How do you win an argument?

How do you win an argument?

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thwo lettuc to distract

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By farting

Convince the other person that you are correct

Knowing how to "lose" is more important. if your arguments are always about who's right and wrong you're retarded.

but someone is right and someone is wrong, right?

It doesn't matter.

"A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still"

Read the chapter in How to Win Friends and Influence people




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no thanks

Protip: You can't


I just quote diatribes from '80s wrestlers.

but the other person can? why can't I

Facts and honesty are enough. Even if they don't concede to you, the seeds have been planted.

but I need to be right, I need them to know that I'm right, and I need them to either stop having the wrong opinion or stop existing

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do what wingnuts do: post a meme

No such thing as a wrong opinion. Sounds more like you want to learn how to gaslight someone.

It's a lot harder to be a good winner than to be a good loser.

Call the other person a racist, sexiest, homophobe, bigot, etc. Seems to be the most common tactic.

If you're a lefty/eurofat?
Attack typos as spelling errors, strawman, and ad hominem.

There is definitely such a thing as a wrong opinion; in my opinion the sky is red, right or wrong?

begin masturbating furiously until the other person becomes speechless. no speech = no argument

You generally have to try and find common ground, and come to a compromise, in general straight up attacking a point will just harden their resolve on the point, if you make them feel defensive, they will defend their point regardless of any facts used.

It's right, or you are lying.
If you are telling the truth, and your opinion is that the sky is red, then maybe you have eye problems, maybe its evening, when the sky is red, maybe you grew up calling blue red

but their points are all shit

I've seen red skies
look west at sunset

Well you cant win the argument, if you attack their point you can never win, if you gently bring up your points, and keep them calm, and allowed time(weeks, months) to reflect, they could change their opinion.
Attacking their point will only make them believe in it more. And fight for it more

Hes 13 and has only ever played fortnight and minecraft at dusk

what if they attack my points and don't want to compromise

A man who those words say, is really fucking gay

It's my opinion that There is such a thing as a wrong opinion

Okay try another scenario; taxation is theft
Not exactly right now is it?

Be right, be American.

You can get worked up and scream till your red in the facez and nothing will change, or just walk away.
But you're showing your power level, anyone over 20 or so should know this unless you have severely stunted social skills.

That's a statement about a fact.
Since theft has a legal definition, it's not truly an opinion.
If you said "I think taxation is theft" that opinion isn't wrong, and you could argue for and against that point.


In my opinion vaccines cause autism

Despite the plethora of peer reviewed scientific data that’s debunks this is my opinion wrong?

No, your opinion isn't wrong.

Just hit them. That's how Yea Forums

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If you turned it into a statement.
"Vaccines cause autism." Then you could argue it with facts, and evidence, which point to the statement being incorrect.

>if I just say everything is just my opinion, I am never wrong!
In my opinion, you should neck yourself.

It's not black monkeys okay. This is Yea Forums

you will be surprised when you find out how many people are not able to do this. I usually don't argue with people, because I know they won't even listen to my points in the first place. Seems like a waste of time.

Fact trumps opinion.
Once it becomes a matter of fact, one side becomes right and the other side becomes retarded.

No niggers.

Nice try retard

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Then opinion has no place in argument or debate

say thats sexist, racist, etc. will shut down all discorse on account of the opposing person being scared of being labeled as such even if its unrelated and or false.

someone once tried to tell me, with a straight face, that facts are merely strongly held opinions

Still doesn’t mean that opinions can’t be wrong though

>opinion based on a single completely retracted study
Yeah not wrong at all

As a statement that is incorrect.
An opinion isn't correct either, it just is.

Ah yes, you witnessed the majesty of a full blooded retard. In our current time it is hard to find such a rare specimen.

Yelling and name-calling

by being right


when losing an arguement, start playing the communist theme, then everyone must share the win/loss

by not giving a fuck if you win or not and taking your time to think what you are gonna say next

Flatter opposition with making good points yadayadaya, they're almost right.. But not quite yet

because you're a fag

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