Why are you racist?

why are you racist?

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Nigger nigger nigger slut pie cunt nigger nigger cunt nigger fuck me you nigger nigger cunt slap a bitch slap a baby nigger rape my cunt you fucking liggle niggle boo boo giving

someone on the internet told me to be / influenced by the media

i look empirically at facts, and patterns present themselves

nostalgia from a time it was edgy, not pathetic like it currently is

you should go off your own opinions and don't let other people shape it

probably for the same reason i dont eat purple mushrooms, avoid bees, and care for my young

I used to be a Democrat. Now I'm a Republican and slightly less racist.

so its morally right?

Because most other races are inferior, Africa is in a state of ruin because the people running aren't really people, they're hairless monkeys, sand niggers aren't any better and neither are the beaners

deeply ingrained evolutionary wisdom

There’s just too many of them. A sweet 75/25 is the limit, 56% is terrible.

I'm not.

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because everyone is


Im not racist. I just have pride in my own caucasian culture.

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I had to sit next to a nigger on a bus once it was excruciating big nosed roody poo sucking up all my clean air reeked of pot stink and jigaboo grease it was horrible.

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If you say so, ok.

Spent A LOT of time working in the hood.
Have seen plenty of niggerish things and have had a few black crackheads attempt to carjack me, which is why I started carrying a loaded handgun under my seat.

Thankfully I do not work in the hood anymore but my hate for the majority of blacks remains.

Mind you I do not hate all blacks just the real niggers.

Not same user but I would love it if you present me with facts proving that the black race is intellectually superior to the white race.

Well that's not really racist since I know of some white people and Mexicans who are real niggers too.


Frederick Douglas

> Tired of certain people's shit
Not racist.


Their dicks


Sorry intelligent people are never racist

Morgan Freeman makes this a shaky argument

when I was 5, my black female neighbor beat up my brother had to go to the hospital
when I was 7, my mom cheated on my dad with a black guy
when I was 10, a black guy killed my dad (a cop)
when I was 15, a black guy at school bullied me and then beat me up so badly I went to the hospital
when I was 18, a black guy raped my girlfriend and got her pregnant, being catholic, she wasn't allowed an abortion
last year (21), 3 black guys broke into my apartment and took all my shit

are you telling me I shouldn't be?

Why are you racist toward animals?

If I told you one spider is 5x more aggressive than another and I was going to throw one into a room with you you would pick the less aggressive one even though they can both kill you.

have you considered suicide?

because im someone who belives in hard work. i work hard, i get paid, unlike them lazy ass welfare living niggers

Categorically untrue, but there is a positive correlation between stupidity and racism.

i dont think people are born inherently racist they develop it through experience. All my life every shitty driver in front of me, people whole stole shit, people who were assaulted was all done by niggers. So if judging a group of people based on experience is racist then okay i guess i am. Another example every gay person i know or have spoken with was sexually abused as a child, my outlook now is being gay is caused by childhood molestation.

Because a nig touched me in middle school
Tried to fight back and stop him but lost the fight
Years later i sucked his dick after school

no, but I have considered moving out of Maryland

I hear Chicago is nice

this happened in chicago

Chicago is full of niggers I live here