

Fine even if they are they've still got their shit sorted. They are smart enough not to be invaded by the US, and make use of slave labor. What has the US done? Hur durr this is my second ammendment, lets kill a bunch of people. This is arguably worse than using cheap labor.

Why do you ask retarded questions you won’t get a real answer to?
Genuine question?

By coffee you mean bag of spice crumble yeah?

You do. Enough to respond to it cuck.

Australia is literally an sjw safe haven. Your country is totally cucked

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>it's a Union so it must be good
yeah we're more than happy to see you autistic SNP cucks fuck off.
not a problem to me.

the rest of the world also loves Trump.
apart from Sweden name one that hates him? I'll wait

>Boris is your PM

>op wants coffee
>political shitstorm ensues

Drink your coffee mate. Don't let the magpies fear you, you fucking pussies.

I'll take that as a confession.

Enjoy seeing your significant other being fucked on the daily by a sandnigger.

So you're admitting Australia is immune to Amerifag influence ? Is oz the only country left that hasnt been americanized ? Glad i live here then.

>brexiteers celebrating the end of the UK

Is that what you voted for aye?
Because that’s what you’re getting

Fuck off sand nigger. Don't you have some abos you need to pay for stealing their land?

What’s a dollar?

Enjoy being poor with a terrorist problem again. Ah the 70's again.

Jokes on you.
I’m forever alone.

Suck it

Told you im a first gen aussie. Me and my forefathers have nothing to do with the stolen gen dickwad.

woah. the leader of the SNP is in my thread. posting propaganda.
im gonna be on GMB lads

You can leave the EU, but we will still be full with Afghanis, Pakistanis, smelly Indians, etc

What? I was saying your place is full of cry baby's and ran by insane officials much like America is

So your a criminal family?

We’ll always have wales

New Zealand.

No my parents migrated here 40 years ago. Did the fkn stolen gen happen 40 years ago dickhead ?


Do the decent thing and Kill your self, there’s a good chap.

Not even the welsh want wales.

How can you be first Gen then?

Paul Benjamin Richards is the UK's biggest paedophile.

awh did Moggy upset you?

Hahaha, you really dont get it, huh? You motherfuckers going Mad Max when there is nothing to eat left.

Fun Fact: 100% of the toilet paper used in the UK is imported. You soon can start shitting the streets too

I’m a white suprematist and Id like to be recruited into a brotherhood.

How do I go about joining?

Paul Benjamin Richards can be found in Bournemouth looking for children to rape.

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Hahaha you cant be serious. Me as an individual marks the first generation of 'Australian' for my family. If i have kids they will be second gen aussie, if they have kids they will be third gen aussie, so on.

How dare you slander dear PBR

I'm out of it I'm still hungover from last night. I actually like Australians I don't want to fight with you


You’re doubling down on the cringe fucktard gambit eh?

Then I really must insist you kill yourself, as quick as possible please.
Don’t forget to livestream

>believes we can't buy toilet paper from America or even produce our own

why are leftists retarded?

I can respect that. Youre a good lad, i agree to the peace treaty.

Invest in Dune Buggies and Max Max Mohawk hair-dos now.

Fucking mudslime

This is Paul, he is a paedophile.

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We can have a beer and listen to acdc with Bon Scott

does it make you cry, knowing we have some of the most conservative politicians in power at the moment?

Wants to hand ‘autonomy’ straight from EU to the US...because you’d rather suck American cock.

You could always emigrate

Paul the Paedo.

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> sell oil to mutts
> become rich
> be a mudslime
And this makes you superior?

Because he turned down your mother?

Dubai is literally the richest place on earth

no cunt. you just don't get it do you.
you LOST the referendum. we're leaving the EU.
you fuck off, you un democratic shitstain on society.

>in power
In coalition you mean.
Have you not noticed that they can’t pass any bills because even their own party have stopped supporting them?

Oh, are you crying?

Well what’s that whining/moaning noise you’re making?

>you lost get over it
And you’ve lost Scotland from the Union.
Get over it snowflake

And only the third most oppressed

Germany hates him too

okay well meet back here when the vote of no confidence fails and boris is still your PM while a no deal brexit still happens on Halloween

you're allowed your dreams tho user, I can't take those away.

Simply kys

Brexit won’t happen

Because he fucks babies and dead bodies, and Lucasaids.

Money does. We have lots of it. Yes it does.

bunch of spices boys and fat women?
autistic population of 85%?
literally hate black people?

yeah, don't let the door hit ya

I bet you a pound to a pinch of shit I could kick the absolute fuck out of you were we to be having this discussion in a pub.

It’s not a threat mate, just a simple statement of fact.

Be thankful you are hiding behind the shield of anonymity, because otherwise you’d be surgically removing my boot from your arse.

Cry harder faggot

What’s a lucasaid?

Paedophile Paulo

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Bitch, without money you can buy shit. Alm important factories are going to leave your incest island. Those fucking mutts wont give you anything for free?

So why/how you gonna buy anything?

