Why aren't you gay, [s5s]?

why aren't you gay, [s5s]?

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because being gay is a sin user

silly user, god isn't real! do whatever the fuck you want

thats how rome was destroyed user. Do you wanna be a jewish puppet forever

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jewish world domination is a myth and can't be proven. everybody knows that the REAL enemy is the SSPX, catholicism is the result of inbreeding and white supremacy.

because i dont want hiv
also most males don't look like that and the few that do are basically catty bitches with a penis

that shit's gross

bro srsly trust me, getting pozzed is a good thing...
there's no feeling better than coughing up blood and ur asshole being a literal volcano!

who said im not, user?

Don't be gay. That's gay

if that was a gril elf i'd never stop

im fine with either or

wow faggot

No matter how girly you dress you cannot change one's facial structure
that's clearly a girl, user.

i like to say im "half", as if describing ethnic heritage. fun new take on an old boring classic...

thats why people become furry, also thats an image

no, fuck juise

i'm anime gay

Gays don’t look like this, there’s always very manly features on them

STOP saying these lies

Because kissing girls is for faggots, and I'm not a faggot.

page nine dubs

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