Okay, this is ridiculous. Please bring it back. This place has sucked since the fappening happened...

Okay, this is ridiculous. Please bring it back. This place has sucked since the fappening happened. One shooter used an image board, so if he went to Wendy’s on occasion, do we have to ban Wendy’s? Come on man. What the fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:


there's an unofficial knockoff floating around zeronet

>One shooter
More than one.

Too much cheese pizza there

So how long until it turns into a giant honeypot, if it isn't already?

Two mass shooters livestreamed on Facebook, and a mentally-disabled man was tortured on Facebook a few years ago.

When is Facebook going to lose it's hosting?

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That's literally what zeronet exists for. They fucked up by deciding to move a chan there and thinking it could stay clean.

Facebook also said they are doing something about it.
The idiot running your dead chan board crowed about how he was too good to do anything about it, on top of a long festering situation.
The question I have is how will gook moot tamp down the outliers on this site before someone goes full retard.

People are retarded OP get over it and find some other image board that losers hang around and most plebs haven't heard about yet.

>want to find a nice Yea Forums alternative for when I get banned from here
>all of them are SLOW AS FUCK
Seriously, is there anywhere at all where I can easily post anonymously AND has a large enough community?

yea but you need tor in order for the website to load

>The very same situation going on at 2x4chan already happened here on Yea Forums
And actual M00t brought the hammer down on the shitspewers, which is how dead chan got created in the first place.
What I am concerned about is the same idiots coming back here.

yes facebook

I thought that was what 8ch was all about???

>the creator of 8ch

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420chan is pretty populated for an alternate

I've learned in recent times, mainly thanks to the kik room epidemic, that we overestimate the government's ability and willingness to lay out things in areas like this.

Why do you dumb cunts not understand that this was the company's choice to make. It's not like the shutdown was government enforced

No, it takes time, but it comes about.
Tor is a perfect example.

Nothing of value was lost. Hotwheels-chan was shit.


there is no knockoff board anymore it got shut down as well

People are genuinely going on about censorship, but I don't know how the board owner didn't see this coming.
If he really cared, steps could have been taken.

Yeah right


no it was about friendship

We are around. Infinity by def is forever. Still digging, still meming, still praying. The operation continues... We exist and persevere. Shadilay

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tfw when wasn't on 8ch when it got shut down so i missed where it moved to

dunno it just doesn't seem to be up anymore

But isn’t that only for drugs and shit? Or does it have boards for other topics?

What? Never saw club penguin there

yea i think he was just making that up

Or you haven't looked for it.

unless you are referring to a different board than Yea Forums on there, that shit loads slow as shit anyway

Of course it does, it is based on torrent tech.

yea i know, but anyway Yea Forums is clean so i don't know what you're trying to say exactly

If chu think 4chin.com sucks then fuck off m8

>Yea Forums is clean
You really think that?

Well, you couldn't be grown up about it. Anonymity allowed the stupid people to be stupid and you laughed and rejoiced because "muh epic trolling XD" And this is why you can't have nice things, because someone always shits it up. If you hadn't gone full retard, no one would have ever noticed, but you just couldn't help yourself, could you? It's a classic story.

there's like 10 threads so unless we are discussing different sites then yes i do

I like the way you think, fuck Wendy's!

There was two or three, this year alone. Brenton Tarrant was the inspiration for them all, and the first one. There was that John Earnest in San Diego and then whatever that El Paso kid's name was. Crusius, I believe, he looked like McLOVIN.

I have Wendy's coupons. This product placement has made me hungry for a greasy triple
dead cow & pig sammich.

Don't worry, it'll be back. Give it some time. Freedom always wins.

Doesn’t that indicate that it had a better platform to support free speech?

I pray Yea Forums is next.

The 100% of people that killed another person drank water. Let's ban water.

Only total fags used infinitychan anyways, nothing of value was lost

Fo real tho, 8ch was great and didn't deserve this

>it's free speech to protect murderers' hate filled screeds because they will suicide before facing justice in the legal system
Alright, I'll ask: why do you think "free speech" means "say whatever you want, whenever you want, and everyone else just needs to deal with it"?
There is no society on earth that has ever worked in such a manner that didn't collapse in on itself. Why are you actively contributing to the collapse of western civ? Even the fucking Chinese understand the value of maintaining outward harmony.

If by support free speech you mean the autistic screech of nigger hating neo nazi wannabe man children and pedophiles then sure, it supported free speech

dumbest comparison i've ever seen

i was a camp counselor at age 15. it was interesting because we cycled through the ages of little kids. i happened to start at the bottom, with practically babies. 4-5 year olds. fucking stupid. some still in diapers. next weeks, 6 year olds. still stupid. next weeks, 7 year olds. that was fucking cool. they're FUN. they're slightly cool, can get a joke, but sometimes they're a little sensitive; i punched a boy as a joke, because it was the style to give joke punches and he started crying. i tried to explain that i LIKED him and it was like, a sign that we were buddies but he couldn't believe it. he was finally satisfied when i told him to punch me back as hard as he could. kids. then, i went to the 8-9 year olds. they were fucking ASSHOLES. the problem with kids at that age is that they learn the horror of sarcasm. they learn how to make fun of people, that you can express something you don't mean, at the expense of others.

younger children take everything at face value. it can hurt if they don't get the joke or can stand back and consider it for the sake of expression.

are you still 7 years old?