>be me
>share opinion of the majority
>literally win referendum
tell me again how I'd get beat up please.
maybe you should leave your leftist bubble

Some dumb cunt called Luke who got aids.

Also Paulo is raping kids in Bournemouth.

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Then ...enjoy no trade deal with your largest trade partner, in favour of a trade deal with a trade partner who’s already said all trade deals should be made in their favour, and know how desperate the UK would be for any kind of trade deal, so can basically set their own terms.

The turkeys have spoken - there will be Christmas this year.

Why tho?

>share opinion of the majority
Be glad it was a non-binding advisory referendum then.

>share opinion of the majority

So, you’re a plebian.
Congratulations on your low IQ status

I don’t like turkey because it’s dry

I take it they're behind China and Russia on that list

i knew you were samefagging all over my thread

sage'n ur replies from now on you LibDem shill.

Check my quints

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So, just our of interest, did you vote for punching ourselves in the balls to “own the libs”, or “to show the EU what for!”, or because you are a deluded simpleton who fell for the Brexit scam?

How’s it planning out for you?

Cos he's a Paedo duhhh

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North Korea and Liberia

I’m your only friend.

I think you’re a cunt.

I also do not like you

You ever gonna back up the shit you say fgt

I didn’t vote because I didn’t have a fucking clue what to believe

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Fancy a spot of Paedo hunting in Bournemouth this weekend. Could team up and flay him??

>back up the shit you say
I refer you to the performance of te Pound Sterling in the run up and post Brexit.

Now you faggot.

Name a single positive of Brexit so far

I see the liberals are alive and well in this thread. Just so you know, we're coming for you and you will lose the war.


Jimmys successfully rustled

He might like that

>we’re coming for you

Faggots like you are literally flogged in the street.

>free market
>no EU tariffs
>fishing waters return
>ability to produce our own steel
>exports for farmers is cheaper
>gain control over our economy
>gain control over our law making
>gain control over our border

mate I can go on and on

your samefagging is obvious and pretty pathetic

I miss macy gray and her raspy voice

This is known as “investment delusion”

You have invested so much in a failing strategy that your only strategy now is to bullheadedly plough forward because admitting you were wrong is perceived by you as a sign of weakness.

Pro tip- changing your mind due to new information made available is a sign of intelligence.
There are no positive outcomes of Brexit.
Deal with it

That’s what I’m afraid of

Skinning, possibly. Kek. I'm hoping I find him. Will take Necessary tos

i wonder who's behind this post


I'm an Amerifag, couldn't care less what happens to you Britcucks, we beat you before we can beat you again.

Enjoy your telly licence while we are across the pond winning the war.

Ahhh, al the bullshit talking points I would expect.
We already had all of those things you gormless retard.

Were “the best possible outcome” of Brexit to have happened yesterday - what is it you think you would be able to do today that you couldn’t do yesterday?

Your a retard

fuck that guy man, he's not British.
he's some communist scumfuck.
please don't think the majority of Brits are like him, he's just delusional

I apologize, some of you Brits are good guys who love your country & culture, just hard to decipher these days with the amount of cucks over there.

You don’t speak for my you fucking fanny



Implying the faggot retardation of americucked /btards represents a ‘majority opinion’

So certain of a “majority opinion” that you refuse to hold a binding non-advisory referendum on the matter.

So much for “Democratic will of the people”

Signed, cucks who enjoy being beta and want to see others being reduced to nothing as well.

Fuck off americunt. Literally nobody likes you.

Pretend you’re canadian or something. Everybody likes them.

Hot interactive Yea Forums group on kik app:
>Download kik
>tap plus sign then tap public groups
>type in search #FourChan to join, be ACTIVE!u.

Yeah why don’t you eat that cheetoh in your moms bellybutton and shoot up a school or something

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dude it's one butthurt shill samefagging non stop.
he's so mad he's replying left right and centre.

it's making me want to abandon thread, reading his complete delusional bullshit.

We were the principle architect of the EU, you history ignorant retarded fucknut.
We’ve given up a place at the head of the table to become a cockroach feeding of the crumbs falling off the American table.

Who ever decided that the general populace should be entitled to a vote was an idling moron

>ad hominem
“I have no argument” - the post

I’m not expanding that image faggot.
Use your words..
Oh, you’re American and can’t spell.

Oh shit I forgot about them

Why do you enjoy cock so much? Some of us enjoy being alphas and fucking women, leave us alone and enjoy your cock and being cucked in private.

>I can't read images due to my communist school system
>Blames Americans for everything wrong in my life

Please KYS.

It's a variation of the angry nigger, or fat neckbeard who rants online and tells lies

Or you're not allowed to view it because of your copy right laws

Funny, Trump has used the UK courts on multiple occasions as they have strong slander/libel protections...
All the rich Ameritards seem to love the UK law.

Britbong here. God speed user. The woes felt by thee are a seldom felt, yet treacherous difficulty by oneself.

Then I didn’t miss anything and was correct not to expand.