Hello any MedFags in tonight? got a few questions

Hello any MedFags in tonight? got a few questions

So i was having chest pains that come and go and waking up in the middle of the night with speedy heart rate and i said fuck it and went to the hospital. I got ECG,Blood Tests, X-ray scans,Blood presure test. EVERYTHING WAS FINE? could these test not of picked up something wrong with my heart?

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You could have self-induced hyperventilation. Either that or anxiety, but I'm not a doctor lel

Not a med fag but that sounds like anxiety.

Yes, but unlikely. EKG and blood tests being normal is important.

OP here, Have had panic attacks alot in the past but the past 3 months ZERO. so it cant be anxiety i know what anxiety feels like.

Welcome to the wonderful world of panic attacks! There's all sorts of subsets of General Anxiety Disorder. Some folks get attacks after eating, some int he middle of the night! The important thing for you to do now is to destress as much as possible and look into seeing if you can live a healthier lifestyle. Where the body goes the mind has a tendency to follow. Also, try to resist the urge to guess at what "triggered" a panic attack. They can be delayed responses to things that happened hours or even days ago!

As an aside, rule out things like sleep apnia or latent asthmatic tendencies with you doc. Both of those could lead to chest pains and increased heart rates/blood pressure. Is your bp normal?

yes blood presure was 131/71

i get anxiety all the time but in my sleep?? this is like new for me and scary

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So as for whether or not something could be wrong with your heart. If The ER gave you the go ahead you're almost assuredly well enough. They take chest pains and increased bp very seriously because those are common signs of a number of very dangerous conditions, and lots of more or less benign conditions though too. The thing about those EKG stations is, if they er at all, it's in being overly sensitive. They are FAR more likely to throw a false positive than a false negative. If the triage nurses had thought your readings were even slightly quesitonable they would have admitted you for a full EKG and possibly even an ultrasound. Listening to your heart and lungs would almost certainly give away any dangerous rhythms, but those would have been picked up by the EKG as well.

So you probably had 2-3 different checks in just that little space of time. You can feel fairly confident that you're doing well enough. BUt by all means follow up with your doc.

Sure, anxiety attacks are a living hell for some people. I know because I went through a period of them in my mid 20s. I did also occasionally wake up with them and it's incredibly disorienting. I'll speak more about this in the next post.

Yea panic attacks suck :( feels like you're dying not just the first time. When i wake up with a fast heart and hot flash/sweating im not panicy and super calm just like "erm wtf" ----- I have been on my computer chair for 12years doing 15 hour sessions everyday so could it be a clot? or something from not moving ever im also super thin like BMI 17

In dealing with anxiety attacks you need to understand a few things:

- They will NOT hurt you. They FEEL like you're dying, but they're not. The only time they are dangerous is if you have a severe heart condition that requires you to keep an extra low blood pressure. Guess what? You just got that ruled out pretty authoritatively! So no worries there.

- your job during an anxiety attack is not to try to stop it. Once that adrenaline hits your blood stream, you're going for the ride until your body metabolizes it. And it WILL metabolize it. Your job is to make yourself as comfortable as possible until it passes. Which leads me to my next point.

- It WILL end. An anxiety attack is a little like having a drink or smoking a joint. You've got "panic" hormones dumped into your blood stream and they have to work their way out. And they always do. You can minimize their impact by just keeping in mind that you're okay, it will end, and making sure you're breathing slowly, calmly, from your diaphram and not taking shallow breaths from your chest and shoulders. This is an uncomfortable annoyance, not a danger.

- Some people report thinking of their grandmother actually helps shorten attacks. If you had a good relationship with her it may be worth a shot.

- if you can, seek therapy. You CAN weather these on your own, but there are psychological tools a little general counseling can equip you with that will make the process more efficient for you.

- This may go on for a while. Or it may pass quickly. Even if it does go on a while, know that these periods do end so long as you don't obsess. You can actually get into a negative spiral of being afraid of the attacks...which can tirgger more attacks! Again, this is uncomfortable and obnoxious, NOT dangerous. You don't feel fine during one, but you ARE fine. Your body goofed up. It thinks it's being chased by sabre toothed cats and dumped the hormones into you to give you the power to escape.

Thanks. The way i have been dealing with panic attacks is just keeping inactive not eating BIG meals (heart racing if too much carbs), not working out, not having sex, pretty much anything that causes me to have a fast heart feels like a panic attack so i just avoid it :( been fine for 3 months tho but its not a way to live

sounds like anxiety user. sounds very familiar to me :( *huggies*

>So i was having chest pains that come and go and waking up in the middle of the night with speedy heart rate

could be from drinking a lot of alcohol or drinking alcohol often. do you?

never drink. never smoke.