If platforms are responsible for the shit that their users post, then Yea Forums, Fagbook, Twitter and pretty much everything should be shut down, correct? You can't cherry pick which platforms should be held responsible for content and which ones aren't. It's only fair for it to be an all or nothing setup. All of that said, hotwheels was and is a faggot. And, hotwheelschan was and is shit. But still, it's a platform that people chose to use and if it has to be shoahed because of a couple of cunts, then nothing should still be up, because every platform has cunts that call for violence, that post manifestos, that are pedophiles and etc.

>Please bring it back
Who are you even talking to you autist? You think Yea Forums stole your 8 chin?

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Your error is trying to shield yourself by saying "it's all a joke!" when that stops being true when real people end up dead.
So you seem to miss the point.

What's the point of your argument? That user can't take a joke? If /pol/ was once a place where sarcastic shit posting was all there was to it, it has obviously moved past that and become the cancerous cesspool it is today and has been for many years. Infinity chan was Yea Forums and /pol/ retarded kid, it was shit, it made no money and unless you unironically think you belong to the master race there was literally no point on attempting to be part of it's communities.

You are correct, platforms shouldn't be held responsible for the content their users post. However if they give two shit they'll moderate to ensure quality posting or to kill any kind of discussing that does not align with the over all community point of view. Now hotwheelschan was created with the idea of "free speech" in mind, a platform built with the intent of being a better Yea Forums.
What not so surprisingly ended up being was a place where man children could spam the word nigger, feel good about themselves and the edgiest of them all could post their manifestos.
Facebook as well as Twitter actively censor "problematic" content as that is not what those platforms were intended to host. Hotwheelschan on the other hand was always about "problematic" content.


I mean, if that’s what people with freedom speak about, doesn’t that say more about the restrictions society places on people than the people themselves? We’re censored to the point where it’s considered normal.

>found God, found peace in his own heart and his lot in life, disavowed hotwheelschan entirely, regrets creating it
I think the spud can understand how M00t felt when he finally left Yea Forums behind.
So you are an anarchist, then?

>”I don’t like what you say, but I’ll defend your right to say it.”
You’re just a hippie communist dick sucker.

>So you are an anarchist, then?
Government isn’t society you fag.

Anarchist want to break down orderly society, not simply government. Please learn what the words you use means.
This doesn't translate to "I'll defend you screaming obscenities in the middle of a busy street" the way you want it to.

It says a lot about the users of the site, it wasn't that popular and there wasn't any discussion, just mindless circle jerking.

Nope. Merriam-Webster literally defines it as a state without government. Pls educate yourself, nerd.

Also, posting on a forum isn’t the same as disturbing the peace, you pseudo-intellectual mouth breather.

i don't think free speech works in communism. people are prone to be offended. people shouldn't be allowed to offend others in communism. freedom should be allowing people to express themselves. in fact, after all my time trying to appreciate hippies, they were only hip to being weak and accepting but they didn't like anything that didn't accept anyone else. that... doesn't equate to freedom of expression.

for some reason, i am reminded of "the producers". they realize that they can't come up with a good musical production so they decide to raise a ton of money for something they know will bomb. they choose a screenplay from a neo-nazi called "springtime for hitler" and get some wacko called "LSD" to play hitler and the audience is first horrified and then starts to laugh their ass off and the show becomes a hit.

think about it.


I’m okay with that.

>posting on a forum isn’t the same as disturbing the peace
Y'know, I seem to remember... this one time... on Yea Forums... the Superbowl....

I didn’t read everything you wrote, and I’m not going to. The communist remark was made to indicate that you are a commie for not supporting muh freedums.

Woah the Super Bowl browsed Yea Forums on its giant screens and posted obscenities?

I really hope you are just acting dumb and are not actually this stupid.

Stupid posts call for stupid replies. I dunno.

Alright, try this again for the simpletons out there.
>posting on a forum isn’t the same as disturbing the peace
You said this.
I then referenced the Superbowl bomb threat, posted on Yea Forums's Yea Forums Random board, and how the poster was found, charged with and found guilty of Terroristic Threat.
You are so directly wrong, it's almost, dare I say it, obscene.
You are truly are one of hotwheelchan's real posters, people so out of touch with the real world that don't even know about events in their own lifetimes that influenced their online habits.

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>MODS have got buffed up since the shooting
the BAN is real this time even if you change the IP it won't work anymore be careful

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