What's the worst thing that's happened to you?

What's the worst thing that's happened to you?

I got sexually harassed by my older brother for some time, but he stopped after I snapped and shouted at him. Pussy.

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Kind of turned on by this pic...

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I got cut off in traffic, fuckin son of a bitch..

Not quite as much this. I think I like knowing the tacs are in her cans even though you can't see any evidence of it

If the worst you can do is yell at him you're the pussy

I didn't want to harm him because I'd have to explain to my mother why I did it, and explaining to her that her eldest son is a potential rapist would crush her heart. Not something I'm willing to do to my mother.


I shat myself once

super cool

I had an epididymitis, it´s the inflamation of one of the sperm canals in the testicles. Imagine being kicked in the balls but the pain doesn´t go away

Fuck man, I had that too when I was like 16. Shit hurts like hell


i stuffed my ass with an apple and it started bleeding like hell. was scared to go to er

Would he feel you up?

Nothing bad has really ever happened to me in my life. I've been lucky I guess.

My dad was an MRT when I was younger (guy in the back of an ambulance). He told me he had a call once where some guy had three lemons stuck in his ass. My dad asked what happened, and the guy said he was a nudist and was cooking, and fell backwards on a lemon on the floor.

My dad said ok, how about the other two lemons then?

If what I've heard about apples is true, then you didnt need to go to the doctor anyway

I had that thing where one nut twists around and your ball cord gets twisted and hurts like hell. Thought for sure I'd be down a nut but it got better.

maybe he had a very fertile ass and grew the other two

how do you even function with this constant pain?

a hit in the nuts is like windows_shutdown.mp3 for 30 seconds

i once had a new, full box of cereal, and then realized I didn't have any milk

still trying to get over that one

Literally can´t. The two times I´ve had it, I was either bedridden or limping around the hospital to get it treated (it gets to a point where the pain fucks with the leg that´s on the side of the inflamed sperm canal). Silver lining is that you get your balls fondled by a cute doctor.

once when i was little my older sister pushed me and i fell back onto the heel of my foot which went up my butthole a little and it hurt like shit

but youre willing to let him potentially rape someone else? bc thats what youre doing by not speaking up, i know this is Yea Forums and huehue rape is funny lets rape all the women, but seriously

This. I hate people who wont speak up because it'll hurt other family members. you're hurting them and other potential victims more by being silent. Don't let the title "brother" be the excuse to let a rapist live freely.

>run over by a tractor, got nose mostly ripped off and terrible infection (nose was salvaged by amazing doctors, looks normal now)
>fell out of hayloft, broke leg and wrist
>got kicked in mouth by horse, fucked up my teeth for years
>got pinned down by cow, broke jaw
>shot in foot, managed to walk away from it with only minor injuries thanks to god luck and good doctors
>got illegally slammed in wrestling, fucked up back and shoulder still couses daily pain
>broke ankle in wrestling, never saw doc and daily pain
>broke foot in wrestling, never saw doc and daily pain
>cut leg with chainsaw, got stitched up and almost never feel it anymore
>got pinched by tractor, leg/ankle kinda hurts may see doctor
>got hooked by cow, ribs hurt but only minor cut not worthy of doctor
>got burnt by exhaust on tiller, burn took three months to heal
>got bit by dog, stitches and antibiotics
>got gored by hog, didn't see doctor
>cut arm open on fence, stitched myself

All in all the wrestling slam was the worst, I haven't had a pain free day in over 10 years and I have almost no power left in that shoulder if I lift it past a certain point.


That's just the major shit, I'm even careful and do shit safely, bad thing's just like happening to me.

I'm thankful that it's all physical injuries, wounds heal and pain is bearable. My budy just lost his six month baby girl and wife in a car accident a few weeks ago, that's real shit and I have no idea how I could bear it.

Just how? Where do you live, what do you do?

quit whining.

>that's when i learned that reverse-dildo shoes just weren't worth it anymore

I'm from Indiana and I work at a park, but I will take almost any side job provided it pays well and I can do it. I also grew up on a small farm and in 4H which is where most of the animal injuries came from.

Who's whining, I'm bragging. Anyone who gets through life without a few injuries didn't have much of a life.