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Well sure, an unusually sedentary period can cause you to throw clots in rare circumstances, but this is more a problem with people who don't move their legs while sitting like during a flight in economy class where you have no leg room. Plus, your bmi is really low. Unless you've got some super rare condition that you'd likely know about before now which causes you to create abnormally high amounts of clotitng factors you're more likely to be anemic than anything.

Plus, if you had a clot, you'd be having a stroke and not a panic attack. There's nothing subtle about those. That said, your body may be trying to tell you something. Try to eat better and move around a little bit through the day. Get some fresh air if you can.

For you, I'd also recommend keeping in mind that the next attack is NOT the "one that will get me". Some people get into a bad cycle of thinking they got lucky last time. "This time it's the clot REALLY trying to get me!" Does that sound familiar? Well it's not. NO ONE is lucky enough to have numerous run ins with genuinely dangerous health issues like that and escape unscathed. You are fine now not because you're lucky, but because the issue is GAD, not a clot, and not a heart condition. And that's great news! It means you're in no danger. Sadly, you will FEEL like you ar eon occasion, but that period will pass in time. Quicker if you take some of this advice and seek a healthier lifestyle.

idk then. try drinking and smoking a lot and often. do that in your computer chair for 15 years. then you will really have some things to complain about.

>mfw i have been doing that for 14 years and am doing that rn

I want to be much healthier but i cant do any exercise without having panic attacks.. because the heart rate increase from it triggers the feeling of a panic attack dunno what to do. ....... OFF TOPIC- my heart rate recovery is terrible when i walk for 2minutes ill have a fast heart for like 1hour

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Well you should definitely talk to a doctor about that. At your weight, you may be suffering malnutrition, the effects of which may be exacerbated by being sedentary. You will probably be told to get on vitamins and get a thyroid, lipid, and metlab panel done. Nothing horrible. You MAY have hyper thyroidism. The thyroid is a series of networked glands in your neck which produce a hormone called thyroxine. Thyroxine is a component building block of a lot of more complex hormones that are used all throughout your body. One of the chief symptoms of having too much of it in your body is a panicky feeling and an elevated heart rate. It's usually very easily fixed with safe and effective suppressants and, if you're just freakishly resistant to that, with a simple procedure to remove some of the thyroid tissue.

But that's impossible to diagnose without the panel, certainly not something ANYONE can say for sure over the internet. Schedule an appointment with a PCP and tell them what you just said there. They'll know what to do.

My money is on malnutrition and just poor cardiopulminary fitness. You need to feed your body enough so it has the strength to endure exercise. Right now, you probably need to simply eat better and not worry too much about doing exercise until you get your body mass up a bit. At that point, you'll be more able to deal with activity.

I'm only 21 atm, but i dropped outta school at 12(due to autism long story) so i pretty much was indoors my whole teenyears and never moved got the physical health of a 93 year old man . maybe i dont have enough testosterone?

If you're fat you might have sleep apnea

Low testosterone is usually characterized more by lethargy and a grumpy attitude, along with easy weight gain.

I have to go to sleep. Work in the morning. Remember what I said and make that appointment. The ER would not have released you if you were in any imminent danger but you need to get your low weight under control. If you can't afford enough food, odds are good your health can qualify you as temporarily disabled and your doctor can then help you apply for food stamps.

Breath calmly. It will NOT harm you. Make the appointment. That's your way forward. I know you can do it.

Emt here. I can almost guarantee that this is an anxiety attack.
How does the pain feel? A stabbing pain? or does it like there’s somebody sitting on your chest? (Pressure)

Thanks fam :D.

OP here going to sleep now thanks for the feedback boyz

it's called anxiety bro. either get used to it or take something to help. I sincerely recommend you first start by trying valerian root pills or extracts and if that doesn't work ask your doctor for hydroxyzine which is a first generation antihistamine that also has massive anti anxiety properties. if that doesn't work try kava kava and lastly alcohol in small quantities, i.e. one shot a night before bed. Avoid at all costs the benzo's that almost every doctor on the planet will now try to prescribe you as they are super addictive and lead to literal hell on earth for you

Likely just having a really gay dream and you like it do much your body wakes you up for the cock.

>op is a faggot