Trap thread

Trap thread

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am i good enough?

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can i pass ?

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Seen this here a few times. What's her name?

cute bulge

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Oh definitely

Maybe if you paying football

Your super cute, bulge is amazing

i'm so skinny

Attached: WIN_20190809_12_27_30_Pro.jpg (640x480, 66K)


And masculine too!

but so addict to cock

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Thank you, my butt is trash though

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now that's one butt i would put my finger in

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Little fag slave gag in daddy's cock

Thanks, jesus

No. You have a particularly masculine jaw and bone structure. That doesn't matter tho, if you do it right, it doesn't matter if you're passable or not. Just take really good care of your health and skin and teeth and body, and then wear whatever you want and fuck whoever you want. This desire to be something else for sexual gratification is rooted in self loathing and no amount of dressing up will make you feel better about yourself, far from it. It might be a meme but tidying your room, getting your finances in order, and taking care of yourself physically are the best building blocks to mental wellbeing and once you're there, you'll see that this perversion is unhealthy. Sleep with whoever you want and be whoever you want but don't try to change yourself beyond recognition, that's always wrong. I love you user, you're gonna make it x

Let me sniff

Lol it is trash, Start eating more carbs and doing ass exercises.

ive been on a trap server for a few days and got kicked hahaha. i didnt think it was true but god damn some of them are so pussified if they had the courage to even attempt to come out of their shells they would spontaneously combust -flamez im talking to you

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wouldnt it be muscular? i dont think i can put on fat there because im a guy

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The fuck is that ugly thing, a scone with downs syndrome?

you're already gay user , nothing can stop you from becoming gay. you only unawarely finds the dick attractive even if you think you like the female body of a trap. Ella Hollywood is a good pornstar btw

nah ah they are girls because they identify as girls. their feelings matter. they are real people

>they are girl
biologically no 'cause they have penises. Penis = man , man = gay. Even if the man looks like a girl it still a faggety man

nooooooo ahhhhh eeeeeh grosssss penis. its a boy pussy

I think it’s cute. Ass exercises will help it grow if you chose too though

No. They're boys with a mental issue.
If I say I'm Napoleon, Emperor of the French, and that's how I self-identify, that doesn't make it true. It makes it a delusion. Same with these fuck sluts.

They're insane.

But that does not mean we can't take some form of enjoyment from them.

thank youu. Idk if i should

lmao is there a discord for people like you