I once had staff infection on my balls. They swole to the size of a softball. Maybe slightly bigger. Could barely think straight let alone move. My balls got fondled by a 70 year sack expert. Cost my mom 1000 bucks to say damn sonnie those nuts are massive, do you mind if i squeeze them hard? I looked at him and if it will make the staff go away. Do what you need too. He fucking basically cup checked my nuts. Squeezed them till the staff came out. Was legitimately the 2nd most painful thing ever to happen.

>ill lie and say im qualified to do any job provided it pays well! I have no idea why I hurt myself so much

when I was younger my best friend was a Jew and my parents didn't tell me, that's why I have trust issues

Dude shut the fuck up. For real. How can you even handle that

You're a lonely guy


I've led a pussy life in London compared to you. I've never even fractured anything.


Diagnosed with testicular cancer in March, went through three rounds of chemotherapy
>hospitalized twice for severe septic infection
>developed stomatitis that made it nearly impossible to even speak to say nothing of eating and drinking
>had a vasovagal attack on the toilet, EMT's saw me with my pants down literally
>chronic anemia
>4 blood transfusions
>feeling of pissing out needless every time I peed
>spent a week in the hospital to ensure I would survive chemo
The ringing in my ears still hasn't stopped. It's like having a family of cicadas living in your ear. This started in April and I've been recovering since June 12th.

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How old are you? Did you live a normal life prior?

On one hand, really pale skin covered with a rainbow of colored things hits me somewhere in some artistically primal part of my dick, but also, that just looks painful af.

I'm 25.
>Did you live a normal life prior?
very briefly, up until I was 9, then my life just kept getting worse and worse. I could make a list of the terrible shit I've gone through, but this was unlike anything I thought was even possible.

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I never lie, and I turn down jobs all the time because I am unable to do them. I don't do anything electrical or with gas for example because I don't want to be risk fucking it up. This may come as a shock to you but there is an absolute shit load of work available where the only requirements are a strong back and a willingness to work, and even more so if you have experience with animals or equipment. Eveything up to and including the wrestling injuries happened as a kid, and only about half of them were exclusively my fault.

Who am I to judge friend, I'm sure you have done a lot of things that I have never had the option towards. Only city I've ever been in was chicago and I was only there for a day. Just enjoy life so long as you live it and don't sweat the small stuff.

blown out both acl's
fractured right clavicle
fractured both wrists
broke both hands
broken almost every finger twice
virtually crushed left elbow
fractured left ankle
broken a few toes
just had a spinal fusion from s1 - l4, also during the surgery doc had to break my back to fix curvature(forget medical name), during same surgery took bone marrow from my hip to make a platelet rich shot to heal broken back faster. 8.5 hour surgery. couldn't walk for a month, 3.5 months to walk normally. still cant feel my feet very well
various other sprains along the way
39 yrs old.

Next time you want to post, dont


why what?

Almost died a few times. Once by drowning and another time i was really high on acid and made a bad judgement call, and paid for it.

>cut off points
>stick on with water soluble adhesive
>take picture of "painful" tacks in tits while showcasing other self harm scars that have completely healed

The lack of redness anywhere is ironically a pretty big red flag.

Worst thing that's happened to me? I guess I'd say it was being born into a world with so much potential, but without a single scrap of ability, talent, or enthusiastic yearning that would push me out into the world and grab some for myself.

It's being a 30 yo virgin in a dead end job and wanting more, but knowing that if I REALLY wanted more I would have tried harder when I had the chance. Now I'm just a socially awkward autistic retard with very few chances left, and I don't even know if I want the things I think I want.

The worst thing was being born in a world where everything seemed so god damn awesome, but being this pussy ass stick in the mud that's too closed off to meet people, too afraid to try things, too comforted by stagnancy to ever move forward. I only ever did what I had to, and not much more (at least in school). I did my work, but never more than that, and that has fucked me hard, not that my shit ass existence would have done more regardless.

Idk, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what the WORST thing that has happened to me is, but it's something intangibly existential, something rooted into the core of my person either based on genetics and/or my upbringing that has turned me into this blob of flesh that I hardly feel right calling a human.

I want to learn how to be happy. I also don't think I deserve it. I was born so much luckier than others, and squandered all of it because I was content with being "good enough" instead of great. Good enough only counted in school, and I didn't realize how garbage life would be afterward. I didn't realize how many chances I avoided and missed until I missed them.

I want to start over. But that thought is as retarded as believing in heaven.

I just don't want to be me anymore.

>another time i was really high on acid and made a bad judgement call, and paid for it.
post story please


Lol it wasnt pleasant thats for sure